Jirajira-mcpCamdenClarkAsecurityAlicenseAqualityProvides capabilities for searching Jira issues using JQL and retrieving detailed issue information.267JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
mcp-git-ingestadhikaspAsecurityAlicenseAqualityHelps AI read GitHub repository structure and important files. Want to quickly understand what a repo is about? Prompt it with "read https://github.com/adhikasp/mcp-git-ingest and determine how the code technically works".231PythonMIT License
GitLab MCP ServermodelcontextprotocolAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP Server for the GitLab API, enabling project management, file operations, and more.9868,261JavaScriptMIT License
GitHub MCP ServermodelcontextprotocolAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP Server for the GitHub API, enabling file operations, repository management, search functionality, and more.171,0708,261JavaScriptMIT License