Trino MCP Server

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#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Set up the bullshit schema and table in Trino """ import os import time import trino import pandas as pd from trino.exceptions import TrinoExternalError # Connect to Trino def connect_to_trino(): print("Waiting for Trino to become available...") max_attempts = 20 attempt = 0 while attempt < max_attempts: try: conn = trino.dbapi.connect( host="localhost", port=9095, user="trino", catalog="bullshit", schema="datasets", ) # Test the connection with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT 1") cursor.fetchone() print("Trino is available!") return conn except Exception as e: attempt += 1 print(f"Attempt {attempt}/{max_attempts}: Trino not yet available. Waiting 5 seconds... ({str(e)})") time.sleep(5) raise Exception("Failed to connect to Trino after multiple attempts") # Create schema if it doesn't exist def create_schema(conn): print("Creating schema if it doesn't exist...") with conn.cursor() as cursor: try: # Try to list tables in the schema to see if it exists try: cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES FROM bullshit.datasets") rows = cursor.fetchall() print(f"Schema already exists with {len(rows)} tables") return except Exception as e: pass # Schema probably doesn't exist, continue to create it # Create schema cursor.execute(""" CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS bullshit.datasets WITH (location = 'file:///bullshit-data') """) print("Schema created successfully") except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating schema: {e}") # Continue anyway, the error might be that the schema already exists # Get table schema from parquet file def get_parquet_schema(): print("Reading parquet file to determine schema...") try: df = pd.read_parquet('data/bullshit_data.parquet') # Map pandas dtypes to Trino types type_mapping = { 'int64': 'INTEGER', 'int32': 'INTEGER', 'float64': 'DOUBLE', 'float32': 'DOUBLE', 'object': 'VARCHAR', 'bool': 'BOOLEAN', 'datetime64[ns]': 'TIMESTAMP', } columns = [] for col_name, dtype in df.dtypes.items(): trino_type = type_mapping.get(str(dtype), 'VARCHAR') columns.append(f'"{col_name}" {trino_type}') return columns except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading parquet file: {e}") return None # Create the table def create_table(conn, columns): print("Creating table...") columns_str = ",\n ".join(columns) sql = f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bullshit.datasets.employees ( {columns_str} ) WITH ( external_location = 'file:///bullshit-data/bullshit_data.parquet', format = 'PARQUET' ) """ print("SQL:", sql) with conn.cursor() as cursor: try: cursor.execute(sql) print("Table created successfully") except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating table: {e}") # Verify table was created by running a query def verify_table(conn): print("Verifying table creation...") with conn.cursor() as cursor: try: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM bullshit.datasets.employees LIMIT 5") rows = cursor.fetchall() print(f"Successfully queried table with {len(rows)} rows") if rows: print("First row:") for row in rows: print(row) break except Exception as e: print(f"Error verifying table: {e}") def main(): try: conn = connect_to_trino() print("Connecting to Trino...") create_schema(conn) columns = get_parquet_schema() if columns: create_table(conn, columns) verify_table(conn) else: print("Failed to get table schema from parquet file") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()