set -e
echo "=== MCP DuckDuckGo Test Suite ==="
# Check if test dependencies are installed
echo "Checking for test dependencies..."
python -c "import pytest" 2>/dev/null || {
echo "pytest not found. Installing test dependencies..."
pip install -e ".[test]"
# Create tests directory if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "tests" ]; then
echo "Creating tests directory..."
mkdir -p tests
# Run tests with coverage
echo "Running tests with coverage..."
python -m pytest --cov=mcp_duckduckgo tests/ --cov-report=term-missing
# Generate HTML coverage report
echo "Generating HTML coverage report..."
python -m pytest --cov=mcp_duckduckgo tests/ --cov-report=html
# Check for mypy errors
echo "Running type checking with mypy..."
python -m mypy mcp_duckduckgo tests
echo "=== Test Summary ==="
echo "Tests completed. HTML coverage report available in htmlcov/"
echo "You can also run specific test commands:"
echo " - pytest tests/ # Run all tests"
echo " - pytest tests/test_models.py # Run specific test file"
echo " - pytest -v # Run with verbose output"
echo " - pytest --cov=mcp_duckduckgo # Run with coverage"
echo "======================="