by jasonjmcghee
  • src
/** * WebMCP - Snippet to add MCP functionality to any website * * Shows as a small blue square in bottom right corner * On click, expands to allow connection with token * Auto-disconnects after 5 minutes of inactivity */ class WebMCP { constructor(options = {}) { // Options with defaults this.options = { color: '#007bff', position: 'bottom-right', size: '30px', padding: '20px', inactivityTimeout: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes in milliseconds ...options }; // State variables this.isConnected = false; this.isExpanded = false; this.socket = null; this.inactivityTimer = null; this.availableTools = new Map(); this.availablePrompts = new Map(); this.availableResources = new Map(); this.samplingCallbacks = new Map(); // For storing sampling callbacks this.currentToken = ''; this.currentServer = ''; this.currentChannel = ''; this.elementId = 'webmcp-widget-' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); this.registeredTools = new Set(); this.registeredPrompts = new Set(); this.registeredResources = new Set(); // Storage keys for sessionStorage this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY = 'webmcp_token'; this.TOOLS_STORAGE_KEY = 'webmcp_tools'; this.PROMPTS_STORAGE_KEY = 'webmcp_prompts'; this.RESOURCES_STORAGE_KEY = 'webmcp_resources'; // Constants this.REGISTER_PATH = '/register'; // Initialize this._init(); } _format(s) { return s.replace(/[.:]/g, '_'); } /** * Initialize the WebMCP widget * @private */ _init() { // Check if already initialized on this page if (document.querySelector('[data-webmcp-widget]')) { console.warn('WebMCP widget already initialized on this page'); return; } // Create and inject the widget this._createWidget(); // Set up event listeners this._setupEventListeners(); // Start inactivity timer this._resetInactivityTimer(); // Check for stored token and connect if available this._checkStoredToken(); } /** * Check for stored connection info in sessionStorage and connect if found * @private */ _checkStoredToken() { const storedConnectionInfo = sessionStorage.getItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); if (storedConnectionInfo) { try { const connectionInfo = JSON.parse(storedConnectionInfo); if (connectionInfo.token) { console.log('Found stored connection info, attempting to connect'); // Set the connection properties directly this.currentServer = connectionInfo.server; this.currentChannel = `/${connectionInfo.channelHost || this._format(window.location.host)}`; // Set the current token from connection info if (connectionInfo.token.includes('{')) { // It's already parsed JSON const tokenData = JSON.parse(connectionInfo.token); this.currentToken = tokenData.token; } else { // It's a base64 encoded string try { const jsonStr = atob(connectionInfo.token); const tokenData = JSON.parse(jsonStr); this.currentToken = tokenData.token; } catch (e) { this.currentToken = connectionInfo.token; } } // Load stored items before connecting this._loadStoredItems(); // Connect using the stored token this.connect(connectionInfo.token); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error parsing stored connection info:', error); sessionStorage.removeItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); this._clearStoredItems(); } } } /** * Save tools, prompts, and resources to session storage * @private */ _saveItemsToStorage() { try { // Save tools const toolsData = {}; this.availableTools.forEach((tool, name) => { toolsData[name] = { name: tool.name, description: tool.description, inputSchema: tool.inputSchema, // We don't store the execution function as it can't be serialized }; }); sessionStorage.setItem(this.TOOLS_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(toolsData)); // Save prompts const promptsData = {}; this.availablePrompts.forEach((prompt, name) => { promptsData[name] = { name: prompt.name, description: prompt.description, arguments: prompt.arguments, // We don't store the execution function as it can't be serialized }; }); sessionStorage.setItem(this.PROMPTS_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(promptsData)); // Save resources const resourcesData = {}; this.availableResources.forEach((resource, name) => { resourcesData[name] = { name: resource.name, description: resource.description, uri: resource.uri, uriTemplate: resource.uriTemplate, isTemplate: resource.isTemplate, mimeType: resource.mimeType, // We don't store the provide function as it can't be serialized }; }); sessionStorage.setItem(this.RESOURCES_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(resourcesData)); console.log('Saved items to session storage:', { tools: Object.keys(toolsData).length, prompts: Object.keys(promptsData).length, resources: Object.keys(resourcesData).length }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving items to session storage:', error); } } /** * Load tools, prompts, and resources from session storage * @private */ _loadStoredItems() { try { // Load tools const storedTools = sessionStorage.getItem(this.TOOLS_STORAGE_KEY); if (storedTools) { const toolsData = JSON.parse(storedTools); Object.entries(toolsData).forEach(([name, tool]) => { // Add to the available tools with placeholder execute function this.availableTools.set(name, { ...tool, execute: function (args) { console.warn(`Tool ${name} was loaded from storage but has not been re-registered with an execution function`); return `Tool ${name} needs to be re-registered`; } }); }); } // Load prompts const storedPrompts = sessionStorage.getItem(this.PROMPTS_STORAGE_KEY); if (storedPrompts) { const promptsData = JSON.parse(storedPrompts); Object.entries(promptsData).forEach(([name, prompt]) => { // Add to the available prompts with placeholder execute function this.availablePrompts.set(name, { ...prompt, execute: function (args) { console.warn(`Prompt ${name} was loaded from storage but has not been re-registered with an execution function`); return { messages: [{ role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: `Prompt ${name} needs to be re-registered` } }] }; } }); }); } // Load resources const storedResources = sessionStorage.getItem(this.RESOURCES_STORAGE_KEY); if (storedResources) { const resourcesData = JSON.parse(storedResources); Object.entries(resourcesData).forEach(([name, resource]) => { // Add to the available resources with placeholder provide function this.availableResources.set(name, { ...resource, provide: function (uri) { console.warn(`Resource ${name} was loaded from storage but has not been re-registered with a provider function`); return { contents: [{ uri: uri, text: `Resource ${name} needs to be re-registered`, mimeType: resource.mimeType || "text/plain" }] }; } }); }); } console.log('Loaded items from session storage:', { tools: this.availableTools.size, prompts: this.availablePrompts.size, resources: this.availableResources.size }); // Update the UI this._updateToolsList(); this._updatePromptsList(); this._updateResourcesList(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading items from session storage:', error); this._clearStoredItems(); } } /** * Clear all stored items from session storage * @private */ _clearStoredItems() { sessionStorage.removeItem(this.TOOLS_STORAGE_KEY); sessionStorage.removeItem(this.PROMPTS_STORAGE_KEY); sessionStorage.removeItem(this.RESOURCES_STORAGE_KEY); console.log('Cleared stored items from session storage'); } /** * Create and inject the WebMCP widget into the DOM * @private */ _createWidget() { // Create main container const container = document.createElement('div'); container.id = this.elementId; container.dataset.webmcpWidget = true; // Apply styles Object.assign(container.style, { position: 'fixed', zIndex: '9999', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif', fontSize: '14px', transition: 'all 0.3s ease' }); // Set position based on option this._setWidgetPosition(container); // Create trigger button (blue square) const triggerButton = document.createElement('div'); triggerButton.className = 'webmcp-trigger'; Object.assign(triggerButton.style, { width: this.options.size, height: this.options.size, backgroundColor: this.options.color, borderRadius: '4px', cursor: 'pointer', boxShadow: '0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', alignSelf: 'flex-end' }); // Create content panel (initially hidden) - positioned above the trigger const contentPanel = document.createElement('div'); contentPanel.className = 'webmcp-content'; Object.assign(contentPanel.style, { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', border: '1px solid #e1e1e1', borderRadius: '5px', padding: '15px', marginBottom: '10px', boxShadow: '0 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', width: '250px', display: 'none', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', bottom: '40px' }); // Add header with title and close button const header = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(header.style, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: '15px' }); const title = document.createElement('div'); title.textContent = 'WebMCP'; Object.assign(title.style, { fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '16px' }); const closeButton = document.createElement('button'); closeButton.innerHTML = '&times;'; // × symbol closeButton.className = 'webmcp-close'; Object.assign(closeButton.style, { background: 'none', border: 'none', cursor: 'pointer', fontSize: '20px', padding: '0', lineHeight: '1', color: '#999' }); header.appendChild(title); header.appendChild(closeButton); contentPanel.appendChild(header); // Add connection form this._createConnectionForm(contentPanel); // Add status indicator const statusIndicator = document.createElement('div'); statusIndicator.className = 'webmcp-status'; statusIndicator.textContent = 'Disconnected'; Object.assign(statusIndicator.style, { padding: '8px', borderRadius: '3px', backgroundColor: '#f8d7da', color: '#721c24', textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: '10px', fontSize: '12px' }); contentPanel.appendChild(statusIndicator); // Add connection panel const connectionPanel = document.createElement('div'); connectionPanel.className = 'webmcp-connection-panel'; contentPanel.appendChild(connectionPanel); // Create a single container for all registered items const registeredItemsContainer = document.createElement('div'); registeredItemsContainer.className = 'webmcp-registered-items'; Object.assign(registeredItemsContainer.style, { marginTop: '15px', fontSize: '12px', display: 'none', maxHeight: '200px', overflow: 'auto', border: '1px solid #eee', borderRadius: '4px' }); contentPanel.appendChild(registeredItemsContainer); // Add features lists (initially empty) // Tools list const toolsList = document.createElement('div'); toolsList.className = 'webmcp-tools-list'; Object.assign(toolsList.style, { padding: '10px', borderBottom: '1px solid #eee' }); const toolsHeader = document.createElement('div'); toolsHeader.textContent = 'Registered Tools:'; Object.assign(toolsHeader.style, { fontWeight: 'bold', marginBottom: '5px' }); const toolsContainer = document.createElement('ul'); toolsContainer.className = 'webmcp-tools-container'; Object.assign(toolsContainer.style, { listStyle: 'none', padding: '0', margin: '0' }); toolsList.appendChild(toolsHeader); toolsList.appendChild(toolsContainer); registeredItemsContainer.appendChild(toolsList); // Prompts list const promptsList = document.createElement('div'); promptsList.className = 'webmcp-prompts-list'; Object.assign(promptsList.style, { padding: '10px', borderBottom: '1px solid #eee' }); const promptsHeader = document.createElement('div'); promptsHeader.textContent = 'Registered Prompts:'; Object.assign(promptsHeader.style, { fontWeight: 'bold', marginBottom: '5px' }); const promptsContainer = document.createElement('ul'); promptsContainer.className = 'webmcp-prompts-container'; Object.assign(promptsContainer.style, { listStyle: 'none', padding: '0', margin: '0' }); promptsList.appendChild(promptsHeader); promptsList.appendChild(promptsContainer); registeredItemsContainer.appendChild(promptsList); // Resources list const resourcesList = document.createElement('div'); resourcesList.className = 'webmcp-resources-list'; Object.assign(resourcesList.style, { padding: '10px' }); const resourcesHeader = document.createElement('div'); resourcesHeader.textContent = 'Registered Resources:'; Object.assign(resourcesHeader.style, { fontWeight: 'bold', marginBottom: '5px' }); const resourcesContainer = document.createElement('ul'); resourcesContainer.className = 'webmcp-resources-container'; Object.assign(resourcesContainer.style, { listStyle: 'none', padding: '0', margin: '0' }); resourcesList.appendChild(resourcesHeader); resourcesList.appendChild(resourcesContainer); registeredItemsContainer.appendChild(resourcesList); // Add to main container and then to document - content panel first so it appears above trigger container.appendChild(contentPanel); container.appendChild(triggerButton); document.body.appendChild(container); } /** * Set widget position based on option * @private */ _setWidgetPosition(container) { const {position, padding} = this.options; switch (position) { case 'bottom-right': Object.assign(container.style, { bottom: padding, right: padding, alignItems: 'flex-end' }); break; case 'bottom-left': Object.assign(container.style, { bottom: padding, left: padding, alignItems: 'flex-start' }); break; case 'top-right': Object.assign(container.style, { top: padding, right: padding, alignItems: 'flex-end' }); break; case 'top-left': Object.assign(container.style, { top: padding, left: padding, alignItems: 'flex-start' }); break; default: // Default to bottom-right Object.assign(container.style, { bottom: padding, right: padding, alignItems: 'flex-end' }); } } /** * Create the connection form * @private */ _createConnectionForm(container) { const form = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(form.style, { marginBottom: '8px', }); // Token input field const inputGroup = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(inputGroup.style, { display: 'flex', marginBottom: '8px', }); const tokenInput = document.createElement('input'); tokenInput.type = 'text'; tokenInput.className = 'webmcp-token-input'; tokenInput.placeholder = 'Paste connection token'; Object.assign(tokenInput.style, { flex: '1', padding: '8px', border: '1px solid #ccc', borderRadius: '4px 0 0 4px', fontSize: '12px' }); const connectButton = document.createElement('button'); connectButton.className = 'webmcp-connect-btn'; connectButton.textContent = 'Connect'; Object.assign(connectButton.style, { padding: '8px 12px', backgroundColor: this.options.color, color: 'white', border: 'none', borderRadius: '0 4px 4px 0', cursor: 'pointer', fontSize: '12px' }); inputGroup.appendChild(tokenInput); inputGroup.appendChild(connectButton); const disconnectButton = document.createElement('button'); disconnectButton.className = 'webmcp-disconnect-btn'; disconnectButton.textContent = 'Disconnect'; Object.assign(disconnectButton.style, { padding: '8px 12px', backgroundColor: '#dc3545', color: 'white', border: 'none', borderRadius: '4px', cursor: 'pointer', fontSize: '12px', width: '100%', display: 'none' }); form.appendChild(inputGroup); form.appendChild(disconnectButton); container.appendChild(form); } /** * Set up event listeners for the widget * @private */ _setupEventListeners() { const container = document.getElementById(this.elementId); if (!container) return; // Trigger button click - expand/collapse const trigger = container.querySelector('.webmcp-trigger'); trigger.addEventListener('click', () => { this._toggleExpanded(); }); // Close button click - collapse const closeBtn = container.querySelector('.webmcp-close'); closeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { this._toggleExpanded(false); }); // Connect button click const connectBtn = container.querySelector('.webmcp-connect-btn'); connectBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { const tokenInput = container.querySelector('.webmcp-token-input'); this.connect(tokenInput.value); }); // Disconnect button click const disconnectBtn = container.querySelector('.webmcp-disconnect-btn'); disconnectBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { this.disconnect(); }); // User activity detection to reset inactivity timer document.addEventListener('mousemove', () => this._resetInactivityTimer()); document.addEventListener('keypress', () => this._resetInactivityTimer()); document.addEventListener('click', () => this._resetInactivityTimer()); document.addEventListener('scroll', () => this._resetInactivityTimer()); } /** * Toggle the expanded state of the widget * @private */ _toggleExpanded(force = null) { const container = document.getElementById(this.elementId); if (!container) return; const contentPanel = container.querySelector('.webmcp-content'); this.isExpanded = force !== null ? force : !this.isExpanded; if (this.isExpanded) { contentPanel.style.display = 'block'; } else { contentPanel.style.display = 'none'; } this._resetInactivityTimer(); } /** * Update the status indicator * @private */ _updateStatus(status, message) { const container = document.getElementById(this.elementId); if (!container) return; const statusIndicator = container.querySelector('.webmcp-status'); if (!statusIndicator) return; // Clear existing classes statusIndicator.classList.remove('connected', 'disconnected', 'connecting', 'pending-auth'); // Set new status statusIndicator.textContent = message || status; // Apply styling based on status switch (status) { case 'connected': Object.assign(statusIndicator.style, { backgroundColor: '#d4edda', color: '#155724' }); break; case 'disconnected': Object.assign(statusIndicator.style, { backgroundColor: '#f8d7da', color: '#721c24' }); break; case 'connecting': Object.assign(statusIndicator.style, { backgroundColor: '#fff3cd', color: '#856404' }); break; case 'pending-auth': Object.assign(statusIndicator.style, { backgroundColor: '#d1ecf1', color: '#0c5460' }); break; } } /** * Update UI based on connection state * @private */ _updateConnectionUI(isConnected) { const container = document.getElementById(this.elementId); if (!container) return; const tokenInput = container.querySelector('.webmcp-token-input'); const connectBtn = container.querySelector('.webmcp-connect-btn'); const disconnectBtn = container.querySelector('.webmcp-disconnect-btn'); const registeredItemsContainer = container.querySelector('.webmcp-registered-items'); if (isConnected) { tokenInput.style.display = 'none'; connectBtn.style.display = 'none'; disconnectBtn.style.display = 'block'; registeredItemsContainer.style.display = 'block'; // Update the trigger button to show connected state const trigger = container.querySelector('.webmcp-trigger'); trigger.innerHTML = '✓'; trigger.style.color = 'white'; trigger.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; } else { tokenInput.style.display = 'block'; connectBtn.style.display = 'block'; disconnectBtn.style.display = 'none'; registeredItemsContainer.style.display = 'none'; // Reset the trigger button const trigger = container.querySelector('.webmcp-trigger'); trigger.innerHTML = ''; } } /** * Update tools list in UI * @private */ _updateToolsList() { const container = document.getElementById(this.elementId); if (!container) return; const toolsContainer = container.querySelector('.webmcp-tools-container'); if (!toolsContainer) return; // Clear current list toolsContainer.innerHTML = ''; if (this.availableTools.size === 0) { const emptyMessage = document.createElement('li'); emptyMessage.textContent = 'No tools registered'; emptyMessage.style.fontStyle = 'italic'; emptyMessage.style.color = '#666'; toolsContainer.appendChild(emptyMessage); return; } // Add each tool to the list this.availableTools.forEach((tool, name) => { const toolItem = document.createElement('li'); Object.assign(toolItem.style, { padding: '5px 0', borderBottom: '1px solid #eee' }); const toolName = document.createElement('strong'); toolName.textContent = name; const toolDesc = document.createElement('div'); toolDesc.textContent = tool.description; toolDesc.style.fontSize = '10px'; toolDesc.style.color = '#666'; toolItem.appendChild(toolName); toolItem.appendChild(toolDesc); toolsContainer.appendChild(toolItem); }); } /** * Update prompts list in UI * @private */ _updatePromptsList() { const container = document.getElementById(this.elementId); if (!container) return; const promptsContainer = container.querySelector('.webmcp-prompts-container'); if (!promptsContainer) return; // Clear current list promptsContainer.innerHTML = ''; if (this.availablePrompts.size === 0) { const emptyMessage = document.createElement('li'); emptyMessage.textContent = 'No prompts registered'; emptyMessage.style.fontStyle = 'italic'; emptyMessage.style.color = '#666'; promptsContainer.appendChild(emptyMessage); return; } // Add each prompt to the list this.availablePrompts.forEach((prompt, name) => { const promptItem = document.createElement('li'); Object.assign(promptItem.style, { padding: '5px 0', borderBottom: '1px solid #eee' }); const promptName = document.createElement('strong'); promptName.textContent = name; const promptDesc = document.createElement('div'); promptDesc.textContent = prompt.description; promptDesc.style.fontSize = '10px'; promptDesc.style.color = '#666'; promptItem.appendChild(promptName); promptItem.appendChild(promptDesc); promptsContainer.appendChild(promptItem); }); } /** * Update resources list in UI * @private */ _updateResourcesList() { const container = document.getElementById(this.elementId); if (!container) return; const resourcesContainer = container.querySelector('.webmcp-resources-container'); if (!resourcesContainer) return; // Clear current list resourcesContainer.innerHTML = ''; if (this.availableResources.size === 0) { const emptyMessage = document.createElement('li'); emptyMessage.textContent = 'No resources registered'; emptyMessage.style.fontStyle = 'italic'; emptyMessage.style.color = '#666'; resourcesContainer.appendChild(emptyMessage); return; } // Add each resource to the list this.availableResources.forEach((resource, name) => { const resourceItem = document.createElement('li'); Object.assign(resourceItem.style, { padding: '5px 0', borderBottom: '1px solid #eee' }); const resourceName = document.createElement('strong'); resourceName.textContent = name; const resourceDesc = document.createElement('div'); resourceDesc.textContent = resource.description + (resource.isTemplate ? ' (Template)' : ''); resourceDesc.style.fontSize = '10px'; resourceDesc.style.color = '#666'; resourceItem.appendChild(resourceName); resourceItem.appendChild(resourceDesc); resourcesContainer.appendChild(resourceItem); }); } /** * Reset the inactivity timer * @private */ _resetInactivityTimer() { // Clear existing timer if (this.inactivityTimer) { clearTimeout(this.inactivityTimer); } // Set new timer this.inactivityTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._handleInactivity(); }, this.options.inactivityTimeout); } /** * Handle user inactivity * @private */ _handleInactivity() { console.log('Inactivity timeout reached, disconnecting'); // Disconnect if connected if (this.isConnected) { this.disconnect(); } // Minimize UI this._toggleExpanded(false); // Clear the stored token sessionStorage.removeItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); } /** * Connect to the WebSocket server * @public * @param {string} connectionToken - The encoded connection token */ async connect(connectionToken) { if (!connectionToken) { this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Error: No token provided'); return; } // Update UI to show connecting state this._updateStatus('connecting', 'Connecting...'); try { // Process the connection token if (!this._processConnectionToken(connectionToken)) { return; } // Store the connection info in sessionStorage for page navigations const connectionInfo = { token: connectionToken, server: this.currentServer, host: this._format(window.location.host) }; // Check if we have connection data already in sessionStorage const storedConnectionInfo = sessionStorage.getItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); let skipRegistration = false; if (storedConnectionInfo) { try { const connectionInfo = JSON.parse(storedConnectionInfo); // If we already have a valid token and server, we can skip registration if (connectionInfo.server === this.currentServer && connectionInfo.host === this._format(window.location.host)) { skipRegistration = true; } } catch (error) { console.error('Error parsing stored connection info:', error); } } if (!skipRegistration) { // First register with server const response = await this._registerWithServer(connectionToken); if (!response.token) { this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Registration failed'); return; } // Save the new token connectionInfo.token = response.token; this.currentToken = response.token; sessionStorage.setItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(connectionInfo)); } // Now connect to the actual channel const serverUrl = `${this.currentServer}${this.currentChannel}?token=${this.currentToken}`; // Update UI this._updateStatus('connecting', 'Connecting to channel...'); // Create WebSocket connection with the path and token this.socket = new WebSocket(serverUrl); // Set up socket event listeners this._setupSocketListeners(); // Reset inactivity timer this._resetInactivityTimer(); } catch (error) { console.error('Connection error:', error); this._updateStatus('disconnected', `Error: ${error.message}`); } } /** * Disconnect from WebSocket server * @public */ disconnect() { // Close the WebSocket connection if it exists if (this.socket) { this.socket.close(); this.socket = null; } this.isConnected = false; this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Disconnected'); this._updateConnectionUI(false); // Reset state this.currentToken = ''; this.currentServer = ''; this.currentChannel = ''; // Remove the token from sessionStorage sessionStorage.removeItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); // Clear items from sessionStorage this._clearStoredItems(); } /** * Process connection token * @private * @param {string} encodedToken - The encoded connection token * @returns {boolean} - True if processing was successful */ _processConnectionToken(encodedToken) { try { // Decode the base64 token const jsonStr = atob(encodedToken); const connectionData = JSON.parse(jsonStr); // Extract server and token const {server, token} = connectionData; if (!server || !token) { this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Invalid token'); return false; } // Store connection info this.currentServer = server; this.currentToken = token; // Format channel based on hostname this.currentChannel = `/${this._format(window.location.host)}`; return true; } catch (error) { this._updateStatus('disconnected', `Unable to parse token`); return false; } } /** * Register with server using connection token * @private * @param {string} encodedToken - The encoded connection token * @returns {Promise<{ token: string }>} - Resolves to true if registration was successful */ _registerWithServer(encodedToken) { // Update UI this._updateStatus('pending-auth', 'Registering...'); // Connect to the registration endpoint const regSocket = new WebSocket(`${this.currentServer}${this.REGISTER_PATH}`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Connection opened - send the token regSocket.addEventListener('open', (event) => { console.log('Registration connection established'); // Send the original encoded token back to the server const jsonStr = atob(encodedToken); const connectionData = JSON.parse(jsonStr); connectionData.host = this._format(window.location.host); regSocket.send(btoa(JSON.stringify(connectionData))); }); // Listen for registration response regSocket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { try { const message = JSON.parse(event.data); if (message.type === 'registerSuccess' && message.token) { console.log(`Registration successful: ${message.message}`); // Registration complete, can now connect to channel resolve({ token: message.token }); } else if (message.type === 'error') { console.error(`Registration failed: ${message.message}`); this._updateStatus('disconnected', `Registration failed: ${message.message}`); reject(new Error(message.message)); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error parsing registration response: ${error.message}`); this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Error parsing server response'); reject(error); } }); // Handle registration errors regSocket.addEventListener('error', (event) => { console.error('Registration connection error'); this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Registration connection error'); sessionStorage.removeItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); reject(new Error('Connection error')); }); // Handle registration connection close regSocket.addEventListener('close', (event) => { console.log(`Registration connection closed: ${event.code} ${event.reason}`); if (event.code !== 1000) { // If it wasn't a normal closure, show an error this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Registration failed'); sessionStorage.removeItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); reject(new Error('Connection closed')); } }); }); } /** * Set up WebSocket event listeners for direct connection * @private */ _setupSocketListeners() { if (!this.socket) { console.error('Cannot set up socket listeners: WebSocket not available'); return; } // Set up socket open handler this.socket.addEventListener('open', () => { this.isConnected = true; this._updateStatus('connected', `Connected to ${this.currentChannel}`); this._updateConnectionUI(true); console.log('WebMCP connection established'); this._registerItemsWithServer(); }); // Set up socket close handler this.socket.addEventListener('close', (event) => { this.isConnected = false; this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Disconnected'); this._updateConnectionUI(false); console.log(`Connection closed: ${event.code} ${event.reason}`); // Check if it was an authorization error if (event.code === 1001 || event.code === 401) { this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Authorization failed'); this.currentToken = ''; this.currentServer = ''; this.currentChannel = ''; sessionStorage.removeItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); } }); // Set up socket error handler this.socket.addEventListener('error', () => { console.error('WebSocket error'); if (this.isConnected) { this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Connection error occurred'); } else { this._updateStatus('disconnected', 'Connection failed'); } sessionStorage.removeItem(this.SESSION_STORAGE_KEY); }); // Set up socket message handler this.socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { try { const message = JSON.parse(event.data); this._handleServerMessage(message); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error parsing message: ${error.message}`); } }); } /** * Handle messages from the server * @private * @param {Object} message - The parsed message object */ _handleServerMessage(message) { switch (message.type) { case 'welcome': console.log(`Server says: ${message.message}`); break; case 'toolRegistered': console.log(`Tool registered with server: ${message.name}`); break; case 'promptRegistered': console.log(`Prompt registered with server: ${message.name}`); break; case 'resourceRegistered': console.log(`Resource registered with server: ${message.name}`); break; case 'callTool': // Server is asking us to execute a tool this._handleToolCall(message); break; case 'getPrompt': // Server is asking us to provide a prompt this._handleGetPrompt(message); break; case 'readResource': // Server is asking us to provide a resource this._handleReadResource(message); break; case 'createSamplingMessage': // Server is asking us to create a sampling message this._handleCreateSamplingMessage(message); break; case 'listTools': // Server is asking for available tools this._sendToolsList(message.id); break; case 'listPrompts': // Server is asking for available prompts this._sendPromptsList(message.id); break; case 'listResources': // Server is asking for available resources this._sendResourcesList(message.id); break; case 'ping': // Respond to ping this._sendMessage({ type: 'pong', id: message.id, timestamp: Date.now() }); break; case 'error': console.error(`Server error: ${message.message}`); break; default: console.warn(`Unknown message type: ${message.type}`); } } /** * Handle tool call from server * @private * @param {Object} message - The parsed message object */ _handleToolCall(message) { const {id, tool, arguments: args} = message; console.log(`Tool call: ${tool} with args:`, args); if (!this.availableTools.has(tool)) { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'toolResponse', error: `Tool not found: ${tool}` }); return; } // Execute the tool try { const toolObj = this.availableTools.get(tool); // Call the tool's execute function const result = toolObj.execute(args); // Handle promises if (result instanceof Promise) { result .then(resolvedResult => { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'toolResponse', result: resolvedResult }); }) .catch(error => { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'toolResponse', error: error.message || 'Tool execution error' }); }); } else { // Send immediate result this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'toolResponse', result }); } console.log(`Tool response sent for ${tool}`); } catch (error) { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'toolResponse', error: error.message || 'Tool execution error' }); console.error(`Tool execution error:`, error); } } /** * Handle prompt request from server * @private * @param {Object} message - The parsed message object */ _handleGetPrompt(message) { const {id, name, arguments: args} = message; console.log(`Prompt request: ${name} with args:`, args); if (!this.availablePrompts.has(name)) { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'promptResponse', error: `Prompt not found: ${name}` }); return; } // Execute the prompt try { const promptObj = this.availablePrompts.get(name); // Call the prompt's execute function const result = promptObj.execute(args); // Handle promises if (result instanceof Promise) { result .then(resolvedResult => { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'promptResponse', result: resolvedResult }); }) .catch(error => { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'promptResponse', error: error.message || 'Prompt execution error' }); }); } else { // Send immediate result this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'promptResponse', result }); } console.log(`Prompt response sent for ${name}`); } catch (error) { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'promptResponse', error: error.message || 'Prompt execution error' }); console.error(`Prompt execution error:`, error); } } /** * Handle resource request from server * @private * @param {Object} message - The parsed message object */ _handleReadResource(message) { const {id, uri} = message; console.log(`Resource request: ${uri}`); // Find resource that handles this URI let resourceObj = null; // First check for direct URI match for (const resource of this.availableResources.values()) { if (!resource.isTemplate && resource.uri === uri) { resourceObj = resource; break; } } // If no direct match, check for template match if (!resourceObj) { for (const resource of this.availableResources.values()) { if (resource.isTemplate) { // Simple check - if URI starts with template prefix (before any parameters) const templatePrefix = resource.uriTemplate.split('{')[0]; if (uri.startsWith(templatePrefix)) { resourceObj = resource; break; } } } } if (!resourceObj) { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'resourceResponse', error: `No resource handler found for URI: ${uri}` }); return; } // Execute the resource provider try { // Call the resource's provide function const result = resourceObj.provide(uri); // Handle promises if (result instanceof Promise) { result .then(resolvedResult => { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'resourceResponse', result: resolvedResult }); }) .catch(error => { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'resourceResponse', error: error.message || 'Resource read error' }); }); } else { // Send immediate result this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'resourceResponse', result }); } console.log(`Resource response sent for ${uri}`); } catch (error) { this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'resourceResponse', error: error.message || 'Resource read error' }); console.error(`Resource read error:`, error); } } /** * Send available tools list * @private * @param {string} requestId - The request ID to respond to */ _sendToolsList(requestId) { const toolsList = Array.from(this.availableTools.values()).map(tool => ({ name: tool.name, description: tool.description, inputSchema: tool.inputSchema, })); this._sendMessage({ id: requestId, type: 'listToolsResponse', tools: toolsList }); console.log(`Sent tools list: ${toolsList.length} tools`); } /** * Send available prompts list * @private * @param {string} requestId - The request ID to respond to */ _sendPromptsList(requestId) { const promptsList = Array.from(this.availablePrompts.values()).map(prompt => ({ name: prompt.name, description: prompt.description, arguments: prompt.arguments, })); this._sendMessage({ id: requestId, type: 'listPromptsResponse', prompts: promptsList }); console.log(`Sent prompts list: ${promptsList.length} prompts`); } /** * Send available resources list * @private * @param {string} requestId - The request ID to respond to */ _sendResourcesList(requestId) { const resources = []; const resourceTemplates = []; // Split resources and templates this.availableResources.forEach((resource) => { if (resource.isTemplate) { resourceTemplates.push({ name: resource.name, description: resource.description, uriTemplate: resource.uriTemplate, mimeType: resource.mimeType }); } else { resources.push({ name: resource.name, description: resource.description, uri: resource.uri, mimeType: resource.mimeType }); } }); this._sendMessage({ id: requestId, type: 'listResourcesResponse', resources, resourceTemplates }); console.log(`Sent resources list: ${resources.length} resources, ${resourceTemplates.length} templates`); } /** * Send a message to the server via direct WebSocket * @private * @param {Object} message - The message object to send */ _sendMessage(message) { if (!this.isConnected || !this.socket) { console.error('Cannot send message: not connected'); return; } try { // Send the message directly through the WebSocket this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); return Promise.resolve(); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error sending message: ${error.message}`); return Promise.reject(error); } } /** * Register all items with server that were registered while disconnected * @private */ _registerItemsWithServer() { if (!this.isConnected) return; // Clear registration tracking sets - we'll re-register everything this.registeredTools = new Set(); this.registeredPrompts = new Set(); this.registeredResources = new Set(); // Register all tools with the server this.availableTools.forEach((tool, name) => { this._sendMessage({ type: 'registerTool', name, description: tool.description, inputSchema: tool.inputSchema }); this.registeredTools.add(name); console.log(`Registering tool with server: ${name}`); }); // Register all prompts with the server this.availablePrompts.forEach((prompt, name) => { this._sendMessage({ type: 'registerPrompt', name, description: prompt.description, arguments: prompt.arguments }); this.registeredPrompts.add(name); console.log(`Registering prompt with server: ${name}`); }); // Register all resources with the server this.availableResources.forEach((resource, name) => { this._sendMessage({ type: 'registerResource', name, description: resource.description, uri: resource.uri, uriTemplate: resource.uriTemplate, isTemplate: resource.isTemplate, mimeType: resource.mimeType }); this.registeredResources.add(name); console.log(`Registering resource with server: ${name}`); }); } /** * Register a tool * @public * @param {string} name - The name of the tool * @param {string} description - The description of the tool * @param {Object} schema - The schema for the tool's input * @param {Function} executeFn - The function to execute when the tool is called */ registerTool(name, description, schema, executeFn) { if (!name) { console.error('Tool name is required'); return; } // Add the tool to local registry this.availableTools.set(name, { name, description: description || `Tool: ${name}`, execute: executeFn || function (args) { return `Default implementation of ${name} with args: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`; }, inputSchema: schema || { type: "object", properties: {} } }); // Register the tool with the server if connected if (this.isConnected) { this._sendMessage({ type: 'registerTool', name, description: description || `Tool: ${name}`, inputSchema: schema || { type: "object", properties: {} }, }); this.registeredTools.add(name); } // Save to session storage this._saveItemsToStorage(); // Update tools display this._updateToolsList(); console.log(`Tool registered: ${name}`); } /** * Register a prompt * @public * @param {string} name - The name of the prompt * @param {string} description - The description of the prompt * @param {Array} promptArgs - The arguments for the prompt * @param {Function} executeFn - The function to execute when the prompt is called */ registerPrompt(name, description, promptArgs, executeFn) { if (!name) { console.error('Prompt name is required'); return; } // Add the prompt to local registry this.availablePrompts.set(name, { name, description: description || `Prompt: ${name}`, execute: executeFn || function (args) { return { messages: [{ role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: `Default implementation of prompt ${name} with args: ${JSON.stringify(args)}` } }] }; }, arguments: promptArgs || [] }); // Register the prompt with the server if connected if (this.isConnected) { this._sendMessage({ type: 'registerPrompt', name, description: description || `Prompt: ${name}`, arguments: promptArgs || [] }); this.registeredPrompts.add(name); } // Save to session storage this._saveItemsToStorage(); // Update prompts display this._updatePromptsList(); console.log(`Prompt registered: ${name}`); } /** * Register a resource * @public * @param {string} name - The name of the resource * @param {string} description - The description of the resource * @param {Object} options - The resource options including uri, uriTemplate, and mimeType * @param {Function} provideFn - The function to execute when the resource is requested */ registerResource(name, description, options, provideFn) { if (!name) { console.error('Resource name is required'); return; } if (!options.uri && !options.uriTemplate) { console.error('Either uri or uriTemplate is required for a resource'); return; } const isTemplate = !!options.uriTemplate; // Add the resource to local registry this.availableResources.set(name, { name, description: description || `Resource: ${name}`, uri: options.uri, uriTemplate: options.uriTemplate, isTemplate, mimeType: options.mimeType, provide: provideFn || function (uri) { return { contents: [{ uri: uri, text: `Default implementation of resource ${name} for URI: ${uri}`, mimeType: options.mimeType || "text/plain" }] }; } }); // Register the resource with the server if connected if (this.isConnected) { this._sendMessage({ type: 'registerResource', name, description: description || `Resource: ${name}`, uri: options.uri, uriTemplate: options.uriTemplate, isTemplate, mimeType: options.mimeType }); this.registeredResources.add(name); } // Save to session storage this._saveItemsToStorage(); // Update resources display this._updateResourcesList(); console.log(`Resource registered: ${name}`); } /** * Handle sampling message creation request * @private * @param {Object} message - The parsed message object */ _handleCreateSamplingMessage(message) { const { id, messages, systemPrompt, includeContext, temperature, maxTokens, stopSequences, metadata, modelPreferences } = message; console.log(`Sampling request received with ${messages?.length || 0} messages`); // Create a modal dialog to show the sampling request const modal = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(modal.style, { position: 'fixed', top: '0', left: '0', width: '100%', height: '100%', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', zIndex: '10000' }); // Create modal content const modalContent = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(modalContent.style, { backgroundColor: 'white', padding: '20px', borderRadius: '5px', maxWidth: '500px', width: '90%', maxHeight: '80%', overflow: 'auto' }); // Create header const header = document.createElement('h3'); header.textContent = 'Sampling Request'; Object.assign(header.style, { margin: '0 0 15px 0', padding: '0 0 10px 0', borderBottom: '1px solid #ddd' }); // Create content area to show messages const content = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(content.style, { marginBottom: '15px', maxHeight: '300px', overflow: 'auto', border: '1px solid #ddd', padding: '10px', backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9' }); // Display messages if (messages && messages.length > 0) { messages.forEach(msg => { const msgDiv = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(msgDiv.style, { marginBottom: '10px', padding: '5px', borderRadius: '3px', backgroundColor: msg.role === 'user' ? '#e1f5fe' : '#f1f8e9' }); const roleSpan = document.createElement('strong'); roleSpan.textContent = msg.role === 'user' ? 'User: ' : 'Assistant: '; const contentSpan = document.createElement('span'); if (msg.content.type === 'text') { contentSpan.textContent = msg.content.text; } else if (msg.content.type === 'image') { contentSpan.textContent = '[Image data]'; } msgDiv.appendChild(roleSpan); msgDiv.appendChild(contentSpan); content.appendChild(msgDiv); }); } else { content.textContent = 'No messages provided in sampling request'; } // System prompt if available if (systemPrompt) { const sysPromptDiv = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(sysPromptDiv.style, { marginBottom: '10px', padding: '5px', backgroundColor: '#fff8e1' }); const sysPromptLabel = document.createElement('strong'); sysPromptLabel.textContent = 'System Prompt: '; const sysPromptContent = document.createElement('span'); sysPromptContent.textContent = systemPrompt; sysPromptDiv.appendChild(sysPromptLabel); sysPromptDiv.appendChild(sysPromptContent); content.appendChild(sysPromptDiv); } // Create response input const responseLabel = document.createElement('label'); responseLabel.textContent = 'Assistant Response:'; Object.assign(responseLabel.style, { display: 'block', marginBottom: '5px', fontWeight: 'bold' }); const responseInput = document.createElement('textarea'); Object.assign(responseInput.style, { width: '100%', minHeight: '100px', padding: '10px', marginBottom: '15px', boxSizing: 'border-box' }); // Create buttons const buttonContainer = document.createElement('div'); Object.assign(buttonContainer.style, { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between' }); const submitButton = document.createElement('button'); submitButton.textContent = 'Submit Response'; Object.assign(submitButton.style, { padding: '8px 15px', backgroundColor: '#4CAF50', color: 'white', border: 'none', borderRadius: '4px', cursor: 'pointer' }); const cancelButton = document.createElement('button'); cancelButton.textContent = 'Cancel'; Object.assign(cancelButton.style, { padding: '8px 15px', backgroundColor: '#f44336', color: 'white', border: 'none', borderRadius: '4px', cursor: 'pointer' }); // Add elements to modal buttonContainer.appendChild(cancelButton); buttonContainer.appendChild(submitButton); modalContent.appendChild(header); modalContent.appendChild(content); modalContent.appendChild(responseLabel); modalContent.appendChild(responseInput); modalContent.appendChild(buttonContainer); modal.appendChild(modalContent); document.body.appendChild(modal); // Focus the response input responseInput.focus(); // Setup button handlers submitButton.addEventListener('click', () => { const responseText = responseInput.value.trim(); if (responseText) { // Send response back to server this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'samplingResponse', result: { model: 'web-user-input', role: 'assistant', content: { type: 'text', text: responseText } } }); // Remove modal document.body.removeChild(modal); } else { alert('Please enter a response'); } }); cancelButton.addEventListener('click', () => { // Send error response this._sendMessage({ id, type: 'samplingResponse', error: 'User cancelled sampling request' }); // Remove modal document.body.removeChild(modal); }); } } // Export for module usage if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = WebMCP; }