Trino MCP Server

  • scripts
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Simple test script to try connecting to the MCP messages endpoint. This follows the MCP 2024-11-05 specification precisely. """ import json import requests import sys import time import sseclient import signal def handle_exit(signum, frame): """Handle exit gracefully when user presses Ctrl+C.""" print("\nInterrupted. Exiting...") sys.exit(0) # Register signal handler for clean exit signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_exit) def test_mcp(): """ Test the MCP server with standard protocol communication. Follows the MCP specification for 2024-11-05 carefully. """ print("šŸš€ Testing MCP server following 2024-11-05 specification") # Connect to SSE endpoint print("Connecting to SSE endpoint...") headers = {"Accept": "text/event-stream"} sse_response = requests.get("http://localhost:9096/sse", headers=headers, stream=True) if sse_response.status_code != 200: print(f"āŒ Failed to connect to SSE endpoint: {sse_response.status_code}") return print(f"āœ… SSE connection established: {sse_response.status_code}") try: client = sseclient.SSEClient(sse_response) # Get the messages URL from the first event messages_url = None session_id = None for event in print(f"šŸ“© SSE event: {event.event} - {}") if event.event == "endpoint": messages_url = f"http://localhost:9096{}" # Extract session ID from URL if "session_id=" in session_id ="session_id=")[1] print(f"āœ… Got messages URL: {messages_url}") print(f"āœ… Session ID: {session_id}") break if not messages_url: print("āŒ Failed to get messages URL from SSE") sse_response.close() return # Now we have the messages URL, send initialize request print(f"\nšŸ“¤ Sending initialize request to {messages_url}") initialize_request = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "initialize", "params": { "protocolVersion": "2024-11-05", "clientInfo": { "name": "mcp-trino-test-client", "version": "1.0.0" }, "capabilities": { "tools": True, "resources": { "supportedSources": ["trino://catalog"] } } } } response =, json=initialize_request) print(f"Status code: {response.status_code}") if response.status_code != 202: print(f"āŒ Initialize request failed: {response.text}") sse_response.close() return print(f"āœ… Initialize request accepted") # Listen for events and handle protocol properly print("\nšŸ”„ Listening for response events...") # Set up a timeout timeout = time.time() + 60 # 60 seconds timeout # Protocol state tracking status = { "initialized": False, "tools_requested": False, "query_requested": False, "summary_requested": False, "done": False } # Event loop while time.time() < timeout and not status["done"]: events_received = False for event in events_received = True # Skip ping events if event.event == "ping": print("šŸ“ Ping event received") continue print(f"\nšŸ“© Received event: {event.event}") # If we get a message event, parse it if event.event == "message" and try: data = json.loads( print(f"šŸ“¦ Parsed message: {json.dumps(data, indent=2)}") # Handle initialize response if "id" in data and data["id"] == 1 and not status["initialized"]: # Send initialized notification (following spec) print("\nšŸ“¤ Sending initialized notification...") initialized_notification = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "initialized" } init_response =, json=initialized_notification) if init_response.status_code != 202: print(f"āŒ Initialized notification failed: {init_response.status_code}") else: print(f"āœ… Initialized notification accepted") status["initialized"] = True # Now request the tools list print("\nšŸ“¤ Sending tools/list request...") tools_request = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 2, "method": "tools/list" } tools_response =, json=tools_request) if tools_response.status_code != 202: print(f"āŒ Tools list request failed: {tools_response.status_code}") else: print(f"āœ… Tools list request accepted") status["tools_requested"] = True # Handle tools list response elif "id" in data and data["id"] == 2 and not status["query_requested"]: # Extract available tools tools = [] if "result" in data and "tools" in data["result"]: tools = [tool["name"] for tool in data["result"]["tools"]] print(f"šŸ”§ Available tools: {', '.join(tools)}") # Execute a memory query if the execute_query tool is available if "execute_query" in tools: print("\nšŸ“¤ Sending query for memory.bullshit.bullshit_data...") query_request = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 3, "method": "tools/call", "params": { "name": "execute_query", "arguments": { "sql": "SELECT * FROM memory.bullshit.bullshit_data", "catalog": "memory" } } } query_response =, json=query_request) if query_response.status_code != 202: print(f"āŒ Query request failed: {query_response.status_code}") else: print(f"āœ… Query request accepted") status["query_requested"] = True else: print("āŒ execute_query tool not available") status["done"] = True # Handle query response elif "id" in data and data["id"] == 3 and not status["summary_requested"]: # Check if query was successful if "result" in data: print(f"āœ… Query succeeded with {data['result'].get('row_count', 0)} rows") # Now query the summary view print("\nšŸ“¤ Sending query for memory.bullshit.bullshit_summary...") summary_request = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 4, "method": "tools/call", "params": { "name": "execute_query", "arguments": { "sql": "SELECT * FROM memory.bullshit.bullshit_summary ORDER BY count DESC", "catalog": "memory" } } } summary_response =, json=summary_request) if summary_response.status_code != 202: print(f"āŒ Summary query request failed: {summary_response.status_code}") else: print(f"āœ… Summary query request accepted") status["summary_requested"] = True else: print(f"āŒ Query failed: {data.get('error', 'Unknown error')}") status["done"] = True # Handle summary query response elif "id" in data and data["id"] == 4: if "result" in data: print(f"āœ… Summary query succeeded with {data['result'].get('row_count', 0)} rows") # Print the summary data nicely formatted if "preview_rows" in data["result"]: for row in data["result"]["preview_rows"]: print(f" {row}") else: print(f"āŒ Summary query failed: {data.get('error', 'Unknown error')}") print("\nšŸ All tests completed successfully!") status["done"] = True break except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"āŒ Error parsing message: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"āŒ Unexpected error: {e}") # Break out of the event loop if we're done if status["done"]: break # If we didn't receive any events, wait a bit before trying again if not events_received: time.sleep(0.5) # Check if we timed out if time.time() >= timeout and not status["done"]: print("ā±ļø Timeout waiting for responses") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nšŸ›‘ Interrupted by user. Exiting...") except Exception as e: print(f"āŒ Error: {e}") finally: # Close the SSE connection print("\nšŸ‘‹ Closing SSE connection...") sse_response.close() print("āœ… Connection closed") if __name__ == "__main__": test_mcp()