Roam Research
Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
MEMORIES_TAG | No | The tag used for marking memories in Roam | #[[LLM/Memories]] |
ROAM_API_TOKEN | Yes | Your Roam Research API token from graph settings | |
ROAM_GRAPH_NAME | Yes | The name of your Roam Research graph |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
No prompts |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
roam_add_todo | Add a list of todo items as individual blocks to today's daily page in Roam. Each item becomes its own actionable block with todo status. NOTE on Roam-flavored markdown: For direct linking: use [[link]] syntax. For aliased linking, use alias syntax. Do not concatenate words in links/hashtags - correct: #[[multiple words]] #self-esteem (for typically hyphenated words). |
roam_fetch_page_by_title | Retrieve complete page contents by exact title, including all nested blocks and resolved block references. Use for accessing daily pages, reading and analyzing existing Roam pages. |
roam_create_page | Create a new standalone page in Roam with optional content using explicit nesting levels. Best for:
roam_create_block | Add a new block to an existing Roam page. If no page specified, adds to today's daily note. Best for capturing immediate thoughts, additions to discussions, or content that doesn't warrant its own page. Can specify page by title or UID. NOTE on Roam-flavored markdown: For direct linking: use [[link]] syntax. For aliased linking, use alias syntax. Do not concatenate words in links/hashtags - correct: #[[multiple words]] #self-esteem (for typically hyphenated words). |
roam_create_outline | Add a structured outline to an existing page or block (by title text or uid), with customizable nesting levels. Best for:
roam_import_markdown | Import nested markdown content into Roam under a specific block. Can locate the parent block by UID or by exact string match within a specific page. |
roam_search_for_tag | Search for blocks containing a specific tag and optionally filter by blocks that also contain another tag nearby. Example: Use this to search for memories that are tagged with the MEMORIES_TAG. |
roam_search_by_status | Search for blocks with a specific status (TODO/DONE) across all pages or within a specific page. |
roam_search_block_refs | Search for block references within a page or across the entire graph. Can search for references to a specific block or find all block references. |
roam_search_hierarchy | Search for parent or child blocks in the block hierarchy. Can search up or down the hierarchy from a given block. |
roam_find_pages_modified_today | Find pages that have been modified today (since midnight), with limit. |
roam_search_by_text | Search for blocks containing specific text across all pages or within a specific page. |
roam_update_block | Update a single block identified by its UID. Use this for individual block updates when you need to either replace the entire content or apply a transform pattern to modify specific parts of the content. NOTE on Roam-flavored markdown: For direct linking: use [[link]] syntax. For aliased linking, use alias syntax. Do not concatenate words in links/hashtags - correct: #[[multiple words]] #self-esteem (for typically hyphenated words). |
roam_update_multiple_blocks | Efficiently update multiple blocks in a single batch operation. Use this when you need to update several blocks at once to avoid making multiple separate API calls. Each block in the batch can independently either have its content replaced or transformed using a pattern. NOTE on Roam-flavored markdown: For direct linking: use [[link]] syntax. For aliased linking, use alias syntax. Do not concatenate words in links/hashtags - correct: #[[multiple words]] #self-esteem (for typically hyphenated words). |
roam_search_by_date | Search for blocks or pages based on creation or modification dates. Not for daily pages with ordinal date titles. |
roam_remember | Add a memory or piece of information to remember, stored on the daily page with MEMORIES_TAG tag and optional categories. NOTE on Roam-flavored markdown: For direct linking: use [[link]] syntax. For aliased linking, use alias syntax. Do not concatenate words in links/hashtags - correct: #[[multiple words]] #self-esteem (for typically hyphenated words). |
roam_recall | Retrieve all stored memories on page titled MEMORIES_TAG, or tagged block content with the same name. Returns a combined, deduplicated list of memories. Optionally filter blcoks with a specified tag and sort by creation date. |
roam_datomic_query | Execute a custom Datomic query on the Roam graph beyond the available search tools. This provides direct access to Roam's query engine for advanced data retrieval. Note: Roam graph is case-sensitive. List of some of Roam's data model Namespaces and Attributes: ancestor (descendants), attrs (lookup), block (children, heading, open, order, page, parents, props, refs, string, text-align, uid), children (view-type), create (email, time), descendant (ancestors), edit (email, seen-by, time), entity (attrs), log (id), node (title), page (uid, title), refs (text). Predicates (clojure.string/includes?, clojure.string/starts-with?, clojure.string/ends-with?, <, >, <=, >=, =, not=, !=). Aggregates (distinct, count, sum, max, min, avg, limit). Tips: Use :block/parents for all ancestor levels, :block/children for direct descendants only; combine clojure.string for complex matching, use distinct to deduplicate, leverage Pull patterns for hierarchies, handle case-sensitivity carefully, and chain ancestry rules for multi-level queries. |