Google News MCP Server


Search Google News for articles and news content. Results will be automatically categorized by topic.

Input Schema

glNoCountry code (e.g., us, uk)us
hlNoLanguage code (e.g., en)en
publication_tokenNoPublication token for specific publishers
qNoSearch query
section_tokenNoSection token for specific sections
story_tokenNoStory token for full coverage of a story
topic_tokenNoTopic token for specific news topics

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "gl": { "default": "us", "description": "Country code (e.g., us, uk)", "type": "string" }, "hl": { "default": "en", "description": "Language code (e.g., en)", "type": "string" }, "publication_token": { "description": "Publication token for specific publishers", "type": "string" }, "q": { "description": "Search query", "type": "string" }, "section_token": { "description": "Section token for specific sections", "type": "string" }, "story_token": { "description": "Story token for full coverage of a story", "type": "string" }, "topic_token": { "description": "Topic token for specific news topics", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }

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