Roam Research

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

ROAM_API_TOKENYesYour Roam Research API token.
ROAM_GRAPH_NAMEYesThe name of your Roam Research graph.



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

roam_add_todoAdd a list of todo items as individual blocks to today's daily page in Roam. Each item becomes its own actionable block with todo status.
roam_fetch_page_by_titleRetrieve complete page contents by exact title, including all nested blocks and resolved block references. Use for reading and analyzing existing Roam pages.
roam_create_pageCreate a new standalone page in Roam from markdown with given title. Best for hierarchical content, reference materials, markdown tables, and topics that deserve their own namespace. Optional initial content will be properly nested as blocks.
roam_create_blockAdd a new block to an existing Roam page. If no page specified, adds to today's daily note. Best for capturing immediate thoughts, additions to discussions, or content that doesn't warrant its own page. Can specify page by title or UID.
roam_create_outlineCreate a structured outline in Roam from an array of outline items with explicit levels. Can be added under a specific page or block.
roam_import_markdownImport nested markdown content into Roam under a specific block. Can locate the parent block by UID or by exact string match within a specific page.