Model Context Protocol Server for Solana Client
by tywenk
- src
from typing import Optional
from mcp.server import FastMCP
from solana.rpc.async_api import AsyncClient
from solana.rpc.commitment import Commitment
from solana.rpc.types import TokenAccountOpts
from solders.message import Message # type: ignore
from solders.pubkey import Pubkey # type: ignore
from solders.signature import Signature # type: ignore
from solders.system_program import TransferParams, transfer
mcp = FastMCP("Solana Client")
rpc_url = ""
async def get_balance(address: str) -> str:
"""Returns the balance of the account of provided Pubkey.
address (str): Pubkey of account to query
str: Account balance response in the format "Balance of {address}: {balance}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
balance = await client.get_balance(Pubkey.from_string(address))
return f"Balance of {address}: {balance}"
async def get_transaction(hash: str) -> str:
"""Returns transaction details for a confirmed transaction.
hash (str): Transaction signature as base-58 encoded string
str: Transaction details in the format "Transaction: {transaction}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
transaction = await client.get_transaction(
Signature.from_string(hash), max_supported_transaction_version=0
return f"Transaction: {transaction}"
async def get_block(slot: int) -> str:
"""Returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger.
slot (int): Slot number as u64 integer
str: Block information in the format "Block: {block}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
block = await client.get_block(slot)
return f"Block: {block}"
async def get_block_height() -> str:
"""Returns the current block height of the node.
str: Current block height in the format "Block height: {height}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
height = await client.get_block_height()
return f"Block height: {height}"
async def get_block_time(slot: int) -> str:
"""Fetch the estimated production time of a block.
slot (int): Block slot number
str: Block time in the format "Block time: {time}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
time = await client.get_block_time(slot)
return f"Block time: {time}"
async def get_blocks(start_slot: int, end_slot: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
"""Returns a list of confirmed blocks between two slots.
start_slot (int): Start slot as u64 integer
end_slot (Optional[int], optional): End slot as u64 integer. Defaults to None.
str: List of blocks in the format "Blocks: {blocks}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
blocks = await client.get_blocks(start_slot, end_slot)
return f"Blocks: {blocks}"
async def get_cluster_nodes() -> str:
"""Returns information about all the nodes participating in the cluster.
str: Cluster nodes information in the format "Cluster nodes: {nodes}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
nodes = await client.get_cluster_nodes()
return f"Cluster nodes: {nodes}"
async def get_epoch_info() -> str:
"""Returns information about the current epoch.
str: Epoch information in the format "Epoch info: {info}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
info = await client.get_epoch_info()
return f"Epoch info: {info}"
async def get_epoch_schedule() -> str:
"""Returns epoch schedule information from this cluster's genesis config.
str: Epoch schedule in the format "Epoch schedule: {schedule}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
schedule = await client.get_epoch_schedule()
return f"Epoch schedule: {schedule}"
async def get_genesis_hash() -> str:
"""Returns the genesis hash.
str: Genesis hash in the format "Genesis hash: {hash}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
hash = await client.get_genesis_hash()
return f"Genesis hash: {hash}"
async def get_identity() -> str:
"""Returns the identity pubkey for the current node.
str: Node identity in the format "Node identity: {identity}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
identity = await client.get_identity()
return f"Node identity: {identity}"
async def get_inflation_governor() -> str:
"""Returns the current inflation governor.
str: Inflation governor info in the format "Inflation governor: {governor}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
governor = await client.get_inflation_governor()
return f"Inflation governor: {governor}"
async def get_inflation_rate() -> str:
"""Returns the specific inflation values for the current epoch.
str: Inflation rate info in the format "Inflation rate: {rate}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
rate = await client.get_inflation_rate()
return f"Inflation rate: {rate}"
async def get_largest_accounts() -> str:
"""Returns the 20 largest accounts, by lamport balance.
str: Largest accounts info in the format "Largest accounts: {accounts}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
accounts = await client.get_largest_accounts()
return f"Largest accounts: {accounts}"
async def get_latest_blockhash() -> str:
"""Returns the latest block hash from the ledger.
str: Latest blockhash in the format "Latest blockhash: {blockhash}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
blockhash = await client.get_latest_blockhash()
return f"Latest blockhash: {blockhash}"
async def get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(size: int) -> str:
"""Returns minimum balance required to make account rent exempt.
size (int): Account data length
str: Minimum balance in the format "Minimum balance for rent exemption: {balance}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
balance = await client.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(size)
return f"Minimum balance for rent exemption: {balance}"
async def get_program_accounts(program_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns all accounts owned by the provided program Pubkey.
program_id (str): Pubkey of program to query
str: Program accounts in the format "Program accounts: {accounts}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
accounts = await client.get_program_accounts(Pubkey.from_string(program_id))
return f"Program accounts: {accounts}"
async def get_recent_performance_samples(limit: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
"""Returns a list of recent performance samples, in reverse slot order.
limit (Optional[int], optional): Number of samples to return (maximum 720). Defaults to None.
str: Performance samples in the format "Performance samples: {samples}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
samples = await client.get_recent_performance_samples(limit)
return f"Performance samples: {samples}"
async def get_signature_statuses(signatures: list[str]) -> str:
"""Returns the statuses of a list of signatures.
signatures (list[str]): List of transaction signatures to confirm
str: Signature statuses in the format "Signature statuses: {statuses}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
sigs = [Signature.from_string(sig) for sig in signatures]
statuses = await client.get_signature_statuses(sigs)
return f"Signature statuses: {statuses}"
async def get_slot() -> str:
"""Returns the current slot the node is processing.
str: Current slot in the format "Current slot: {slot}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
slot = await client.get_slot()
return f"Current slot: {slot}"
async def get_slot_leader() -> str:
"""Returns the current slot leader.
str: Slot leader in the format "Slot leader: {leader}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
leader = await client.get_slot_leader()
return f"Slot leader: {leader}"
async def get_supply() -> str:
"""Returns information about the current supply.
str: Supply information in the format "Supply info: {supply}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
supply = await client.get_supply()
return f"Supply info: {supply}"
async def get_token_account_balance(token_account: str) -> str:
"""Returns the token balance of an SPL Token account.
token_account (str): Pubkey of Token account to query
str: Token account balance in the format "Token account balance: {balance}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
balance = await client.get_token_account_balance(
return f"Token account balance: {balance}"
async def get_token_largest_accounts(mint: str) -> str:
"""Returns the 20 largest accounts of a particular SPL Token type.
mint (str): Pubkey of token mint to query
str: Largest token accounts in the format "Largest token accounts: {accounts}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
accounts = await client.get_token_largest_accounts(Pubkey.from_string(mint))
return f"Largest token accounts: {accounts}"
async def get_transaction_count() -> str:
"""Returns the current Transaction count from the ledger.
str: Transaction count in the format "Transaction count: {count}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
count = await client.get_transaction_count()
return f"Transaction count: {count}"
async def get_version() -> str:
"""Returns the current solana versions running on the node.
str: Version information in the format "Version info: {version}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
version = await client.get_version()
return f"Version info: {version}"
async def get_vote_accounts() -> str:
"""Returns the account info and associated stake for all the voting accounts in the current bank.
str: Vote accounts information in the format "Vote accounts: {accounts}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
accounts = await client.get_vote_accounts()
return f"Vote accounts: {accounts}"
async def is_connected() -> str:
"""Health check to verify if the client is connected.
str: Connection status in the format "Connected: {connected}"
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
connected = await client.is_connected()
return f"Connected: {connected}"
async def get_block_commitment(slot: int) -> str:
"""Fetch the commitment for particular block.
slot (int): Block slot number to query
str: Block commitment information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
commitment = await client.get_block_commitment(slot)
return f"Block commitment: {commitment}"
async def confirm_transaction(tx_sig: str, commitment: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Confirm the transaction identified by the specified signature.
tx_sig (str): Transaction signature to confirm
commitment (Optional[str]): Bank state to query ("finalized", "confirmed" or "processed")
str: Transaction confirmation status
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
result = await client.confirm_transaction(
Commitment(commitment) if commitment else None,
return f"Transaction confirmation: {result}"
async def get_account_info(pubkey: str, encoding: str = "base64") -> str:
"""Returns all account info for the specified public key.
pubkey (str): Pubkey of account to query
encoding (str): Encoding for Account data ("base58", "base64", or "jsonParsed")
str: Account information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
info = await client.get_account_info(
Pubkey.from_string(pubkey), encoding=encoding
return f"Account info: {info}"
async def get_fee_for_message(from_pubkey: str, to_pubkey: str, lamports: int) -> str:
"""Returns the fee for a message.
from_pubkey (str): Sender's public key
to_pubkey (str): Recipient's public key
lamports (int): Amount of lamports to transfer
str: Fee information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
msg = Message(
fee = await client.get_fee_for_message(msg)
return f"Message fee: {fee}"
async def get_first_available_block() -> str:
"""Returns the slot of the lowest confirmed block available.
str: First available block information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
block = await client.get_first_available_block()
return f"First available block: {block}"
async def get_inflation_reward(pubkeys: list[str], epoch: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
"""Returns the inflation/staking reward for a list of addresses for an epoch.
pubkeys (list[str]): List of account addresses
epoch (Optional[int]): Epoch for which to calculate rewards
str: Inflation reward information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
pks = [Pubkey.from_string(pk) for pk in pubkeys]
rewards = await client.get_inflation_reward(pks, epoch)
return f"Inflation rewards: {rewards}"
async def get_leader_schedule(epoch: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
"""Returns the leader schedule for an epoch.
epoch (Optional[int]): Epoch to get schedule for
str: Leader schedule information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
schedule = await client.get_leader_schedule(epoch)
return f"Leader schedule: {schedule}"
async def get_minimum_ledger_slot() -> str:
"""Returns the lowest slot that the node has information about in its ledger.
str: Minimum ledger slot information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
slot = await client.get_minimum_ledger_slot()
return f"Minimum ledger slot: {slot}"
async def get_multiple_accounts(pubkeys: list[str], encoding: str = "base64") -> str:
"""Returns the account information for a list of public keys.
pubkeys (list[str]): List of account public keys
encoding (str): Encoding for the account data
str: Multiple accounts information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
pks = [Pubkey.from_string(pk) for pk in pubkeys]
accounts = await client.get_multiple_accounts(pks, encoding=encoding)
return f"Multiple accounts info: {accounts}"
async def get_signatures_for_address(
account: str,
before: Optional[str] = None,
until: Optional[str] = None,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
) -> str:
"""Returns confirmed signatures for transactions involving an address.
account (str): Account address to query
before (Optional[str]): Start searching backwards from this signature
until (Optional[str]): Search until this signature
limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of signatures to return
str: Signatures information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
sigs = await client.get_signatures_for_address(
before=Signature.from_string(before) if before else None,
until=Signature.from_string(until) if until else None,
return f"Signatures for address: {sigs}"
async def get_token_accounts_by_delegate(delegate: str, mint: str) -> str:
"""Returns all SPL Token accounts by approved delegate.
delegate (str): Public key of delegate owner
mint (str): Token mint address
str: Token accounts information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
accounts = await client.get_token_accounts_by_delegate(
Pubkey.from_string(delegate), TokenAccountOpts(Pubkey.from_string(mint))
return f"Token accounts by delegate: {accounts}"
async def get_token_accounts_by_owner(owner: str, mint: str) -> str:
"""Returns all SPL Token accounts by token owner.
owner (str): Public key of token owner
mint (str): Token mint address
str: Token accounts information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
accounts = await client.get_token_accounts_by_owner(
Pubkey.from_string(owner), TokenAccountOpts(Pubkey.from_string(mint))
return f"Token accounts by owner: {accounts}"
async def get_token_supply(mint: str) -> str:
"""Returns the total supply of an SPL Token type.
mint (str): Public key of token mint
str: Token supply information
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
supply = await client.get_token_supply(Pubkey.from_string(mint))
return f"Token supply: {supply}"
async def request_airdrop(address: str, lamports: int) -> str:
"""Request an airdrop of lamports to a Pubkey.
address (str): Public key of recipient
lamports (int): Amount of lamports to request
str: Airdrop request result
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
result = await client.request_airdrop(Pubkey.from_string(address), lamports)
return f"Airdrop request: {result}"
async def send_transaction(txn: bytes) -> str:
"""Send a transaction that has already been signed and serialized into the wire format.
txn (bytes): Signed transaction as bytes
str: Transaction send result
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
result = await client.send_raw_transaction(txn)
return f"Transaction sent: {result}"
async def validator_exit() -> str:
"""Request to have the validator exit.
str: Validator exit request result
async with AsyncClient(rpc_url) as client:
result = await client.validator_exit()
return f"Validator exit request: {result}"