MCP Browser Automation ServerhrmeetsinghAsecurityAlicenseAqualityEnables automation of browser tasks using Playwright by interacting via Claude Desktop for executing user-defined prompts and operations.123TypeScriptMIT License
mcp-screenshotkazuphAsecurityAlicenseAqualityProvides screenshot and OCR capabilities for macOS.12210JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
web-browser-mcp-serverblazickjpAsecurityAlicenseAqualityEnables web browsing capabilities using BeautifulSoup4114PythonMIT License
MCP-Server-PlaywrightAutomata-Labs-teamAsecurityAlicenseAqualityEnables LLMs to interact with web pages, take screenshots, and execute JavaScript in a real browser environment1020556JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
mcp-server-rag-web-browserofficialapifyAsecurityAlicenseAqualityImplementation of an MCP server for the RAG Web Browser Actor. This Actor serves as a web browser for large language models (LLMs) and RAG pipelines, similar to a web search in ChatGPT.163TypeScriptApache 2.0Apple