by jasonjmcghee
  • src
import * as fs from 'fs/promises'; import {WebSocketServer, WebSocket} from 'ws'; import {createServer} from 'http'; import {parse} from 'url'; import {fork} from 'child_process'; import {runMcpServer} from './server.js'; import { clearTokens, deleteToken, generateNewRegistrationToken, generateToken, getToken, loadAuthorizedTokens, saveAuthorizedTokens, saveServerTokenToEnv, setToken } from "./tokens.js"; import { CONFIG, HOST, PID_FILE, SERVER_TOKEN, ensureConfigDir, formatChannel, setConfig, configureMcpClient, } from './config.js'; let serverToken = SERVER_TOKEN; // Create HTTP server with CORS headers const httpServer = createServer((req, res) => { // Set CORS headers res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS'); res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type'); if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') { // Handle preflight requests res.writeHead(204); res.end(); return; } res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('MCP WebSocket server is running'); }); // Create WebSocket server instance const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: httpServer, clientTracking: true, verifyClient: verifyClientToken }); // Store active WebSocket connections by channel const channels = {}; // Special channel paths const MCP_PATH = '/mcp'; const REGISTER_PATH = '/register'; // Function to send notifications to a client and MCP (if connected) function sendNotification(clientWs, channelPath, notificationType, data, mcpOnly = false) { // Send to the client that initiated the action if (clientWs && clientWs.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { if (!mcpOnly) { clientWs.send(JSON.stringify({ type: notificationType, ...data })); } } // Also send to MCP if connected if (channels[MCP_PATH] && channels[MCP_PATH].size > 0) { channels[MCP_PATH].values().forEach((mcpClient) => { if (mcpClient && mcpClient.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { // For MCP, prefix names with the channel path const mcpData = {...data}; if (mcpData.name && channelPath) { mcpData.name = `${channelPath.slice(1)}-${mcpData.name}`; } mcpClient.send(JSON.stringify({ type: notificationType, ...mcpData })); } }); } } // Track all available tools, prompts, and resources across all channels const toolsRegistry = {}; const promptsRegistry = {}; const resourcesRegistry = {}; // Request counter for unique IDs let requestIdCounter = 1; // Map to store pending requests const pendingRequests = {}; // Function to verify client token during WebSocket handshake async function verifyClientToken(info, callback) { const url = new URL(`https://${HOST}${info.req.url}`); const clientToken = url.searchParams.get('token'); const path = url.pathname || '/'; // Special case for MCP path - use server token from .env if (path === MCP_PATH) { // For MCP connections, we use the token from the .env file if (clientToken === process.env.WEBMCP_SERVER_TOKEN) { return callback(true); } console.error('Invalid MCP token provided'); return callback(false, 401, 'Unauthorized - Invalid MCP token'); } // Special case for registration path - allow all connections for now // The actual authorization will happen in the connection handler if (path === REGISTER_PATH) { return callback(true); } // For other paths, check if the channel-token pair is authorized if (!clientToken) { console.error('No token provided for path:', path); return callback(false, 401, 'Unauthorized - No token provided'); } await loadAuthorizedTokens(); // Check if this channel has a valid token and it matches if (getToken(path) === clientToken) { return callback(true); } console.error(`Unauthorized connection attempt to ${path}`); return callback(false, 401, 'Unauthorized - Invalid channel-token pair'); } // Helper function to get or create a channel function getOrCreateChannel(channelPath) { if (!channels[channelPath]) { channels[channelPath] = new Set(); console.error(`Created new channel for path: ${channelPath}`); } else if (channels[channelPath].closeTimeout) { // Clear the timeout if it exists (someone is joining an empty channel) clearTimeout(channels[channelPath].closeTimeout); delete channels[channelPath].closeTimeout; console.error(`Cancelled channel closure for ${channelPath} as a new client connected`); } return channels[channelPath]; } // Handle WebSocket connections wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => { // Extract the path from the URL const parsedUrl = parse(req.url); const path = parsedUrl.pathname; // Set channel based on connection path const clientChannel = path || '/'; console.error(`Client connected from ${req.socket.remoteAddress} to path: ${clientChannel}`); // Special handling for registration endpoint if (clientChannel === REGISTER_PATH) { console.error(`Registration request received from ${req.socket.remoteAddress}`); // Wait for the first message which should contain the registration data let registrationTimeout = setTimeout(() => { console.error('Registration timeout - closing connection'); ws.close(1008, 'Registration timeout'); }, 30000); // 30 second timeout // Register message handler specifically for registration ws.once('message', async (message) => { clearTimeout(registrationTimeout); try { // The message should be base64 encoded JSON with server and token const encodedData = message.toString(); const decodedJson = Buffer.from(encodedData, 'base64').toString('utf8'); const connectionData = JSON.parse(decodedJson); const {host, token} = connectionData; if (!token) { console.error('Invalid registration data format - missing token'); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Invalid registration data format - missing token' })); ws.close(1008, 'Invalid registration data'); return; } // Format the channel path (replace : with _) const channelPath = formatChannel(host); // Check if this is a valid token from a "--new" command if (!token || token.length < 16) { console.error('Invalid token provided'); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Invalid token provided' })); ws.close(1008, 'Invalid token'); return; } const serverChannel = formatChannel(`${HOST}:${CONFIG.port}`); await loadAuthorizedTokens(); if (token !== getToken(serverChannel)) { console.error('Invalid token provided'); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Invalid token provided' })); ws.close(1008, 'Invalid token'); return; } // Throw away registration token and make a session token. deleteToken(serverChannel); const sessionToken = generateToken(); // Authorize the channel-token pair setToken(channelPath, sessionToken); await saveAuthorizedTokens(); // Send success response ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'registerSuccess', channel: channelPath, message: `Registration successful for ${channelPath}`, token: sessionToken })); console.error(`Registered channel: ${channelPath} with token: ${token}`); // Close the registration connection - they'll reconnect to their channel ws.close(1000, 'Registration complete'); } catch (error) { console.error('Registration error:', error); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Registration error' })); ws.close(1011, 'Registration error'); } }); return; // Don't proceed with the normal connection handling } // Add client to the channel based on path (for non-registration paths) const channel = getOrCreateChannel(clientChannel); channel.add(ws); // Send welcome message with channel info ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'welcome', channel: clientChannel, message: `Connected to path: ${clientChannel}` })); // Handle incoming messages ws.on('message', (message) => { try { const data = JSON.parse(message); console.error(`Received message: ${data.type} on ${clientChannel}`); // Process message based on type switch (data.type) { case 'ping': handlePing(ws, data); break; case 'registerTool': handleRegisterTool(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'registerPrompt': handleRegisterPrompt(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'registerResource': handleRegisterResource(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'listTools': handleListTools(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'listPrompts': handleListPrompts(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'listResources': handleListResources(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'callTool': handleCallTool(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'getPrompt': handleGetPrompt(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'readResource': handleReadResource(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'createSamplingMessage': handleCreateSamplingMessage(ws, clientChannel, data); break; case 'toolResponse': handleToolResponse(data); break; case 'promptResponse': handlePromptResponse(data); break; case 'resourceResponse': handleResourceResponse(data); break; case 'samplingResponse': handleSamplingResponse(data); break; default: ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: `Unknown message type: ${data.type}` })); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error processing WebSocket message:', error); try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Invalid message format' })); } catch (sendError) { console.error('Error sending error response:', sendError); } } }); // Handle disconnection ws.on('close', async () => { console.error(`Client disconnected from path: ${clientChannel}`); // Remove from channel const channel = channels[clientChannel]; if (channel) { channel.delete(ws); // Set a timer to clean up empty channels after 1 minute if (channel.size === 0) { console.error(`Channel ${clientChannel} is empty, will close in 1 minute if no one joins`); // Store the timeout in the channel object so we can clear it if needed channel.closeTimeout = setTimeout(async () => { // Check if the channel is still empty after 1 minute if (channels[clientChannel] && channels[clientChannel].size === 0) { delete channels[clientChannel]; console.error(`Removed empty channel for path: ${clientChannel} after 1 minute inactivity`); // Clean up tools, prompts, and resources for this channel const itemsToRemove = { tools: [], prompts: [], resources: [] }; for (const [toolId, toolInfo] of Object.entries(toolsRegistry)) { if (toolInfo.channel === clientChannel) { itemsToRemove.tools.push(toolId); } } for (const [promptId, promptInfo] of Object.entries(promptsRegistry)) { if (promptInfo.channel === clientChannel) { itemsToRemove.prompts.push(promptId); } } for (const [resourceId, resourceInfo] of Object.entries(resourcesRegistry)) { if (resourceInfo.channel === clientChannel) { itemsToRemove.resources.push(resourceId); } } itemsToRemove.tools.forEach(toolId => { delete toolsRegistry[toolId]; console.error(`Removed tool: ${toolId} from path: ${clientChannel}`); }); itemsToRemove.prompts.forEach(promptId => { delete promptsRegistry[promptId]; console.error(`Removed prompt: ${promptId} from path: ${clientChannel}`); }); itemsToRemove.resources.forEach(resourceId => { delete resourcesRegistry[resourceId]; console.error(`Removed resource: ${resourceId} from path: ${clientChannel}`); }); // Remove the authorized token for this channel if not MCP if (clientChannel !== MCP_PATH) { deleteToken(clientChannel); await saveAuthorizedTokens(); console.error(`Removed authorized token for channel: ${clientChannel}`); } // Update them all sendNotification(ws, undefined, 'toolRegistered', {}, true); sendNotification(ws, undefined, 'promptRegistered', {}, true); sendNotification(ws, undefined, 'resourceRegistered', {}, true); } }, 60000); // 1 minute timeout } } }); // Handle errors ws.on('error', (error) => { console.error('WebSocket error:', error); // Remove from channel const channel = channels[clientChannel]; if (channel) { channel.delete(ws); } }); }); // Handle ping messages function handlePing(ws, data) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id: data.id, type: 'pong', timestamp: Date.now() })); } // Handle tool registration function handleRegisterTool(ws, channelPath, data) { const {name, description, inputSchema} = data; if (!name) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Tool name is required' })); return; } // Create a unique tool ID for internal tracking const toolId = `${channelPath.slice(1)}-${name}`; // Register the tool toolsRegistry[toolId] = { channel: channelPath, name, description: description || `Tool: ${name}`, inputSchema, originalName: name }; // Send registration notification to both client and MCP sendNotification(ws, channelPath, 'toolRegistered', { name, toolId }); console.error(`Tool registered: ${toolId}`); } // Handle prompt registration function handleRegisterPrompt(ws, channelPath, data) { const {name, description, arguments: promptArgs} = data; if (!name) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Prompt name is required' })); return; } // Create a unique prompt ID for internal tracking const promptId = `${channelPath.slice(1)}-${name}`; // Register the prompt promptsRegistry[promptId] = { channel: channelPath, name, description: description || `Prompt: ${name}`, arguments: promptArgs || [], originalName: name }; // Send registration notification to both client and MCP sendNotification(ws, channelPath, 'promptRegistered', { name, promptId }); console.error(`Prompt registered: ${promptId}`); } // Handle resource registration function handleRegisterResource(ws, channelPath, data) { const {uri, name, description, mimeType, isTemplate, uriTemplate} = data; if ((!uri && !uriTemplate) || !name) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', message: 'Resource URI/template and name are required' })); return; } // Create a unique resource ID for internal tracking const resourceId = `${channelPath.slice(1)}-${name}`; // Register the resource resourcesRegistry[resourceId] = { channel: channelPath, name, description: description || `Resource: ${name}`, uri: uri, uriTemplate: uriTemplate, isTemplate: !!isTemplate, mimeType, originalName: name }; // Send registration notification to both client and MCP sendNotification(ws, channelPath, 'resourceRegistered', { name, resourceId }); console.error(`Resource registered: ${resourceId}`); } // Handle list tools requests function handleListTools(ws, clientChannel, data) { const {id} = data; // Special handling if the request is from the MCP client const isMcpClient = (clientChannel === MCP_PATH); let tools; if (isMcpClient) { // For MCP clients, return all tools across all paths with path prefixes tools = Object.entries(toolsRegistry).map(([toolId, toolInfo]) => { // Create a path-based fully qualified name - combine path and tool name const pathBasedName = `${toolInfo.channel.slice(1)}-${toolInfo.originalName}`; return { name: pathBasedName, description: toolInfo.description, inputSchema: toolInfo.inputSchema, }; }); console.error(`Sending all ${tools.length} tools to MCP client on path ${clientChannel}`); } else { // For regular clients, return only their own tools without path prefixes tools = Object.entries(toolsRegistry) .filter(([_, toolInfo]) => toolInfo.channel === clientChannel) .map(([_, toolInfo]) => ({ name: toolInfo.originalName, description: toolInfo.description, inputSchema: toolInfo.inputSchema, })); console.error(`Sending ${tools.length} tools from path ${clientChannel}`); } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'listToolsResponse', tools })); } // Handle list prompts requests function handleListPrompts(ws, clientChannel, data) { const {id} = data; // Special handling if the request is from the MCP client const isMcpClient = (clientChannel === MCP_PATH); let prompts; if (isMcpClient) { // For MCP clients, return all prompts across all paths with path prefixes prompts = Object.entries(promptsRegistry).map(([promptId, promptInfo]) => { // Create a path-based fully qualified name - combine path and prompt name const pathBasedName = `${promptInfo.channel.slice(1)}-${promptInfo.originalName}`; return { name: pathBasedName, description: promptInfo.description, arguments: promptInfo.arguments, }; }); console.error(`Sending all ${prompts.length} prompts to MCP client on path ${clientChannel}`); } else { // For regular clients, return only their own prompts without path prefixes prompts = Object.entries(promptsRegistry) .filter(([_, promptInfo]) => promptInfo.channel === clientChannel) .map(([_, promptInfo]) => ({ name: promptInfo.originalName, description: promptInfo.description, arguments: promptInfo.arguments, })); console.error(`Sending ${prompts.length} prompts from path ${clientChannel}`); } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'listPromptsResponse', prompts })); } // Handle list resources requests function handleListResources(ws, clientChannel, data) { const {id} = data; // Special handling if the request is from the MCP client const isMcpClient = (clientChannel === MCP_PATH); let resources = []; let resourceTemplates = []; if (isMcpClient) { // For MCP clients, return all resources across all paths with path prefixes Object.entries(resourcesRegistry).forEach(([resourceId, resourceInfo]) => { // Create a path-based fully qualified name - combine path and resource name const pathBasedName = `${resourceInfo.channel.slice(1)}-${resourceInfo.originalName}`; if (resourceInfo.isTemplate) { resourceTemplates.push({ name: pathBasedName, description: resourceInfo.description, uriTemplate: resourceInfo.uriTemplate, mimeType: resourceInfo.mimeType, }); } else { resources.push({ name: pathBasedName, description: resourceInfo.description, uri: resourceInfo.uri, mimeType: resourceInfo.mimeType, }); } }); console.error(`Sending all ${resources.length} resources and ${resourceTemplates.length} templates to MCP client on path ${clientChannel}`); } else { // For regular clients, return only their own resources without path prefixes Object.entries(resourcesRegistry) .filter(([_, resourceInfo]) => resourceInfo.channel === clientChannel) .forEach(([_, resourceInfo]) => { if (resourceInfo.isTemplate) { resourceTemplates.push({ name: resourceInfo.originalName, description: resourceInfo.description, uriTemplate: resourceInfo.uriTemplate, mimeType: resourceInfo.mimeType, }); } else { resources.push({ name: resourceInfo.originalName, description: resourceInfo.description, uri: resourceInfo.uri, mimeType: resourceInfo.mimeType, }); } }); console.error(`Sending ${resources.length} resources and ${resourceTemplates.length} templates from path ${clientChannel}`); } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'listResourcesResponse', resources, resourceTemplates })); } // Handle tool call requests function handleCallTool(ws, callerChannel, data) { const {id, tool, arguments: args} = data; // Special handling if the caller is on the MCP path const isMcpClient = (callerChannel === MCP_PATH); // If the caller is MCP, the tool name might include a path prefix let targetChannel; let toolName; if (isMcpClient && tool.startsWith('/')) { // Extract the path and tool name from the fully qualified name [targetChannel, toolName] = tool.slice(1).split("-").slice(1); targetChannel = `/${targetChannel}`; } else { // Check if the tool exists in the registry if (!toolsRegistry[tool]) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'toolResponse', error: `Tool not found: ${tool}` })); return; } const toolInfo = toolsRegistry[tool]; targetChannel = toolInfo.channel; toolName = toolInfo.originalName; } // Get the target channel if (!channels[targetChannel] || channels[targetChannel].size === 0) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'toolResponse', error: `No clients available in channel ${targetChannel} to handle tool: ${toolName}` })); return; } // Pick the first client in the target channel (you could implement more sophisticated routing) const targetClient = channels[targetChannel].values().next().value; // Create a unique request ID for tracking const requestId = (requestIdCounter++).toString(); // Store the pending request pendingRequests[requestId] = { originalId: id, requesterWs: ws, timestamp: Date.now() }; // Set up timeout for the request setTimeout(() => { if (pendingRequests[requestId]) { const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[requestId]; delete pendingRequests[requestId]; try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'toolResponse', error: `Tool call timed out: ${toolName}` })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending timeout response:', error); } } }, 30000); // 30 second timeout // Send the request to the target client targetClient.send(JSON.stringify({ id: requestId, type: 'callTool', tool: toolName, // Send just the tool name without channel prefix arguments: args })); console.error(`Tool call forwarded: ${toolName} to channel: ${targetChannel}`); } // Handle get prompt requests function handleGetPrompt(ws, callerChannel, data) { const {id, name, arguments: args} = data; // Special handling if the caller is on the MCP path const isMcpClient = (callerChannel === MCP_PATH); // If the caller is MCP, the prompt name might include a path prefix let targetChannel; let promptName; if (isMcpClient && name.startsWith('/')) { // Extract the path and prompt name from the fully qualified name [targetChannel, promptName] = name.slice(1).split("-").slice(1); targetChannel = `/${targetChannel}`; } else { // Check if the prompt exists in the registry const promptInfo = Object.values(promptsRegistry).find(p => p.channel === callerChannel && p.originalName === name); if (!promptInfo) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'promptResponse', error: `Prompt not found: ${name}` })); return; } targetChannel = promptInfo.channel; promptName = promptInfo.originalName; } // Get the target channel if (!channels[targetChannel] || channels[targetChannel].size === 0) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'promptResponse', error: `No clients available in channel ${targetChannel} to handle prompt: ${promptName}` })); return; } // Pick the first client in the target channel const targetClient = channels[targetChannel].values().next().value; // Create a unique request ID for tracking const requestId = (requestIdCounter++).toString(); // Store the pending request pendingRequests[requestId] = { originalId: id, requesterWs: ws, timestamp: Date.now() }; // Set up timeout for the request setTimeout(() => { if (pendingRequests[requestId]) { const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[requestId]; delete pendingRequests[requestId]; try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'promptResponse', error: `Prompt request timed out: ${promptName}` })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending timeout response:', error); } } }, 30000); // 30 second timeout // Send the request to the target client targetClient.send(JSON.stringify({ id: requestId, type: 'getPrompt', name: promptName, arguments: args })); console.error(`Prompt request forwarded: ${promptName} to channel: ${targetChannel}`); } // Handle read resource requests function handleReadResource(ws, callerChannel, data) { const {id, uri} = data; // Find the resource that matches this URI let targetChannel; let resourceName; let resourceInfo; // First, try to find an exact match for the URI for (const [resId, info] of Object.entries(resourcesRegistry)) { if (!info.isTemplate && info.uri === uri) { resourceInfo = info; targetChannel = info.channel; resourceName = info.originalName; break; } } // If no exact match, check for templates if (!resourceInfo) { // This is a simplistic approach; a real implementation would properly parse the URI template for (const [resId, info] of Object.entries(resourcesRegistry)) { if (info.isTemplate && uri.startsWith(info.uriTemplate.split('{')[0])) { resourceInfo = info; targetChannel = info.channel; resourceName = info.originalName; break; } } } if (!resourceInfo) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'resourceResponse', error: `Resource not found for URI: ${uri}` })); return; } // Get the target channel if (!channels[targetChannel] || channels[targetChannel].size === 0) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'resourceResponse', error: `No clients available in channel ${targetChannel} to handle resource: ${resourceName}` })); return; } // Pick the first client in the target channel const targetClient = channels[targetChannel].values().next().value; // Create a unique request ID for tracking const requestId = (requestIdCounter++).toString(); // Store the pending request pendingRequests[requestId] = { originalId: id, requesterWs: ws, timestamp: Date.now() }; // Set up timeout for the request setTimeout(() => { if (pendingRequests[requestId]) { const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[requestId]; delete pendingRequests[requestId]; try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'resourceResponse', error: `Resource request timed out: ${uri}` })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending timeout response:', error); } } }, 30000); // 30 second timeout // Send the request to the target client targetClient.send(JSON.stringify({ id: requestId, type: 'readResource', uri: uri })); console.error(`Resource request forwarded: ${uri} to channel: ${targetChannel}`); } // Handle tool response function handleToolResponse(data) { const {id, result, error} = data; // Check if this is a response to a pending request if (!pendingRequests[id]) { console.error(`No pending request found for ID: ${id}`); return; } // Get the original requester information const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[id]; delete pendingRequests[id]; // Forward the response to the original requester try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'toolResponse', result: result, error: error })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error forwarding tool response:', error); } } // Handle prompt response function handlePromptResponse(data) { const {id, result, error} = data; // Check if this is a response to a pending request if (!pendingRequests[id]) { console.error(`No pending request found for ID: ${id}`); return; } // Get the original requester information const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[id]; delete pendingRequests[id]; // Forward the response to the original requester try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'promptResponse', result: result, error: error })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error forwarding prompt response:', error); } } // Handle resource response function handleResourceResponse(data) { const {id, result, error} = data; // Check if this is a response to a pending request if (!pendingRequests[id]) { console.error(`No pending request found for ID: ${id}`); return; } // Get the original requester information const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[id]; delete pendingRequests[id]; // Forward the response to the original requester try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'resourceResponse', result: result, error: error })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error forwarding resource response:', error); } } // Handle sampling response function handleSamplingResponse(data) { const {id, result, error} = data; // Check if this is a response to a pending request if (!pendingRequests[id]) { console.error(`No pending request found for ID: ${id}`); return; } // Get the original requester information const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[id]; delete pendingRequests[id]; // Forward the response to the original requester try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'samplingResponse', result: result, error: error })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error forwarding sampling response:', error); } } // Handle create sampling message function handleCreateSamplingMessage(ws, callerChannel, data) { const { id, messages, systemPrompt, includeContext, temperature, maxTokens, stopSequences, metadata, modelPreferences } = data; // Special handling if the caller is on the MCP path const isMcpClient = (callerChannel === MCP_PATH); // For non-MCP clients or if no client is available in any channel if (!isMcpClient) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'samplingResponse', error: `Sampling is only available through MCP path` })); return; } // Find a client that can handle sampling - target the first available client let targetClient = null; let targetChannel = null; // Iterate through all channels to find one with clients for (const [channel, clients] of Object.entries(channels)) { if (channel !== MCP_PATH && clients.size > 0) { targetClient = clients.values().next().value; targetChannel = channel; break; } } if (!targetClient) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ id, type: 'samplingResponse', error: 'No clients available to handle sampling request' })); return; } // Create a unique request ID for tracking const requestId = (requestIdCounter++).toString(); // Store the pending request pendingRequests[requestId] = { originalId: id, requesterWs: ws, timestamp: Date.now() }; // Set up timeout for the request (longer timeout for sampling) setTimeout(() => { if (pendingRequests[requestId]) { const {requesterWs, originalId} = pendingRequests[requestId]; delete pendingRequests[requestId]; try { requesterWs.send(JSON.stringify({ id: originalId, type: 'samplingResponse', error: 'Sampling request timed out' })); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending timeout response:', error); } } }, 120000); // 120 second timeout for sampling // Forward the request to the target client targetClient.send(JSON.stringify({ id: requestId, type: 'createSamplingMessage', messages, systemPrompt, includeContext, temperature, maxTokens, stopSequences, metadata, modelPreferences })); console.error(`Sampling request forwarded to channel: ${targetChannel}`); } // Function to decode a base64 encoded channel-token pair function decodeChannelTokenPair(encodedPair) { try { const decodedString = Buffer.from(encodedPair, 'base64').toString('utf8'); const [channel, token] = decodedString.split(':'); if (!channel || !token) { throw new Error('Invalid format'); } // Ensure channel has leading slash const formattedChannel = channel.startsWith('/') ? channel : `/${channel}`; return {channel: formattedChannel, token}; } catch (error) { console.error('Error decoding channel-token pair:', error); return null; } } // Function to authorize a new channel-token pair async function authorizeChannelToken(encodedPair) { const decoded = decodeChannelTokenPair(encodedPair); if (!decoded) { return {success: false, message: 'Invalid encoded channel-token pair'}; } const {channel, token} = decoded; // Check if this channel already has an active connection if (channels[channel] && channels[channel].size > 0) { return {success: false, message: `Channel ${channel} already has an active connection`}; } // Add to authorized tokens setToken(channel, token); await saveAuthorizedTokens(); return { success: true, message: `Authorized channel: ${channel}`, channel, token }; } // Function to check if server is already running async function isServerRunning() { // If using "docker" and "startMCP" just assume the server is running if (CONFIG.startMCP && CONFIG.docker) { return true; } try { // Check if PID file exists const pidData = await fs.readFile(PID_FILE, 'utf8'); const pid = parseInt(pidData.trim(), 10); // Check if process with this PID is running // This is platform-specific, using a simple approach try { process.kill(pid, 0); // This doesn't actually kill the process, just checks if it exists return {running: true, pid}; } catch (e) { // Process not running, remove stale PID file await fs.unlink(PID_FILE); return {running: false}; } } catch (error) { // PID file doesn't exist or other error return {running: false}; } } // Function to save current PID to file async function savePid() { try { await fs.writeFile(PID_FILE, process.pid.toString(), 'utf8'); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving PID file:', error); return false; } } // Function to run the server in the background async function daemonize() { // Fork a new process that will become the daemon const args = process.argv.slice(2); // Make sure the --forked flag is included if (!args.includes('--forked')) { args.push('--forked'); } // Create a detached child process const child = fork(process.argv[1], args, { detached: true, stdio: 'ignore' }); // Detach the child process so it can run independently child.unref(); console.error(`Server started as daemon with PID: ${child.pid}`); console.error(`Use 'node websocket-server.js --quit' to stop the server`); console.error(`Use 'node websocket-server.js --new <encoded-pair>' to authorize a channel-token pair`); console.error(`Put 'npx @jason.today/webmcp --mcp' in your mcp client config`); if (!CONFIG.startMCP) { process.exit(0); } } const parseArgs = async () => { const args = process.argv.slice(2); let port = 4797; // Default port let quit = false; let newToken = false; let startMCP = false; let docker = false; let cleanTokens = false; let encodedPair = null; let daemon = true; // Default to daemonize for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { const arg = args[i]; if (arg === '-h' || arg === '--help') { showHelp(); process.exit(0); } else if (arg === '-p' || arg === '--port') { if (i + 1 < args.length) { const portArg = parseInt(args[i + 1], 10); if (isNaN(portArg) || portArg < 1 || portArg > 65535) { console.error('Error: Port must be a number between 1 and 65535'); showHelp(); process.exit(1); } port = portArg; i++; // Skip the next argument as we've already processed it } else { console.error('Error: Port option requires a value'); showHelp(); process.exit(1); } } else if (arg === '--config') { if (i + 1 < args.length) { const config = args[i + 1]; await configureMcpClient(config) i++; // Skip the next argument as we've already processed it } else { console.error('Error: Config option requires a mcp client type or path to json'); showHelp(); process.exit(1); } } else if (arg === '-q' || arg === '--quit') { quit = true; } else if (arg === '-n' || arg === '--new') { newToken = true; } else if (arg === '-m' || arg === '--mcp') { startMCP = true; } else if (arg === '-d' || arg === '--docker') { docker = true; } else if (arg === '-c' || arg === '--clean') { cleanTokens = true; } else if (arg === '-f' || arg === '--foreground') { daemon = false; } else if (arg === '--forked') { // This is an internal flag to indicate we're the forked child │ │ // No need to do anything with it here, just don't error on it } else { console.error(`Error: Unknown option: ${arg}`); showHelp(); process.exit(1); } } return {port, quit, newToken, cleanTokens, encodedPair, daemon, startMCP}; }; const showHelp = () => { console.log(` Usage: node websocket-server.js [options] Options: --config Automatically update MCP client configuration to add WebMCP -p, --port <number> Specify the port number (default: 4797) -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quit Stop the running server -n, --new Generate a new token for client registration -c, --clean Remove all authorized tokens -f, --foreground Run in foreground (don't daemonize) -m, --mcp Internal WebMCP Server codepath, likely only used in MCP client config -d, --docker Tell the MCP client that WebMCP is running in docker Use --new to generate a token which clients can use to register on the /register endpoint. Use --clean to remove all authorized tokens when you want to start fresh. `); }; const main = async () => { // Ensure the config directory exists await ensureConfigDir(); // Load authorized tokens from disk await loadAuthorizedTokens(); setConfig(await parseArgs()); // Check if server is already running const serverStatus = await isServerRunning(); // Handle clean tokens command if (CONFIG.cleanTokens) { console.log(`Removing all authorized tokens...`); clearTokens(); await saveAuthorizedTokens(); console.log(`All tokens have been removed. Tokens file cleared.`); // If server is running, we need to notify it to reload tokens if (serverStatus.running) { console.log(`Server is running with PID: ${serverStatus.pid}. Please restart it to apply changes.`); } process.exit(0); } // Handle quit command if (CONFIG.quit) { if (serverStatus.running) { console.log(`Stopping server with PID: ${serverStatus.pid}`); try { process.kill(serverStatus.pid, 'SIGTERM'); console.log('Server stopped successfully'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error stopping server:', error); } } else { console.log('No running server found'); } process.exit(0); } // Handle new token generation if (CONFIG.newToken) { const encodedData = await generateNewRegistrationToken(); console.log(`\nCONNECTION TOKEN (paste this in your web client):`); console.log(`${encodedData}\n`); // If server is running, exit if (serverStatus.running) { process.exit(0); } } // Check if we have a server token, generate one if not if (!serverToken) { // console.log('No server token found, generating a new one...'); serverToken = generateToken(); await saveServerTokenToEnv(serverToken); // console.log(`New server token: "${serverToken}". Saved to .env`); } // If server is already running and we're not authorizing a token, just show status and exit if (serverStatus.running) { console.error(`Server is already running with PID: ${serverStatus.pid}`); console.error(`Use 'node websocket-server.js --quit' to stop the server`); console.error(`Use 'node websocket-server.js --new <encoded-pair>' to authorize a channel-token pair`); console.error(`Put 'npx @jason.today/webmcp --mcp' in your mcp client config`); if (CONFIG.startMCP) { return; } else { process.exit(0); } } // Daemonize if requested if (CONFIG.daemon) { // We need to add a marker to args to prevent fork bombs // If we already have the --forked flag, we're in the child process and should continue if (!process.argv.includes('--forked')) { // Add the --forked flag to the arguments before daemonizing process.argv.push('--forked'); return daemonize(); } } // If we have the --forked flag, we're already the daemon, continue execution // Save PID file await savePid(); // Start the server const PORT = CONFIG.port; httpServer.listen(PORT, () => { console.error(`WebSocket server running at http://${HOST}:${PORT}`); console.error(`WebSocket server running at http://${HOST}:${PORT}`); console.error(`WebMCP client token (for MCP path): ${serverToken}`); console.error(`WebMCP client URL: ws://${HOST}:${PORT}${MCP_PATH}?token=${serverToken}`); console.error(`Use 'node websocket-server.js --new <encoded-pair>' to authorize a channel-token pair`); }); // Handle graceful shutdown const shutdownGracefully = async (signal) => { console.error(`\nReceived ${signal}. Shutting down gracefully...`); // Save authorized tokens before shutting down await saveAuthorizedTokens(); // Close all WebSocket connections in all channels for (const channel of Object.values(channels)) { for (const ws of channel) { try { ws.close(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error closing WebSocket connection:', error); } } } // Close the HTTP server httpServer.close(() => { console.error('HTTP server closed'); // Remove PID file fs.unlink(PID_FILE).catch(err => { console.error('Error removing PID file:', err); }); process.exit(0); }); }; // Handle CTRL+C (SIGINT) process.on('SIGINT', () => shutdownGracefully('SIGINT')); // Handle SIGTERM process.on('SIGTERM', () => shutdownGracefully('SIGTERM')); // Enable keyboard input handling for CTRL+C on Windows if (process.platform === 'win32') { process.stdin.setRawMode(true); process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.on('data', (data) => { // Check for CTRL+C (03 in hex) if (data.length === 1 && data[0] === 0x03) { shutdownGracefully('CTRL+C'); } }); } }; main().catch(error => { console.error('Error in main:', error); process.exit(1); }).then(() => { // Handle starting MCP if (CONFIG.startMCP) { setTimeout(() => { console.error("Starting up MCP Server") runMcpServer(serverToken).catch((error) => { console.error("Fatal error in main():", error); process.exit(1); }); }, 100); } });