TaskWarrior MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

TaskWarrior MCP Server

Node.js server implementing Model Context Protocol (MCP) for TaskWarrior operations.


  • View pending tasks
  • Filter tasks by project and tags
  • Add new tasks with descriptions, due dates, priorities, projects and tags
  • Mark tasks as complete

Note: This runs your local task binary, so TaskWarrior needs to be installed and configured!

[!WARNING] This currently uses task id which is an unstable identifier; taskwarrior sometimes renumbers tasks when new ones are added or removed. In the future this should be more careful, using task UUID instead.



  • get_next_tasks
    • Get a list of all pending tasks
    • Optional filters:
      • project: Filter by project name
      • tags: Filter by one or more tags
  • add_task
    • Add a new task to TaskWarrior
    • Required:
      • description: Task description text
    • Optional:
      • due: Due date (ISO timestamp)
      • priority: Priority level ("H", "M", or "L")
      • project: Project name (lowercase with dots)
      • tags: Array of tags (lowercase)
  • mark_task_done
    • Mark a task as completed
    • Required:
      • identifier: Task ID or UUID

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add this to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "taskwarrior": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "mcp-server-taskwarrior" ] } } }


npm install -g mcp-server-taskwarrior

Make sure you have TaskWarrior (task) installed and configured on your system.

Example usage ideas:

  • What are my current work tasks?
    • Executes: task project:work next
  • TODO: Call my sister (high priority)
    • Executes: task add priority:H Call my sister
  • OK, I've called my sister
    • Executes: task done 1


This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

Node.js server implementing Model Context Protocol that enables interaction with TaskWarrior through natural language to view, filter, add, and complete tasks.

  1. Features
    1. API
      1. Tools
      2. Usage with Claude Desktop
        1. Installation
          1. Example usage ideas:
            1. License