MCP Server Discord Webhook

by genm
# MCP Server Discord Webhook An MCP server for posting messages to Discord webhooks. [日本語のREADME](./ ## Installation ```bash npm install @genpm/mcp-server-discord-webhook ``` ## Configuration Add the following to your MCP configuration file: ```json { "mcpServers": { "discord-webhook": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@genpm/mcp-server-discord-webhook" ], "env": { "DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL": "your-discord-webhook-url" }, "alwaysAllow": [ "send_message" ] } } } ``` ## Features ### send_message Sends a message to Discord. Parameters: - `content`: Message content (required) - `username`: Display name (optional) - `avatar_url`: Avatar URL (optional) Example: ```typescript <use_mcp_tool> <server_name>discord-webhook</server_name> <tool_name>send_message</tool_name> <arguments> { "content": "Test message", "username": "Custom Name" } </arguments> </use_mcp_tool> ``` ## Development This project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and automated publishing to npm. When you push a new version tag (e.g., `v1.0.0`), it will automatically: 1. Build the package 2. Run tests 3. Publish to npm 4. Create a GitHub release For more details about the release process, see [](./ ## License MIT ## Author genm