by jasonjmcghee
  • src
import * as fs from 'fs/promises'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import {ENV_FILE, formatChannel, HOST, TOKENS_FILE,CONFIG} from "./config.js"; // Function to generate a secure random token function generateToken() { return crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); } // Authorized channel-token pairs - Only channels with valid tokens can connect // Format: { "/channel1": "token123" } let authorizedTokens = {}; function getToken(channel) { return authorizedTokens[channel]; } function setToken(channel, value) { authorizedTokens[channel] = value; } function deleteToken(channel) { delete authorizedTokens[channel]; } function clearTokens(channel) { authorizedTokens = {}; } // Load authorized tokens from disk async function loadAuthorizedTokens() { try { const data = await fs.readFile(TOKENS_FILE, 'utf8'); authorizedTokens = JSON.parse(data || "{}"); // console.error(`Loaded ${Object.keys(authorizedTokens).length} authorized channel-token pairs from ${TOKENS_FILE}`); return true; } catch (error) { // If file doesn't exist, start with empty tokens if (error.code === 'ENOENT') { authorizedTokens = {}; return true; } console.error('Error loading authorized tokens:', error); return false; } } // Save authorized tokens to disk async function saveAuthorizedTokens() { try { // Convert Map to object for JSON serialization const stringified = JSON.stringify(authorizedTokens, null, 2); await fs.writeFile(TOKENS_FILE, stringified, 'utf8'); // console.error(`Saved ${stringified} authorized channel-token pairs to ${TOKENS_FILE}`); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving authorized tokens:', error); return false; } } // Function to save server token to .env file async function saveServerTokenToEnv(token) { try { let envContent = ''; try { // Try to read existing .env file envContent = await fs.readFile(ENV_FILE, 'utf8'); // Check if WEBMCP_SERVER_TOKEN is already defined if (envContent.includes('WEBMCP_SERVER_TOKEN=')) { // Replace the existing token envContent = envContent.replace(/WEBMCP_SERVER_TOKEN=.*(\r?\n|$)/g, `WEBMCP_SERVER_TOKEN=${token}$1`); } else { // Add the token to the end envContent += `\nWEBMCP_SERVER_TOKEN=${token}\n`; } } catch (err) { // File doesn't exist, create new content envContent = `WEBMCP_SERVER_TOKEN=${token}\n`; } // Write the content to the .env file await fs.writeFile(ENV_FILE, envContent, 'utf8'); console.error(`Server token saved to ${ENV_FILE}`); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving server token to .env file:', error); return false; } } async function generateNewRegistrationToken() { // Generate a random token for registration const token = generateToken(); // Create a connection object with server address and token const address = `${HOST}:${CONFIG.port}`; const serverAddress = `ws://${address}`; const connectionData = { server: serverAddress, token: token }; // Convert to JSON and base64 encode const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(connectionData); const encodedData = Buffer.from(jsonStr).toString('base64'); setToken(formatChannel(address), token); await saveAuthorizedTokens(); return encodedData; } export {generateToken, getToken, setToken, loadAuthorizedTokens, saveAuthorizedTokens, clearTokens, deleteToken, saveServerTokenToEnv, generateNewRegistrationToken};