by donghao1393
# MCP Database Utilities


## Overview
MCP Database Utilities is a unified database access service that supports multiple database types (PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL). Through its abstraction layer design, it provides a simple and unified database operation interface for MCP servers.
## Features
- Unified database access interface
- Support for multiple database configurations
- Secure read-only query execution
- Table structure and schema information retrieval
- Database tables listing via MCP tools
- Intelligent connection management and resource cleanup
- Debug mode support
- SSL/TLS connection support for PostgreSQL and MySQL
## Installation and Configuration
### Installation Methods
#### Installing via Smithery
To install Database Utilities for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery](
npx -y @smithery/cli install @donghao1393/mcp-dbutils --client claude
#### Using uvx (Recommended)
No installation required, run directly using `uvx`:
uvx mcp-dbutils --config /path/to/config.yaml
Add to Claude configuration:
"mcpServers": {
"dbutils": {
"command": "uvx",
"args": [
"env": {
"MCP_DEBUG": "1" // Optional: Enable debug mode
#### Using pip
pip install mcp-dbutils
Add to Claude configuration:
"mcpServers": {
"dbutils": {
"command": "python",
"args": [
"env": {
"MCP_DEBUG": "1" // Optional: Enable debug mode
#### Using Docker
docker run -i --rm \
-v /path/to/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml \
-v /path/to/sqlite.db:/app/sqlite.db \ # Optional: for SQLite database
-e MCP_DEBUG=1 \ # Optional: Enable debug mode
mcp/dbutils --config /app/config.yaml
Add to Claude configuration:
"mcpServers": {
"dbutils": {
"command": "docker",
"args": [
"/path/to/sqlite.db:/app/sqlite.db", // Optional: for SQLite database
"env": {
"MCP_DEBUG": "1" // Optional: Enable debug mode
> **Note for Docker database connections:**
> - For SQLite: Mount your database file using `-v /path/to/sqlite.db:/app/sqlite.db`
> - For PostgreSQL running on host:
> - On Mac/Windows: Use `host.docker.internal` as host in config
> - On Linux: Use `` (docker0 IP) or run with `--network="host"`
### Requirements
- Python 3.10+
- PostgreSQL (optional)
- SQLite3 (optional)
- MySQL (optional)
### Configuration File
The project requires a YAML configuration file, specified via the `--config` parameter. Configuration examples:
# SQLite configuration examples
type: sqlite
path: /path/to/dev.db
# Password is optional
# PostgreSQL standard configuration
type: postgres
port: 5432
dbname: test_db
user: test_user
password: test_pass
# PostgreSQL URL configuration with SSL
type: postgres
url: postgresql://
user: prod_user
password: prod_pass
# PostgreSQL full SSL configuration example
type: postgres
port: 5432
dbname: secure_db
user: secure_user
password: secure_pass
mode: verify-full # disable/require/verify-ca/verify-full
cert: /path/to/client-cert.pem
key: /path/to/client-key.pem
root: /path/to/root.crt
# MySQL standard configuration
type: mysql
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: sandbox_db
user: sandbox_user
password: sandbox_pass
charset: utf8mb4
# MySQL URL configuration
type: mysql
url: mysql://
user: integration_user
password: integration_pass
# MySQL with SSL configuration
type: mysql
port: 3306
database: secure_db
user: secure_user
password: secure_pass
charset: utf8mb4
mode: verify_identity
ca: /path/to/ca.pem
cert: /path/to/client-cert.pem
key: /path/to/client-key.pem
Database SSL Configuration Options:
PostgreSQL SSL Configuration:
1. Using URL parameters:
2. Using dedicated SSL configuration section:
mode: verify-full # SSL verification mode
cert: /path/to/cert.pem # Client certificate
key: /path/to/key.pem # Client private key
root: /path/to/root.crt # CA certificate
PostgreSQL SSL Modes:
- disable: No SSL
- require: Use SSL but no certificate verification
- verify-ca: Verify server certificate is signed by trusted CA
- verify-full: Verify server certificate and hostname match
MySQL SSL Configuration:
1. Using URL parameters:
2. Using dedicated SSL configuration section:
mode: verify_identity # SSL verification mode
ca: /path/to/ca.pem # CA certificate
cert: /path/to/cert.pem # Client certificate
key: /path/to/key.pem # Client private key
MySQL SSL Modes:
- disabled: No SSL
- preferred: Use SSL if available, but allow unencrypted connection
- required: Always use SSL, but don't verify server certificate
- verify_ca: Verify server certificate is signed by trusted CA
- verify_identity: Verify server certificate and hostname match
SQLite Configuration Options:
1. Basic configuration with path:
type: sqlite
path: /path/to/db.sqlite
password: optional_password # Optional encryption
2. Using URI parameters:
type: sqlite
path: /path/to/db.sqlite?mode=ro&cache=shared
### Debug Mode
Set environment variable `MCP_DEBUG=1` to enable debug mode for detailed logging output.
## Architecture Design
### Core Concept: Abstraction Layer
graph TD
Client[Client] --> DatabaseServer[Database Server]
subgraph MCP Server
DatabaseHandler[Database Handler]
PostgresHandler[PostgreSQL Handler]
SQLiteHandler[SQLite Handler]
MySQLHandler[MySQL Handler]
DatabaseServer --> DatabaseHandler
DatabaseHandler --> PostgresHandler
DatabaseHandler --> SQLiteHandler
DatabaseHandler --> MySQLHandler
PostgresHandler --> PostgreSQL[(PostgreSQL)]
SQLiteHandler --> SQLite[(SQLite)]
MySQLHandler --> MySQL[(MySQL)]
The abstraction layer design is the core architectural concept in MCP Database Utilities. Just like a universal remote control that works with different devices, users only need to know the basic operations without understanding the underlying complexities.
#### 1. Simplified User Interaction
- Users only need to know the database configuration name (e.g., "my_postgres")
- No need to deal with connection parameters and implementation details
- MCP server automatically handles database connections and queries
#### 2. Unified Interface Design
- DatabaseHandler abstract class defines unified operation interfaces
- All specific database implementations (PostgreSQL/SQLite/MySQL) follow the same interface
- Users interact with different databases in the same way
#### 3. Configuration and Implementation Separation
- Complex database configuration parameters are encapsulated in configuration files
- Runtime access through simple database names
- Easy management and modification of database configurations without affecting business code
### System Components
1. DatabaseServer
- Core component of the MCP server
- Handles resource and tool requests
- Manages database connection lifecycle
2. DatabaseHandler
- Abstract base class defining unified interface
- Includes get_tables(), get_schema(), execute_query(), etc.
- Implemented by PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL handlers
3. Configuration System
- YAML-based configuration file
- Support for multiple database configurations
- Type-safe configuration validation
4. Error Handling and Logging
- Unified error handling mechanism
- Detailed logging output
- Sensitive information masking
## Usage Examples
### Basic Query
# Access through connection name
async with server.get_handler("my_postgres") as handler:
# Execute SQL query
result = await handler.execute_query("SELECT * FROM users")
### View Table Structure
# Get all tables
tables = await handler.get_tables()
# Get specific table schema
schema = await handler.get_schema("users")
### Error Handling
async with server.get_handler("my_connection") as handler:
result = await handler.execute_query("SELECT * FROM users")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Configuration error: {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Query error: {e}")
## Security Notes
- Supports SELECT queries only to protect database security
- Automatically masks sensitive information (like passwords) in logs
- Executes queries in read-only transactions
## API Documentation
### DatabaseServer
Core server class providing:
- Resource list retrieval
- Tool call handling (list_tables, query)
- Database handler management
### MCP Tools
#### dbutils-list-tables
Lists all tables in the specified database.
- Parameters:
* connection: Database connection name
- Returns: Text content with a list of table names
#### dbutils-run-query
Executes a SQL query on the specified database.
- Parameters:
* connection: Database connection name
* sql: SQL query to execute (SELECT only)
- Returns: Query results in a formatted text
#### dbutils-get-stats
Get table statistics information.
- Parameters:
* connection: Database connection name
* table: Table name
- Returns: Statistics including row count, size, column stats
#### dbutils-list-constraints
List table constraints (primary key, foreign keys, etc).
- Parameters:
* connection: Database connection name
* table: Table name
- Returns: Detailed constraint information
#### dbutils-explain-query
Get query execution plan with cost estimates.
- Parameters:
* connection: Database connection name
* sql: SQL query to explain
- Returns: Formatted execution plan
#### dbutils-get-performance
Get database performance statistics.
- Parameters:
* connection: Database connection name
- Returns: Detailed performance statistics including query times, query types, error rates, and resource usage
#### dbutils-analyze-query
Analyze a SQL query for performance and provide optimization suggestions.
- Parameters:
* connection: Database connection name
* sql: SQL query to analyze
- Returns: Query analysis with execution plan, timing information, and optimization suggestions
### DatabaseHandler
Abstract base class defining interfaces:
- get_tables(): Get table resource list
- get_schema(): Get table structure
- execute_query(): Execute SQL query
- cleanup(): Resource cleanup
### PostgreSQL Implementation
Provides PostgreSQL-specific features:
- Remote connection support
- Table description information
- Constraint queries
### SQLite Implementation
Provides SQLite-specific features:
- File path handling
- URI scheme support
- Password protection support (optional)
### MySQL Implementation
Provides MySQL-specific features:
- Remote connection support
- Character set configuration
- SSL/TLS secure connection
- URL and standard connection methods
## Code Quality
### Quality Gates
We use SonarCloud to maintain high code quality standards. All pull requests must pass the following quality gates:
- Code Coverage: ≥ 80%
- Code Quality:
* No blocker or critical issues
* Less than 10 major issues
* Code duplication < 3%
- Security:
* No security vulnerabilities
* No security hotspots
### Automated Checks
Our CI/CD pipeline automatically performs:
1. Full test suite execution
2. Code coverage analysis
3. SonarCloud static code analysis
4. Quality gate validation
Pull requests that don't meet these standards will be automatically blocked from merging.
### Code Style
We use Ruff for code style checking and formatting:
All code must follow our style guide:
- Line length: 88 characters
- Indentation: 4 spaces
- Quotes: Double quotes
- Naming: PEP8 conventions
For detailed guidelines, see [](docs/
### Local Development
To check code quality locally:
1. Run tests with coverage:
pytest --cov=src/mcp_dbutils --cov-report=xml:coverage.xml tests/
2. Use SonarLint in your IDE to catch issues early
3. Review SonarCloud analysis results in PR comments
4. Run Ruff for code style checking:
# Install Ruff
uv pip install ruff
# Check code style
ruff check .
# Format code
ruff format .
5. Use pre-commit hooks for automatic checks:
# Install pre-commit
uv pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
# Run all checks
pre-commit run --all-files
### SonarCloud AI Integration
We've implemented an AI-assisted workflow for fixing SonarCloud issues:
1. Our CI/CD pipeline automatically extracts SonarCloud analysis results
2. Results are formatted into both JSON and Markdown formats
3. These reports can be downloaded using the provided Fish function
4. The reports can then be provided to AI tools for analysis and fix suggestions
For detailed instructions, see [SonarCloud AI Integration Guide](docs/
# Load the function
source scripts/
# Download the latest SonarCloud analysis reports
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can help:
1. 🐛 Report bugs: Open an issue describing the bug and how to reproduce it
2. 💡 Suggest features: Open an issue to propose new features
3. 🛠️ Submit PRs: Fork the repo and create a pull request with your changes
### Development Setup
1. Clone the repository
2. Create a virtual environment using `uv venv`
3. Install dependencies with `uv sync --all-extras`
4. Run tests with `pytest`
For detailed guidelines, see [](.github/
## Acknowledgments
- [MCP Servers]( for inspiration and demonstration
- AI Editors:
* [Claude Desktop](
* [Cline](
- [Model Context Protocol]( for comprehensive interfaces
## Star History