GitHub Support Assistant

# GitHub Support Assistant An MCP server that helps support engineers find similar GitHub issues to speed up troubleshooting. ## Setup 1. Install dependencies: ``` npm install ``` 2. Set your GitHub token as an environment variable: ``` export GITHUB_TOKEN=your_github_personal_access_token ``` 3. Build the server: ``` npm run build ``` #### Integrating with Claude: Update the claude desktop configuration, e.g. `code ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json` Update it to include the full path that this repository was cloned to: ``` { "mcpServers": { "find-similar-github-issues": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/Users/<repo_path>/build/index.js" ] } } } ``` ## Features - Searches for similar issues in a GitHub repository based on issue description - Calculates similarity scores to rank results - Returns formatted issue details with links ## Usage The server provides one tool: ### find-similar-issues Finds GitHub issues similar to a given description. **Parameters:** - `owner`: GitHub repository owner/organization - `repo`: GitHub repository name - `issueDescription`: Description of the issue to find similar ones for - `maxResults`: Maximum number of similar issues to return (default: 5) ## Implementation Notes This implementation uses a simple Jaccard similarity coefficient to compare text. For production use, consider implementing more sophisticated NLP techniques for better similarity matching.