
by Ejb503
# Configuration Directory Documentation ## Overview This directory contains the server configuration and metadata for the MCP server. It centralizes all configuration-related code to make it easy to modify server behavior and capabilities. ## Files ### `server-config.ts` The main configuration file that exports: - `serverConfig`: Server metadata and settings - `serverCapabilities`: Server capability definitions ## Configuration Structure ### Server Configuration ```typescript { name: string; // "systemprompt-agent-server" version: string; // Current server version metadata: { name: string; // "System Prompt Agent Server" description: string; // Server description icon: string; // "solar:align-horizontal-center-line-duotone" color: string; // "primary" serverStartTime: number; // Server start timestamp environment: string; // process.env.NODE_ENV customData: { serverFeatures: string[]; // ["agent", "prompts", "systemprompt"] } } } ``` ### Server Capabilities ```typescript { capabilities: { resources: { listChanged: true, // Support for resource change notifications }, tools: {}, // Tool-specific capabilities prompts: { listChanged: true, // Support for prompt change notifications } } } ``` ## Usage Import the configuration objects from this directory when setting up the MCP server: ```typescript import { serverConfig, serverCapabilities } from "./config/server-config.js"; ``` ## Environment Variables The server uses the following environment variables: - `NODE_ENV`: Determines the runtime environment (development/production) ## Feature Flags The server supports the following features through `serverFeatures`: - `agent`: Agent management capabilities - `prompts`: Prompt creation and management - `systemprompt`: Integration with ## Capabilities The server implements these MCP capabilities: - **Resources**: Supports change notifications for resource updates - **Prompts**: Supports change notifications for prompt updates - **Tools**: Extensible tool system (configuration determined at runtime)