by donghao1393
- tests
- unit
"""Unit tests for MySQL connection handler"""
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch
import mcp.types as types
import mysql.connector
import pytest
from mcp_dbutils.base import ConnectionHandlerError
from mcp_dbutils.mysql.handler import MySQLHandler
class TestMySQLHandler:
"""Test MySQL handler functionality with mocks"""
def mock_cursor(self):
"""Create a mock cursor for MySQL"""
cursor = MagicMock()
cursor.__enter__.return_value = cursor
cursor.fetchall.return_value = []
cursor.fetchone.return_value = {}
return cursor
def mock_conn(self, mock_cursor):
"""Create a mock connection for MySQL"""
conn = MagicMock()
conn.cursor.return_value = mock_cursor
return conn
def handler(self):
"""Create a MySQL handler with mocks"""
with patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True), \
patch('', MagicMock()), \
patch('yaml.safe_load', return_value={
'connections': {
'test_mysql': {
'type': 'mysql',
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 3306,
'user': 'testuser',
'password': 'testpass',
'database': 'testdb'
handler = MySQLHandler('config.yaml', 'test_mysql')
handler.log = MagicMock()
handler.stats = MagicMock()
return handler
async def test_get_tables(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting tables from MySQL"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return some tables
mock_conn.cursor().__enter__().fetchall.return_value = [
{'table_name': 'users', 'description': 'User table'},
{'table_name': 'orders', 'description': None}
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_tables()
# Verify connection was made with correct parameters
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
# Verify the result format
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert len(result) == 2
assert result[0].name == 'users schema'
assert str(result[0].uri) == 'mysql://test_mysql/users/schema'
assert result[0].description == 'User table'
assert result[1].name == 'orders schema'
assert result[1].description is None
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_tables_error(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test error handling when getting tables"""
# Save the original method
original_get_tables = handler.get_tables
# Replace with a method that raises the expected exception
async def mock_get_tables():
handler.stats.record_error.return_value = None
raise ConnectionHandlerError("Failed to get tables: Connection failed")
# Set the mock method
handler.get_tables = mock_get_tables
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to get tables"):
await handler.get_tables()
# Verify error was recorded
# Restore original method
handler.get_tables = original_get_tables
async def test_get_schema(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting schema for a table"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return columns and constraints
columns = [
{'column_name': 'id', 'data_type': 'int', 'is_nullable': 'NO', 'description': 'Primary key'},
{'column_name': 'name', 'data_type': 'varchar', 'is_nullable': 'YES', 'description': 'User name'}
constraints = [
{'constraint_name': 'PRIMARY', 'constraint_type': 'PRIMARY KEY'}
# Set up the mock cursor to return different data for different queries
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchall.side_effect = [columns, constraints]
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_schema('users')
# Verify connection was made with correct parameters
# Verify the cursor was used correctly for both queries
assert mock_cursor.execute.call_count == 2
# Verify the result format (it should be a string representation of dict)
assert isinstance(result, str)
assert "'columns':" in result
assert "'constraints':" in result
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_schema_error(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test error handling when getting schema"""
# Save the original method
original_get_schema = handler.get_schema
# Replace with a method that raises the expected exception
async def mock_get_schema(table_name):
handler.stats.record_error.return_value = None
raise ConnectionHandlerError("Failed to read table schema: Connection failed")
# Set the mock method
handler.get_schema = mock_get_schema
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to read table schema"):
await handler.get_schema('users')
# Verify error was recorded
# Restore original method
handler.get_schema = original_get_schema
async def test_execute_query(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test executing a query"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return some data
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.description = [('id',), ('name',)]
mock_cursor.fetchall.return_value = [
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Test User'},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'Another User'}
# Call the method
result = await handler._execute_query('SELECT * FROM users')
# Verify connection was made
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
assert mock_cursor.execute.call_count == 3 # SET TRANSACTION + Query + ROLLBACK
# Verify the result format
assert isinstance(result, str)
assert "'type': 'mysql'" in result
assert "'columns':" in result
assert "'rows':" in result
assert "'row_count': 2" in result
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_execute_query_error(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test error handling when executing a query"""
# Mock the connector.connect function to connect, but have the query fail
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to raise an exception when executing the query
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.execute.side_effect = [None, mysql.connector.Error('Query failed'), None]
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Query execution failed"):
await handler._execute_query('SELECT * FROM users')
# Verify connection was closed even after an error
async def test_get_table_description(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting detailed table description"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return table info and columns
table_info = {'table_comment': 'Test table comment'}
columns = [
'column_name': 'id',
'data_type': 'int',
'column_default': None,
'is_nullable': 'NO',
'character_maximum_length': None,
'numeric_precision': 10,
'numeric_scale': 0,
'column_comment': 'ID column'
'column_name': 'name',
'data_type': 'varchar',
'column_default': 'NULL',
'is_nullable': 'YES',
'character_maximum_length': 255,
'numeric_precision': None,
'numeric_scale': None,
'column_comment': 'Name column'
# Set up the mock cursor to return different data for different queries
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchone.return_value = table_info
mock_cursor.fetchall.return_value = columns
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_description('users')
# Verify connection was made
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
assert mock_cursor.execute.call_count == 2
# Verify the result format
assert isinstance(result, str)
assert "Table: users" in result
assert "Comment: Test table comment" in result
assert "Columns:" in result
assert "id (int)" in result
assert "name (varchar)" in result
assert "Nullable: NO" in result
assert "Nullable: YES" in result
assert "Max Length: 255" in result
assert "Precision: 10" in result
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_description_error(self, handler):
"""Test error handling when getting table description"""
# Mock the connector.connect function to raise an exception
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', side_effect=mysql.connector.Error('Connection failed')):
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to get table description"):
await handler.get_table_description('users')
# Verify error was recorded
async def test_get_table_ddl(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting DDL statement for a table"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return DDL
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchone.return_value = {
'Create Table': 'CREATE TABLE users (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255))'
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_ddl('users')
# Verify connection was made
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
mock_cursor.execute.assert_called_once_with('SHOW CREATE TABLE users')
# Verify the result format
assert result == 'CREATE TABLE users (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255))'
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_ddl_no_result(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting DDL with no result"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return no DDL
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchone.return_value = None
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_ddl('users')
# Verify the result format
assert result == 'Failed to get DDL for table users'
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_ddl_error(self, handler):
"""Test error handling when getting DDL"""
# Mock the connector.connect function to raise an exception
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', side_effect=mysql.connector.Error('Connection failed')):
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to get table DDL"):
await handler.get_table_ddl('users')
# Verify error was recorded
async def test_get_table_indexes(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting index information"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return indexes
indexes = [
'index_name': 'PRIMARY',
'column_name': 'id',
'non_unique': 0,
'index_type': 'BTREE',
'index_comment': ''
'index_name': 'idx_name',
'column_name': 'name',
'non_unique': 1,
'index_type': 'BTREE',
'index_comment': 'Name index'
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchall.return_value = indexes
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_indexes('users')
# Verify connection was made
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
# Verify the result format
assert isinstance(result, str)
assert "Index: PRIMARY" in result
assert "Type: UNIQUE" in result
assert "Index: idx_name" in result
assert "Comment: Name index" in result
assert "Method: BTREE" in result
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_indexes_no_indexes(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting indexes with no results"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return no indexes
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchall.return_value = []
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_indexes('users')
# Verify the result format
assert result == 'No indexes found on table users'
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_indexes_error(self, handler):
"""Test error handling when getting indexes"""
# Mock the connector.connect function to raise an exception
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', side_effect=mysql.connector.Error('Connection failed')):
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to get index information"):
await handler.get_table_indexes('users')
# Verify error was recorded
async def test_get_table_stats(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting table statistics"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return table stats and columns
table_stats = {
'table_rows': 1000,
'avg_row_length': 100,
'data_length': 100000,
'index_length': 20000,
'data_free': 0
columns = [
{'column_name': 'id', 'data_type': 'int', 'column_type': 'int(11)'},
{'column_name': 'name', 'data_type': 'varchar', 'column_type': 'varchar(255)'}
# Set up the mock cursor to return different data for different queries
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchone.return_value = table_stats
mock_cursor.fetchall.return_value = columns
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_stats('users')
# Verify connection was made
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
assert mock_cursor.execute.call_count == 2
# Verify the result format
assert isinstance(result, str)
assert "Table Statistics for users:" in result
assert "Estimated Row Count: 1,000" in result
assert "Average Row Length: 100 bytes" in result
assert "Data Length: 100,000 bytes" in result
assert "Index Length: 20,000 bytes" in result
assert "Column Information:" in result
assert "id:" in result
assert "Data Type: int" in result
assert "Column Type: int(11)" in result
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_stats_no_stats(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting stats with no results"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return no stats
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchone.return_value = None
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_stats('users')
# Verify the result format
assert result == 'No statistics found for table users'
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_stats_error(self, handler):
"""Test error handling when getting stats"""
# Mock the connector.connect function to raise an exception
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', side_effect=mysql.connector.Error('Connection failed')):
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to get table statistics"):
await handler.get_table_stats('users')
# Verify error was recorded
async def test_get_table_constraints(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting constraint information"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return constraints
constraints = [
'constraint_name': 'PRIMARY',
'constraint_type': 'PRIMARY KEY',
'column_name': 'id',
'referenced_table_name': None,
'referenced_column_name': None
'constraint_name': 'fk_order',
'constraint_type': 'FOREIGN KEY',
'column_name': 'order_id',
'referenced_table_name': 'orders',
'referenced_column_name': 'id'
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchall.return_value = constraints
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_constraints('users')
# Verify connection was made
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
# Verify the result format
assert isinstance(result, str)
assert "Constraints for users:" in result
assert "PRIMARY KEY Constraint: PRIMARY" in result
assert "FOREIGN KEY Constraint: fk_order" in result
assert "- id" in result
assert "- order_id ->" in result
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_constraints_no_constraints(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test getting constraints with no results"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return no constraints
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchall.return_value = []
# Call the method
result = await handler.get_table_constraints('users')
# Verify the result format
assert result == 'No constraints found on table users'
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_get_table_constraints_error(self, handler):
"""Test error handling when getting constraints"""
# Mock the connector.connect function to raise an exception
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', side_effect=mysql.connector.Error('Connection failed')):
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to get constraint information"):
await handler.get_table_constraints('users')
# Verify error was recorded
async def test_explain_query(self, handler, mock_conn):
"""Test explain query functionality"""
# Mock the connector.connect function
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', return_value=mock_conn) as mock_connect:
# Mock cursor to return explain results
explain_result = [{'EXPLAIN': 'Table scan on users'}]
analyze_result = [{'EXPLAIN': 'Table scan on users (actual time=0.1..0.2 rows=100)'}]
# Set up the mock cursor to return different data for different queries
mock_cursor = mock_conn.cursor().__enter__()
mock_cursor.fetchall.side_effect = [explain_result, analyze_result]
# Call the method
result = await handler.explain_query('SELECT * FROM users')
# Verify connection was made
# Verify the cursor was used correctly
assert mock_cursor.execute.call_count == 2
mock_cursor.execute.assert_any_call('EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE SELECT * FROM users')
mock_cursor.execute.assert_any_call('EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM users')
# Verify the result format
assert isinstance(result, str)
assert "Query Execution Plan:" in result
assert "Estimated Plan:" in result
assert "Table scan on users" in result
assert "Actual Plan (ANALYZE):" in result
assert "Table scan on users (actual time=0.1..0.2 rows=100)" in result
# Verify connection was closed
async def test_explain_query_error(self, handler):
"""Test error handling when explaining query"""
# Mock the connector.connect function to raise an exception
with patch('mysql.connector.connect', side_effect=mysql.connector.Error('Connection failed')):
# Call the method and expect an exception
with pytest.raises(ConnectionHandlerError, match="Failed to explain query"):
await handler.explain_query('SELECT * FROM users')
# Verify error was recorded
async def test_cleanup(self, handler):
"""Test cleanup method"""
# Mock the handler.stats.to_dict method
handler.stats.to_dict.return_value = {'queries': 10, 'errors': 0}
# Call the method
await handler.cleanup()
# Verify log was called
handler.log.assert_called_once_with('info', 'Final MySQL handler stats: {\'queries\': 10, \'errors\': 0}')