by donghao1393
- tests
- unit
"""Unit tests for base connection classes"""
import json
import os
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, mock_open, patch
import mcp.types as types
import pytest
import yaml
from mcp_dbutils.base import (
class MockConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler):
"""Mock implementation of ConnectionHandler for testing"""
def __init__(self, config_path, connection, debug=False):
super().__init__(config_path, connection, debug)
self.db_type = "mock"
self.cleanup_called = False
def db_type(self) -> str:
return self._db_type
def db_type(self, value):
self._db_type = value
async def get_tables(self) -> list[types.Resource]:
return [
description="Test table 1",
async def get_schema(self, table_name: str) -> str:
return json.dumps({
"columns": [
{"name": "id", "type": "INTEGER", "nullable": False},
{"name": "name", "type": "TEXT", "nullable": True}
async def _execute_query(self, sql: str) -> str:
if "error" in sql.lower():
raise ConnectionError("Test query error")
return json.dumps({
"columns": ["id", "name"],
"rows": [{"id": 1, "name": "Test"}]
async def get_table_description(self, table_name: str) -> str:
return f"Description for {table_name}"
async def get_table_ddl(self, table_name: str) -> str:
return f"CREATE TABLE {table_name} (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)"
async def get_table_indexes(self, table_name: str) -> str:
return f"Indexes for {table_name}: idx_name"
async def get_table_stats(self, table_name: str) -> str:
return f"Stats for {table_name}: 100 rows, 10KB"
async def get_table_constraints(self, table_name: str) -> str:
return f"Constraints for {table_name}: PRIMARY KEY (id)"
async def explain_query(self, sql: str) -> str:
return f"Explain plan for: {sql}"
async def cleanup(self):
self.cleanup_called = True
class TestConnectionHandler:
"""Test ConnectionHandler abstract base class"""
def handler(self):
"""Create a mock connection handler"""
return MockConnectionHandler("/path/to/config.yaml", "test_connection", debug=True)
def test_init(self, handler):
"""Test initialization"""
assert handler.config_path == "/path/to/config.yaml"
assert handler.connection == "test_connection"
assert handler.debug is True
assert handler.db_type == "mock"
assert hasattr(handler, "stats")
assert hasattr(handler, "log")
async def test_execute_query_success(self, handler):
"""Test successful query execution"""
result = await handler.execute_query("SELECT * FROM test")
assert "columns" in result
assert "rows" in result
assert handler.stats.query_count == 1
assert len(handler.stats.query_durations) == 1
async def test_execute_query_error(self, handler):
"""Test query execution with error"""
with pytest.raises(ConnectionError, match="Test query error"):
await handler.execute_query("SELECT * FROM error_table")
assert handler.stats.query_count == 1
assert len(handler.stats.error_types) == 1
assert handler.stats.error_types.get("ConnectionError") == 1
async def test_execute_tool_query(self, handler):
"""Test tool query execution"""
# Test describe table
result = await handler.execute_tool_query("dbutils-describe-table", table_name="test_table")
assert "[mock]" in result
assert "Description for test_table" in result
# Test get DDL
result = await handler.execute_tool_query("dbutils-get-ddl", table_name="test_table")
assert "[mock]" in result
assert "CREATE TABLE test_table" in result
# Test list indexes
result = await handler.execute_tool_query("dbutils-list-indexes", table_name="test_table")
assert "[mock]" in result
assert "Indexes for test_table" in result
# Test get stats
result = await handler.execute_tool_query("dbutils-get-stats", table_name="test_table")
assert "[mock]" in result
assert "Stats for test_table" in result
# Test list constraints
result = await handler.execute_tool_query("dbutils-list-constraints", table_name="test_table")
assert "[mock]" in result
assert "Constraints for test_table" in result
# Test explain query
result = await handler.execute_tool_query("dbutils-explain-query", sql="SELECT * FROM test")
assert "[mock]" in result
assert "Explain plan for" in result
async def test_execute_tool_query_error(self, handler):
"""Test tool query execution with errors"""
# Test unknown tool
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown tool"):
await handler.execute_tool_query("unknown-tool")
# Test explain query without SQL
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await handler.execute_tool_query("dbutils-explain-query")
async def test_send_log(self, handler):
"""Test send_log method"""
# Without MCP session
handler.send_log("info", "Test message")
# With MCP session
mock_session = MagicMock()
mock_request_context = MagicMock()
mock_session.request_context = mock_request_context
handler._session = mock_session
handler.send_log("error", "Test error message")
class TestConnectionServer:
"""Test ConnectionServer class"""
def mock_config_yaml(self):
"""Mock configuration YAML content"""
return """
type: sqlite
path: /path/to/test.db
type: postgres
host: localhost
port: 5432
database: test_db
user: test_user
password: test_password
type: mysql
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: test_db
user: test_user
password: test_password
type: invalid_type
host: localhost
def server(self):
"""Create a connection server"""
with patch('', mock_open()):
server = ConnectionServer("/path/to/config.yaml", debug=True)
return server
def test_init(self, server):
"""Test initialization"""
assert server.config_path == "/path/to/config.yaml"
assert server.debug is True
assert hasattr(server, "server")
assert hasattr(server, "logger")
def test_send_log(self, server):
"""Test send_log method"""
# Without MCP session
server.send_log("info", "Test message")
# With MCP session
mock_session = MagicMock()
server.server.session = mock_session
server.send_log("error", "Test error message")
# Test with exception
mock_session.send_log_message.side_effect = Exception("Test exception")
server.send_log("error", "This should not raise")
async def test_get_handler_sqlite(self, server, mock_config_yaml):
"""Test get_handler for SQLite"""
with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mock_config_yaml)), \
patch('mcp_dbutils.sqlite.handler.SQLiteHandler') as mock_handler_class:
mock_handler = MagicMock()
mock_handler.stats = MagicMock()
mock_handler.cleanup = AsyncMock()
mock_handler_class.return_value = mock_handler
async with server.get_handler("test_sqlite") as handler:
assert handler == mock_handler
mock_handler_class.assert_called_once_with("/path/to/config.yaml", "test_sqlite", True)
# Verify cleanup was called
async def test_get_handler_postgres(self, server, mock_config_yaml):
"""Test get_handler for PostgreSQL"""
with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mock_config_yaml)), \
patch('mcp_dbutils.postgres.handler.PostgreSQLHandler') as mock_handler_class:
mock_handler = MagicMock()
mock_handler.stats = MagicMock()
mock_handler.cleanup = AsyncMock()
mock_handler_class.return_value = mock_handler
async with server.get_handler("test_postgres") as handler:
assert handler == mock_handler
mock_handler_class.assert_called_once_with("/path/to/config.yaml", "test_postgres", True)
# Verify cleanup was called
async def test_get_handler_mysql(self, server, mock_config_yaml):
"""Test get_handler for MySQL"""
with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mock_config_yaml)), \
patch('mcp_dbutils.mysql.handler.MySQLHandler') as mock_handler_class:
mock_handler = MagicMock()
mock_handler.stats = MagicMock()
mock_handler.cleanup = AsyncMock()
mock_handler_class.return_value = mock_handler
async with server.get_handler("test_mysql") as handler:
assert handler == mock_handler
mock_handler_class.assert_called_once_with("/path/to/config.yaml", "test_mysql", True)
# Verify cleanup was called
async def test_get_handler_errors(self, server, mock_config_yaml):
"""Test get_handler with various error conditions"""
# Test invalid connection
with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mock_config_yaml)), \
pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="Connection not found"):
async with server.get_handler("non_existent"):
# Test invalid database type
with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mock_config_yaml)), \
pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="Unsupported database type"):
async with server.get_handler("test_invalid"):
# Test missing type
with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mock_config_yaml)), \
pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="must include 'type' field"):
async with server.get_handler("test_missing_type"):
# Test invalid YAML
with patch('', mock_open(read_data="invalid_yaml")), \
pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="Configuration file must contain 'connections' section"):
async with server.get_handler("test_sqlite"):
# Test import error
with patch('', mock_open(read_data=mock_config_yaml)), \
patch('mcp_dbutils.sqlite.handler.SQLiteHandler', side_effect=ImportError("Test import error")), \
pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="Failed to import handler"):
async with server.get_handler("test_sqlite"):
async def test_handle_list_resources(self, server):
"""Test list_resources handler"""
# Test without connection
mock_handler = AsyncMock()
mock_tables = [MagicMock(), MagicMock()]
mock_handler.get_tables.return_value = mock_tables
# 创建一个返回mock_handler的上下文管理器
async def mock_get_handler(connection):
yield mock_handler
# 打补丁替换server.get_handler
with patch.object(server, 'get_handler', mock_get_handler):
# 创建一个模拟的handle_list_resources函数
async def mock_handle_list_resources(arguments=None):
if not arguments or 'connection' not in arguments:
return []
connection = arguments['connection']
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
return await handler.get_tables()
# 测试无连接情况
result = await mock_handle_list_resources()
assert result == []
# 测试有连接情况
result = await mock_handle_list_resources({"connection": "test_connection"})
assert result == mock_tables
async def test_handle_read_resource(self, server):
"""Test read_resource handler"""
# 创建模拟处理程序
mock_handler = AsyncMock()
mock_schema = '{"columns": [{"name": "id", "type": "INTEGER"}]}'
mock_handler.get_schema.return_value = mock_schema
# 创建一个返回mock_handler的上下文管理器
async def mock_get_handler(connection):
yield mock_handler
# 打补丁替换server.get_handler
with patch.object(server, 'get_handler', mock_get_handler):
# 创建一个模拟的handle_read_resource函数
async def mock_handle_read_resource(uri, arguments=None):
if not arguments or 'connection' not in arguments:
parts = uri.split('/')
if len(parts) < 3:
raise ConfigurationError(INVALID_URI_FORMAT_ERROR)
connection = arguments['connection']
table_name = parts[-2] # URI format: xxx/table_name/schema
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
return await handler.get_schema(table_name)
# 测试无连接情况
with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match=CONNECTION_NAME_REQUIRED_ERROR):
await mock_handle_read_resource("mock://table/schema")
# 测试无效URI格式
with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match=INVALID_URI_FORMAT_ERROR):
await mock_handle_read_resource("invalid_uri", {"connection": "test_connection"})
# 测试有效URI
result = await mock_handle_read_resource("mock://table1/schema", {"connection": "test_connection"})
assert result == mock_schema
async def test_handle_list_tools(self, server):
"""Test list_tools handler"""
# 直接使用server._setup_handlers中定义的handle_list_tools函数
# 我们可以通过打补丁的方式来测试它
with patch.object(server, '_setup_handlers'):
# 创建一个模拟的handle_list_tools函数
async def mock_handle_list_tools():
return [
description="Execute read-only SQL query on database connection",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connection": {
"type": "string",
"sql": {
"type": "string",
"description": "SQL query (SELECT only)"
"required": ["connection", "sql"]
description="List all available tables in the specified database connection",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connection": {
"type": "string",
"required": ["connection"]
description="Get detailed information about a table's structure",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connection": {
"type": "string",
"table": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Table name to describe"
"required": ["connection", "table"]
description="Get execution plan for a SQL query",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connection": {
"type": "string",
"sql": {
"type": "string",
"description": "SQL query to explain"
"required": ["connection", "sql"]
# 将模拟函数赋值给server
server._handle_list_tools = mock_handle_list_tools
# Test tool list
tools = await server._handle_list_tools()
assert len(tools) > 0
# Verify some specific tools
tool_names = [ for tool in tools]
assert "dbutils-run-query" in tool_names
assert "dbutils-list-tables" in tool_names
assert "dbutils-describe-table" in tool_names
assert "dbutils-explain-query" in tool_names
async def test_handle_call_tool(self, server):
"""Test call_tool handler"""
# 创建模拟处理程序
mock_handler = AsyncMock()
mock_handler.db_type = "mock"
mock_handler.get_tables.return_value = [
types.Resource(uri="mock://table1/schema", name="Table 1", description="Test table")
mock_handler.execute_query.return_value = '{"columns": ["id"], "rows": [{"id": 1}]}'
mock_handler.execute_tool_query.return_value = "[mock]\nTest result"
mock_handler.explain_query.return_value = "Test explain plan"
mock_handler.stats = MagicMock()
mock_handler.stats.get_performance_stats.return_value = "Test performance stats"
# 创建一个返回mock_handler的上下文管理器
async def mock_get_handler(connection):
yield mock_handler
# 打补丁替换server.get_handler
with patch.object(server, 'get_handler', mock_get_handler):
# 导入需要的模块
from datetime import datetime
from mcp_dbutils.base import LOG_LEVEL_ERROR
# 创建一个模拟的handle_call_tool函数
async def mock_handle_call_tool(name, arguments):
if "connection" not in arguments:
connection = arguments["connection"]
if name == "dbutils-list-tables":
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
tables = await handler.get_tables()
if not tables:
# 空表列表的情况也返回数据库类型
return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=f"[{handler.db_type}] No tables found")]
formatted_tables = "\n".join([
f"Table: {}\n" +
f"URI: {table.uri}\n" +
(f"Description: {table.description}\n" if table.description else "") +
for table in tables
# 添加数据库类型前缀
return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=f"[{handler.db_type}]\n{formatted_tables}")]
elif name == "dbutils-run-query":
sql = arguments.get("sql", "").strip()
if not sql:
raise ConfigurationError(EMPTY_QUERY_ERROR)
# Only allow SELECT statements
if not sql.lower().startswith("select"):
raise ConfigurationError(SELECT_ONLY_ERROR)
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
result = await handler.execute_query(sql)
return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=result)]
elif name in ["dbutils-describe-table", "dbutils-get-ddl", "dbutils-list-indexes",
"dbutils-get-stats", "dbutils-list-constraints"]:
table = arguments.get("table", "").strip()
if not table:
raise ConfigurationError(EMPTY_TABLE_NAME_ERROR)
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
result = await handler.execute_tool_query(name, table_name=table)
return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=result)]
elif name == "dbutils-explain-query":
sql = arguments.get("sql", "").strip()
if not sql:
raise ConfigurationError(EMPTY_QUERY_ERROR)
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
result = await handler.execute_tool_query(name, sql=sql)
return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=result)]
elif name == "dbutils-get-performance":
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
performance_stats = handler.stats.get_performance_stats()
return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=f"[{handler.db_type}]\n{performance_stats}")]
elif name == "dbutils-analyze-query":
sql = arguments.get("sql", "").strip()
if not sql:
raise ConfigurationError(EMPTY_QUERY_ERROR)
async with server.get_handler(connection) as handler:
# First get the execution plan
explain_result = await handler.explain_query(sql)
# Then execute the actual query to measure performance
start_time =
if sql.lower().startswith("select"):
await handler.execute_query(sql)
except Exception as e:
# If query fails, we still provide the execution plan
server.send_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, f"Query execution failed during analysis: {str(e)}")
duration = ( - start_time).total_seconds()
# Combine analysis results
analysis = [
f"[{handler.db_type}] Query Analysis",
f"SQL: {sql}",
f"Execution Time: {duration*1000:.2f}ms",
"Execution Plan:",
# Add optimization suggestions based on execution plan and timing
suggestions = []
if "seq scan" in explain_result.lower() and duration > 0.1:
suggestions.append("- Consider adding an index to avoid sequential scan")
if "hash join" in explain_result.lower() and duration > 0.5:
suggestions.append("- Consider optimizing join conditions")
if duration > 0.5: # 500ms
suggestions.append("- Query is slow, consider optimizing or adding caching")
if "temporary" in explain_result.lower():
suggestions.append("- Query creates temporary tables, consider restructuring")
if suggestions:
analysis.append("\nOptimization Suggestions:")
return [types.TextContent(type="text", text="\n".join(analysis))]
raise ConfigurationError(f"Unknown tool: {name}")
# 测试无连接情况
with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match=CONNECTION_NAME_REQUIRED_ERROR):
await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-run-query", {})
# 测试dbutils-list-tables
result = await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-list-tables", {"connection": "test_connection"})
assert len(result) == 1
assert result[0].type == "text"
assert "[mock]" in result[0].text
assert "Table: Table 1" in result[0].text
# 测试dbutils-list-tables空结果
mock_handler.get_tables.return_value = []
result = await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-list-tables", {"connection": "test_connection"})
assert len(result) == 1
assert "No tables found" in result[0].text
# 测试dbutils-run-query
result = await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-run-query", {
"connection": "test_connection",
"sql": "SELECT * FROM test"
assert len(result) == 1
assert result[0].text == '{"columns": ["id"], "rows": [{"id": 1}]}'
mock_handler.execute_query.assert_awaited_once_with("SELECT * FROM test")
# 测试dbutils-run-query空SQL
with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match=EMPTY_QUERY_ERROR):
await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-run-query", {
"connection": "test_connection",
"sql": ""
# 测试dbutils-run-query非SELECT SQL
with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match=SELECT_ONLY_ERROR):
await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-run-query", {
"connection": "test_connection",
"sql": "DELETE FROM test"
# 测试dbutils-describe-table
result = await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-describe-table", {
"connection": "test_connection",
"table": "test_table"
assert len(result) == 1
assert result[0].text == "[mock]\nTest result"
mock_handler.execute_tool_query.assert_awaited_once_with("dbutils-describe-table", table_name="test_table")
# 测试dbutils-describe-table空表名
with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match=EMPTY_TABLE_NAME_ERROR):
await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-describe-table", {
"connection": "test_connection",
"table": ""
# 测试dbutils-explain-query
result = await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-explain-query", {
"connection": "test_connection",
"sql": "SELECT * FROM test"
assert len(result) == 1
assert result[0].text == "[mock]\nTest result"
mock_handler.execute_tool_query.assert_awaited_once_with("dbutils-explain-query", sql="SELECT * FROM test")
# 测试dbutils-get-performance
result = await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-get-performance", {
"connection": "test_connection"
assert len(result) == 1
assert "[mock]" in result[0].text
assert "Test performance stats" in result[0].text
# 测试dbutils-analyze-query
result = await mock_handle_call_tool("dbutils-analyze-query", {
"connection": "test_connection",
"sql": "SELECT * FROM test"
assert len(result) == 1
assert "[mock] Query Analysis" in result[0].text
assert "SQL: SELECT * FROM test" in result[0].text
assert "Execution Plan:" in result[0].text
mock_handler.explain_query.assert_awaited_once_with("SELECT * FROM test")
# 测试未知工具
with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError, match="Unknown tool"):
await mock_handle_call_tool("unknown-tool", {"connection": "test_connection"})
async def test_handle_list_prompts(self, server):
"""Test list_prompts handler"""
# 直接使用server._setup_prompts中定义的handle_list_prompts函数
# 我们可以通过打补丁的方式来测试它
with patch.object(server, '_setup_prompts'):
# 创建一个模拟的handle_list_prompts函数
async def mock_handle_list_prompts():
return []
# 将模拟函数赋值给server
server._handle_list_prompts = mock_handle_list_prompts
# Test normal operation
result = await server._handle_list_prompts()
assert result == []
# Test with exception
with patch.object(server, 'send_log') as mock_send_log, \
patch.object(server, '_handle_list_prompts', side_effect=Exception("Test exception")), \
pytest.raises(Exception, match="Test exception"):
await server._handle_list_prompts()