
local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Allows reading and sending messages through the macOS Messages app, with capabilities to filter messages by contact and interact with iMessage conversations.

  • Provides access to the macOS Messages database, enabling interaction with the native messaging system on Mac computers.

Mac Messages MCP

A Python bridge for interacting with the macOS Messages app using MCP (Multiple Context Protocol).


  • Read recent messages from the macOS Messages app
  • Filter messages by contact
  • Send new messages through iMessage
  • Access messages via an API


  • macOS (tested on macOS 11+)
  • Python 3.10+
  • uv package manager

Installing uv

If you're on Mac, install uv using Homebrew:

brew install uv

Otherwise, follow the installation instructions on the uv website.

⚠️ Do not proceed before installing uv


Full Disk Access Permission

⚠️ This application requires Full Disk Access permission for your terminal or application to access the Messages database.

To grant Full Disk Access:

  1. Open System Preferences/Settings > Security & Privacy/Privacy > Full Disk Access
  2. Click the lock icon to make changes
  3. Add your terminal app (Terminal, iTerm2, etc.) or Claude Desktop/Cursor to the list
  4. Restart your terminal or application after granting permission


Claude Desktop Integration

  1. Go to Claude > Settings > Developer > Edit Config > claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Add the following configuration:
{ "mcpServers": { "messages": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mac-messages-mcp" ] } } }

Cursor Integration

Go to Cursor Settings > MCP and paste this as a command:

uvx mac-messages-mcp

⚠️ Only run one instance of the MCP server (either on Cursor or Claude Desktop), not both

Option 1: Install from PyPI

uv pip install mac-messages-mcp

Option 2: Install from source

# Clone the repository git clone cd mac_messages_mcp # Install dependencies uv install -e .


As a Module

from mac_messages_mcp import get_recent_messages, send_message # Get recent messages messages = get_recent_messages(hours=48) print(messages) # Send a message result = send_message(recipient="+1234567890", message="Hello from Mac Messages MCP!") print(result)

As a Command-Line Tool

# Run the MCP server directly mac-messages-mcp



This project uses semantic versioning. See for details on how the versioning system works and how to release new versions.

To bump the version:

python scripts/ [patch|minor|major]

Security Notes

This application accesses the Messages database directly, which contains personal communications. Please use it responsibly and ensure you have appropriate permissions.




Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Python bridge for interacting with the macOS Messages app using MCP (Multiple Context Protocol). Simple install using uvx mac-messages-mcp

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installing uv
      2. Installation
        1. Full Disk Access Permission
        2. Integration
          1. Claude Desktop Integration
            1. Cursor Integration
              1. Option 1: Install from PyPI
                1. Option 2: Install from source
                2. Usage
                  1. As a Module
                    1. As a Command-Line Tool
                    2. Development
                      1. Versioning
                      2. Security Notes
                        1. License
                          1. Contributing