MCP Code Indexer

  • mcp_code_indexer
""" 配置管理模块 负责加载、验证和提供应用配置 """ import os import yaml from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List from pathlib import Path import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Config: """ 配置管理类 负责加载和管理应用配置,支持从配置文件、环境变量和默认值获取配置 """ # 默认配置 DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "server": { "host": "", "port": 5000, "debug": False, "workers": 4 }, "indexer": { "embedding_model": "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", "batch_size": 32, "max_tokens": 8192, "chunk_size": 1000, "chunk_overlap": 200 }, "storage": { "vector_db_path": "./vector_db", "project_data_path": "./project_data" }, "exclude_patterns": [ "node_modules/", "vendor/", ".git/", "venv/", "__pycache__/", "dist/", "build/", ".next/", "target/", ".idea/", ".vscode/", "logs/" ], "file_extensions": [ ".py", ".js", ".ts", ".java", ".c", ".cpp", ".h", ".hpp", ".cs", ".go", ".rb", ".php", ".swift", ".kt", ".rs", ".sh" ], "max_file_size_kb": 1024, "logging": { "level": "INFO", "file": "mcp_indexer.log" } } def __init__(self, config_path: Optional[str] = None): """ 初始化配置管理器 Args: config_path: 配置文件路径,如果为None则使用默认配置 Returns: 无返回值 """ self.config = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() # 加载配置文件 if config_path and os.path.exists(config_path): self._load_from_file(config_path) # 从环境变量加载配置 self._load_from_env() # 验证配置 self._validate_config()"配置加载完成: {len(self.config)} 个配置项") def _load_from_file(self, config_path: str) -> None: """ 从YAML配置文件加载配置 Args: config_path: 配置文件路径 Returns: 无返回值 """ try: with open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: file_config = yaml.safe_load(f) if file_config: self._merge_config(self.config, file_config)"从配置文件加载配置: {config_path}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"加载配置文件失败: {str(e)}") def _load_from_env(self) -> None: """ 从环境变量加载配置 环境变量格式: MCP_SECTION_KEY=value Returns: 无返回值 """ prefix = "MCP_" for key, value in os.environ.items(): if key.startswith(prefix): parts = key[len(prefix):].lower().split('_', 1) if len(parts) == 2: section, option = parts if section in self.config: if option in self.config[section]: # 尝试转换值类型 try: orig_type = type(self.config[section][option]) if orig_type == bool: self.config[section][option] = value.lower() in ('true', 'yes', '1') elif orig_type == int: self.config[section][option] = int(value) elif orig_type == float: self.config[section][option] = float(value) else: self.config[section][option] = value except Exception: self.config[section][option] = value logger.debug(f"从环境变量加载配置: {key}={value}") def _merge_config(self, target: Dict[str, Any], source: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ 递归合并配置字典 Args: target: 目标配置字典 source: 源配置字典 Returns: 无返回值 """ for key, value in source.items(): if key in target and isinstance(target[key], dict) and isinstance(value, dict): self._merge_config(target[key], value) else: target[key] = value def _validate_config(self) -> None: """ 验证配置有效性 Returns: 无返回值 """ # 确保必要的目录存在 os.makedirs(self.get("storage.vector_db_path"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.get("storage.project_data_path"), exist_ok=True) # 验证嵌入模型配置 embedding_model = self.get("indexer.embedding_model") if not embedding_model: logger.warning("未配置嵌入模型,将使用默认模型") self.config["indexer"]["embedding_model"] = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG["indexer"]["embedding_model"] def get(self, key_path: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """ 获取配置值 Args: key_path: 配置键路径,格式为"section.key" default: 默认值,如果配置不存在则返回此值 Returns: 配置值或默认值 """ parts = key_path.split('.') config = self.config for part in parts: if isinstance(config, dict) and part in config: config = config[part] else: return default return config def set(self, key_path: str, value: Any) -> None: """ 设置配置值 Args: key_path: 配置键路径,格式为"section.key" value: 要设置的值 Returns: 无返回值 """ parts = key_path.split('.') config = self.config for i, part in enumerate(parts[:-1]): if part not in config: config[part] = {} config = config[part] config[parts[-1]] = value def get_exclude_patterns(self) -> List[str]: """ 获取排除模式列表 Returns: 排除模式字符串列表 """ return self.get("exclude_patterns", []) def get_file_extensions(self) -> List[str]: """ 获取支持的文件扩展名列表 Returns: 文件扩展名字符串列表 """ return self.get("file_extensions", []) def save_to_file(self, file_path: str) -> bool: """ 将当前配置保存到文件 Args: file_path: 保存的文件路径 Returns: 保存是否成功 """ try: with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: yaml.dump(self.config, f, default_flow_style=False) return True except Exception as e: logger.error(f"保存配置文件失败: {str(e)}") return False