
"""SQLite connection handler implementation""" import sqlite3 import mcp.types as types from ..base import ConnectionHandler, ConnectionHandlerError from .config import SQLiteConfig # 常量定义 COLUMNS_HEADER = "Columns:" class SQLiteHandler(ConnectionHandler): @property def db_type(self) -> str: return 'sqlite' def __init__(self, config_path: str, connection: str, debug: bool = False): """Initialize SQLite handler Args: config_path: Path to configuration file connection: Database connection name debug: Enable debug mode """ super().__init__(config_path, connection, debug) self.config = SQLiteConfig.from_yaml(config_path, connection) async def get_tables(self) -> list[types.Resource]: """Get all table resources""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'") tables = cur.fetchall() return [ types.Resource( uri=f"sqlite://{self.connection}/{table[0]}/schema", name=f"{table[0]} schema", mimeType="application/json" ) for table in tables ] except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to get table list: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def get_schema(self, table_name: str) -> str: """Get table schema information""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})") columns = cur.fetchall() cur.execute(f"PRAGMA index_list({table_name})") indexes = cur.fetchall() return str({ 'columns': [{ 'name': col[1], 'type': col[2], 'nullable': not col[3], 'default': col[4], 'primary_key': bool(col[5]) } for col in columns], 'indexes': [{ 'name': idx[1], 'unique': bool(idx[2]) } for idx in indexes] }) except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to read table schema: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def _execute_query(self, sql: str) -> str: """Execute SQL query""" try: # Only allow SELECT statements if not sql.strip().upper().startswith("SELECT"): raise ConnectionHandlerError("cannot execute DELETE statement") with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = conn.cursor() self.log("debug", f"Executing query: {sql}") cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() rows = [dict(row) for row in results] result_text = str({ 'type': self.db_type, 'columns': list(rows[0].keys()) if rows else [], 'rows': rows, 'row_count': len(rows) }) self.log("debug", f"Query completed, returned {len(rows)} rows") return result_text except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"[{self.db_type}] Query execution failed: {str(e)}" raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def get_table_description(self, table_name: str) -> str: """Get detailed table description""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # 获取表信息 cur.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})") columns = cur.fetchall() # SQLite不支持表级注释,但我们可以获取表的详细信息 description = [ f"Table: {table_name}\n", COLUMNS_HEADER ] for col in columns: col_info = [ f" {col[1]} ({col[2]})", f" Nullable: {'No' if col[3] else 'Yes'}", f" Default: {col[4] or 'None'}", f" Primary Key: {'Yes' if col[5] else 'No'}" ] description.extend(col_info) description.append("") # Empty line between columns return "\n".join(description) except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to get table description: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def get_table_ddl(self, table_name: str) -> str: """Get DDL statement for creating table""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # SQLite provides the complete CREATE statement cur.execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?", (table_name,)) result = cur.fetchone() if not result: return f"Table {table_name} not found" ddl = result[0] # Get indexes cur.execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=?", (table_name,)) indexes = cur.fetchall() # Add index definitions if indexes: ddl = ddl + "\n\n-- Indexes:" for idx in indexes: if idx[0]: # Some internal indexes might have NULL sql ddl = ddl + "\n" + idx[0] + ";" return ddl except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to get table DDL: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def get_table_indexes(self, table_name: str) -> str: """Get index information for table""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # 获取索引列表 cur.execute(f"PRAGMA index_list({table_name})") indexes = cur.fetchall() if not indexes: return f"No indexes found on table {table_name}" formatted_indexes = [f"Indexes for {table_name}:"] for idx in indexes: # 获取索引详细信息 cur.execute(f"PRAGMA index_info({idx[1]})") index_info = cur.fetchall() # 获取索引的SQL定义 cur.execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND name=?", (idx[1],)) sql = cur.fetchone() index_details = [ f"\nIndex: {idx[1]}", f"Type: {'UNIQUE' if idx[2] else 'INDEX'}", COLUMNS_HEADER ] for col in index_info: index_details.append(f" - {col[2]}") if sql and sql[0]: index_details.extend([ "Definition:", f" {sql[0]}" ]) formatted_indexes.extend(index_details) return "\n".join(formatted_indexes) except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to get index information: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def get_table_stats(self, table_name: str) -> str: """Get table statistics information""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # Get basic table information cur.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})") columns = cur.fetchall() # Count rows cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table_name}") row_count = cur.fetchone()[0] # Get index information cur.execute(f"PRAGMA index_list({table_name})") indexes = cur.fetchall() # Get page count and size cur.execute("PRAGMA page_count") page_count = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute("PRAGMA page_size") page_size = cur.fetchone()[0] # Calculate total size total_size = page_count * page_size # Format size in human readable format def format_size(size): for unit in ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']: if size < 1024: return f"{size:.2f} {unit}" size /= 1024 return f"{size:.2f} TB" # Get column statistics column_stats = [] for col in columns: col_name = col[1] # Get null count cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table_name} WHERE {col_name} IS NULL") null_count = cur.fetchone()[0] # Get distinct value count cur.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT {col_name}) FROM {table_name}") distinct_count = cur.fetchone()[0] column_stats.append({ 'name': col_name, 'type': col[2], 'null_count': null_count, 'null_percent': (null_count / row_count * 100) if row_count > 0 else 0, 'distinct_count': distinct_count }) # Format output output = [ f"Table Statistics for {table_name}:", f" Row Count: {row_count:,}", f" Total Size: {format_size(total_size)}", f" Page Count: {page_count:,}", f" Page Size: {format_size(page_size)}", f" Index Count: {len(indexes)}\n", "Column Statistics:" ] for stat in column_stats: col_info = [ f" {stat['name']} ({stat['type']}):", f" Null Values: {stat['null_count']:,} ({stat['null_percent']:.1f}%)", f" Distinct Values: {stat['distinct_count']:,}" ] output.extend(col_info) output.append("") # Empty line between columns return "\n".join(output) except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to get table statistics: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def get_table_constraints(self, table_name: str) -> str: """Get constraint information for table""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # Get table info (includes PRIMARY KEY) cur.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})") columns = cur.fetchall() # Get foreign keys cur.execute(f"PRAGMA foreign_key_list({table_name})") foreign_keys = cur.fetchall() # Get indexes (for UNIQUE constraints) cur.execute(f"PRAGMA index_list({table_name})") indexes = cur.fetchall() output = [f"Constraints for {table_name}:"] # Primary Key constraints pk_columns = [col[1] for col in columns if col[5]] # col[5] is pk flag if pk_columns: output.extend([ "\nPrimary Key Constraints:", f" PRIMARY KEY ({', '.join(pk_columns)})" ]) # Foreign Key constraints if foreign_keys: output.append("\nForeign Key Constraints:") current_fk = None fk_columns = [] for fk in foreign_keys: # SQLite foreign_key_list format: # id, seq, table, from, to, on_update, on_delete, match if current_fk != fk[0]: if fk_columns: output.append(f" ({', '.join(fk_columns)})") current_fk = fk[0] fk_columns = [] output.append(f" FOREIGN KEY:") output.append(f" Referenced Table: {fk[2]}") fk_columns.append(f"{fk[3]} -> {fk[2]}.{fk[4]}") if fk[5]: # on_update output.append(f" ON UPDATE: {fk[5]}") if fk[6]: # on_delete output.append(f" ON DELETE: {fk[6]}") if fk_columns: output.append(f" ({', '.join(fk_columns)})") # Unique constraints (from indexes) unique_indexes = [idx for idx in indexes if idx[2]] # idx[2] is unique flag if unique_indexes: output.append("\nUnique Constraints:") for idx in unique_indexes: # Get columns in the unique index cur.execute(f"PRAGMA index_info({idx[1]})") index_info = cur.fetchall() columns = [info[2] for info in index_info] # info[2] is column name output.append(f" UNIQUE ({', '.join(columns)})") # Check constraints # Note: SQLite doesn't provide direct access to CHECK constraints through PRAGMA # We need to parse the table creation SQL cur.execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?", (table_name,)) create_sql = cur.fetchone()[0] if "CHECK" in create_sql.upper(): output.append("\nCheck Constraints:") output.append(" See table DDL for CHECK constraints") return "\n".join(output) except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to get constraint information: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def explain_query(self, sql: str) -> str: """Get query execution plan""" try: with sqlite3.connect(self.config.path) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() # Get EXPLAIN output cur.execute(f"EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN {sql}") plan = cur.fetchall() # Format the output output = [ "Query Execution Plan:", "==================\n", "Details:", "--------" ] for step in plan: # EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN format: # id | parent | notused | detail indent = " " * (step[0] - step[1] if step[1] >= 0 else step[0]) output.append(f"{indent}{step[3]}") # Add query statistics output.extend([ "\nNote: SQLite's EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN provides a high-level overview.", "For detailed execution statistics, consider using EXPLAIN (not QUERY PLAN)", "which shows the virtual machine instructions." ]) return "\n".join(output) except sqlite3.Error as e: error_msg = f"Failed to explain query: {str(e)}" self.stats.record_error(e.__class__.__name__) raise ConnectionHandlerError(error_msg) async def cleanup(self): """Cleanup resources""" # Log final stats self.log("info", f"Final SQLite handler stats: {self.stats.to_dict()}")