Coding Standards MCP Server

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# Java Style Guide ## Naming - Classes: PascalCase (`UserService`) - Methods/Variables: camelCase (`getUserById`) - Constants: UPPER_SNAKE_CASE (`MAX_RETRY_COUNT`) - Packages: lowercase (``) ## Code Layout - Use 4 spaces for indentation - Line length: 120 characters max - One statement per line - Use blank lines to separate logical blocks - Keep methods short (< 30 lines) ## Classes - One top-level class per file - Order: static fields → instance fields → constructors → methods - Use appropriate access modifiers - Avoid public fields ## Methods - Clear and descriptive names - Single responsibility - Document public APIs - Return early to avoid nesting ## Variables - One variable per line - Initialize at declaration when possible - Use final for constants - Meaningful names ## Comments - Use Javadoc for public APIs - Keep comments meaningful - Explain "why" not "what" - Use TODO for temporary code ## Exception Handling - Use specific exceptions - Don't ignore exceptions - Use try-with-resources - Log exceptions properly ## Collections - Use interface types (List over ArrayList) - Use diamond operator - Use enhanced for loop when possible - Consider collection capacity ## Testing - Test class name: [Class]Test - Test method: [method]_[scenario]_[expectedResult] - One assertion per test - Use meaningful test data