MCP DuckDuckGo Search Plugin

.PHONY: install test lint run publish clean vulture # Default target all: install lint test # Install the package in development mode install: ./scripts/ # Run tests with coverage test: ./scripts/ # Run linting and code formatting lint: ./scripts/ # Run the MCP server run: ./scripts/ # Build and publish the package to PyPI publish: ./scripts/ # Clean build artifacts clean: rm -rf build/ dist/ *.egg-info/ .coverage htmlcov/ .pytest_cache/ __pycache__/ mcp_duckduckgo/__pycache__/ tests/__pycache__/ # Run Vulture to check for unused code vulture: ./scripts/ # Help target help: @echo "Available targets:" @echo " make install - Install the package in development mode" @echo " make test - Run tests with coverage" @echo " make lint - Run linting and code formatting" @echo " make run - Run the MCP server" @echo " make publish - Build and publish the package to PyPI" @echo " make clean - Clean build artifacts" @echo " make vulture - Check for unused code with Vulture" @echo " make all - Run install, lint, and test (default)" @echo " make help - Show this help message"