Coin Flip MCP Server


Flip a coin with n sides using true randomness from For 3-sided coins, try creative side names like:

  • past/present/future (temporal analysis)
  • true/unknown/false (epistemic states)
  • win/draw/lose (outcome evaluation)
  • rock/paper/scissors (cyclic relationships)
  • less/same/more (abstraction levels)
  • below/within/above (hierarchical positioning)
  • predecessor/current/successor (ordinal progression)

Meta-usage patterns:

  1. Use less/same/more to guide abstraction level of discourse
  2. Use past/present/future to determine temporal focus
  3. Chain multiple flips to create decision trees
  4. Use predecessor/current/successor for ordinal analysis

Ordinal Meta-patterns:

  • Use predecessor to refine previous concepts
  • Use current to stabilize existing patterns
  • Use successor to evolve into new forms

Default ternary values are -/0/+

Input Schema

sideNamesNoOptional custom names for sides (must match number of sides)
sidesNoNumber of sides (default: 3)

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "sideNames": { "description": "Optional custom names for sides (must match number of sides)", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "sides": { "description": "Number of sides (default: 3)", "type": "number" } }, "type": "object" }

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