• tests
import os import pytest import tempfile import textwrap import requests from unittest.mock import patch, mock_open, MagicMock from mcp_server_ietf.rfc_parser import ( download_rfc_index, parse_rfc_index, download_rfc, get_rfc_document, extract_page_info, search_rfc_by_keyword, RFCIndexData ) @pytest.fixture def sample_rfc_index(): """Sample RFC index content for testing""" return textwrap.dedent(""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RFC INDEX ------------- (CREATED ON: 03/04/2025.) This file contains citations for all RFCs in numeric order. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RFC INDEX --------- 0001 Host Software. S. Crocker. April 1969. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status: UNKNOWN) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC0001) 0002 Host software. B. Duvall. April 1969. (Format: TXT, PDF, HTML) (Status: UNKNOWN) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC0002) 0014 Not Issued. 0026 Not Issued. 9748 The Latest RFC. Some Author. March 2025. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC9748) """) def test_parse_rfc_index_counts_correctly(sample_rfc_index): """Test that parse_rfc_index counts RFCs correctly""" # Create a temporary file with sample content with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write(sample_rfc_index) temp_path = try: # Parse the index file result = parse_rfc_index(temp_path) # Check the document count (should be 5 in our sample) assert result.docs_count == 5 # Check that all RFC numbers are parsed correctly assert "1" in result.rfc_titles # Note: leading zeros are removed assert "2" in result.rfc_titles assert "14" in result.rfc_titles assert "26" in result.rfc_titles assert "9748" in result.rfc_titles # Check titles are parsed correctly assert result.rfc_titles["1"] == "Host Software" assert result.rfc_titles["2"] == "Host software" assert result.rfc_titles["14"] == "Not Issued" assert result.rfc_titles["26"] == "Not Issued" assert result.rfc_titles["9748"] == "The Latest RFC" finally: # Clean up the temporary file os.unlink(temp_path) def test_parse_rfc_index_empty_file(): """Test parsing with an empty file""" with patch('', mock_open(read_data="")): result = parse_rfc_index("dummy_path") assert result.docs_count == 0 assert len(result.rfc_titles) == 0 def test_parse_rfc_index_handles_edge_cases(): """Test edge cases in RFC index parsing""" # Create a sample with unusual formatting sample = textwrap.dedent(""" RFC INDEX --------- 0000 Zero RFC. Author. Date. (Format: TXT) 00001 Leading zeros. Author. Date. (Format: TXT) 12345 Five digits. Author. Date. (Format: TXT) 0042 Indented number. Author. Date. (Format: TXT) """) # Mock the file open with patch('', mock_open(read_data=sample)): result = parse_rfc_index("dummy_path") # Should handle zero assert "0" in result.rfc_titles assert result.rfc_titles["0"] == "Zero RFC" # Should handle extra leading zeros assert "1" in result.rfc_titles assert result.rfc_titles["1"] == "Leading zeros" # Should handle 5-digit RFCs assert "12345" in result.rfc_titles assert result.rfc_titles["12345"] == "Five digits" # Should handle indentation assert "42" in result.rfc_titles assert result.rfc_titles["42"] == "Indented number" # Total count should be 4 assert result.docs_count == 4 # Tests for download_rfc_index def test_download_rfc_index_cached(): """Test download_rfc_index when file is already cached""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Create a fake cached index file cache_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "rfc-index.txt") with open(cache_file, "w") as f: f.write("This is a cached index") # Mock the requests.get to ensure it's not called with patch('requests.get') as mock_get: result = download_rfc_index(temp_dir) # Function should return path to existing file without downloading assert result == cache_file mock_get.assert_not_called() def test_download_rfc_index_not_cached(): """Test download_rfc_index when file needs to be downloaded""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Mock the requests.get response mock_response = MagicMock() mock_response.text = "Downloaded RFC index content" with patch('requests.get', return_value=mock_response) as mock_get: result = download_rfc_index(temp_dir) # Function should download and save the file expected_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "rfc-index.txt") assert result == expected_path mock_get.assert_called_once() # Check the content was saved with open(result, 'r') as f: assert == "Downloaded RFC index content" # Tests for download_rfc def test_download_rfc_cached(): """Test download_rfc when file is already cached""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Create a fake cached RFC file rfc_num = "2119" cache_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"rfc{rfc_num}.txt") with open(cache_file, "w") as f: f.write("This is a cached RFC") # Mock the requests.get to ensure it's not called with patch('requests.get') as mock_get: result = download_rfc(rfc_num, temp_dir) # Function should return path to existing file without downloading assert result == cache_file mock_get.assert_not_called() def test_download_rfc_not_cached(): """Test download_rfc when file needs to be downloaded""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: rfc_num = "2119" # Mock the requests.get response mock_response = MagicMock() mock_response.text = "Downloaded RFC content" with patch('requests.get', return_value=mock_response) as mock_get: result = download_rfc(rfc_num, temp_dir) # Function should download and save the file expected_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"rfc{rfc_num}.txt") assert result == expected_path mock_get.assert_called_once_with( f"{rfc_num}.txt" ) # Check the content was saved with open(result, 'r') as f: assert == "Downloaded RFC content" def test_download_rfc_failed(): """Test download_rfc when download fails""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: rfc_num = "2119" # Mock a failed request mock_error = requests.RequestException("Network error") with patch('requests.get', side_effect=mock_error): with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc_info: download_rfc(rfc_num, temp_dir) # Check that the exception message is correct assert f"Failed to download RFC {rfc_num}" in str(exc_info.value) assert "Network error" in str(exc_info.value) # Tests for extract_page_info def test_extract_page_info_no_pages(): """Test extract_page_info with content having no page markers""" content = "This is some content with no page markers" result = extract_page_info(content) assert result["pages_found"] is False assert result["first_page"] is None assert result["last_page"] is None def test_extract_page_info_with_pages(): """Test extract_page_info with content having page markers""" content = """ Some content [Page 1] More content [Page 2] Even more content [Page 3] """ result = extract_page_info(content) assert result["pages_found"] is True assert result["first_page"] == 1 assert result["last_page"] == 3 def test_extract_page_info_with_single_page(): """Test extract_page_info with content having a single page marker""" content = """ Some content [Page 42] More content """ result = extract_page_info(content) assert result["pages_found"] is True assert result["first_page"] == 42 assert result["last_page"] == 42 # Tests for search_rfc_by_keyword def test_search_rfc_by_keyword_matches(): """Test search_rfc_by_keyword with matching keywords""" # Create sample index data index_data = RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=3, rfc_titles={ "1": "Host Software", "2": "Host software implementation", "3": "Network Protocol" } ) # Search for "host" (case-insensitive) results = search_rfc_by_keyword("host", index_data) assert len(results) == 2 assert {"number": "1", "title": "Host Software"} in results assert {"number": "2", "title": "Host software implementation"} in results def test_search_rfc_by_keyword_no_matches(): """Test search_rfc_by_keyword with no matching keywords""" # Create sample index data index_data = RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=3, rfc_titles={ "1": "Host Software", "2": "Host software implementation", "3": "Network Protocol" } ) # Search for keyword with no matches results = search_rfc_by_keyword("encryption", index_data) assert len(results) == 0 def test_search_rfc_by_keyword_empty_index(): """Test search_rfc_by_keyword with empty index""" # Create empty index data index_data = RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=0, rfc_titles={} ) # Search in empty index results = search_rfc_by_keyword("host", index_data) assert len(results) == 0 # Tests for get_rfc_document @pytest.fixture def mock_index_data(): """Fixture for mock index data""" return RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=2, rfc_titles={ "1": "Host Software", "2": "Host software implementation" } ) def test_get_rfc_document_validation_errors(): """Test validation errors in get_rfc_document""" # Test invalid RFC number result = get_rfc_document("abc") assert "error" in result assert "RFC number must be a number" in result["error"] # Test invalid start_line result = get_rfc_document("1", start_line=0) assert "error" in result assert "start_line must be 1 or greater" in result["error"] # Test invalid max_lines result = get_rfc_document("1", max_lines=0) assert "error" in result assert "max_lines must be 1 or greater" in result["error"] def test_get_rfc_document_not_in_index(mock_index_data): """Test get_rfc_document with RFC not in index""" result = get_rfc_document("999", index_data=mock_index_data) assert "error" in result assert "RFC 999 not found in index" in result["error"] def test_get_rfc_document_download_error(): """Test get_rfc_document with download error""" # Create a minimal mock index data index_data = RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=1, rfc_titles={"1": "Host Software"} ) # Mock download_rfc to raise an exception with patch('mcp_server_ietf.rfc_parser.download_rfc', side_effect=Exception("Download failed")): result = get_rfc_document("1", index_data=index_data) assert "error" in result assert "Download failed" in result["error"] def test_get_rfc_document_success(): """Test successful get_rfc_document""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Create a mock RFC file rfc_num = "1" rfc_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"rfc{rfc_num}.txt") rfc_content = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\n" with open(rfc_path, "w") as f: f.write(rfc_content) # Create mock index data index_data = RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=1, rfc_titles={rfc_num: "Host Software"} ) # Mock the download_rfc function to return our mock file with patch('mcp_server_ietf.rfc_parser.download_rfc', return_value=rfc_path): # Request with pagination result = get_rfc_document( rfc_num, start_line=2, max_lines=2, cache_dir=temp_dir, index_data=index_data ) # Check result assert "error" not in result assert result["content"] == "Line 2\nLine 3\n" assert result["title"] == "Host Software" assert result["start_line"] == 2 assert result["end_line"] == 3 assert result["total_lines"] == 5 assert result["truncated"] is True assert result["next_chunk_start"] == 4 def test_get_rfc_document_pagination_edge_cases(): """Test pagination edge cases in get_rfc_document""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Create a mock RFC file rfc_num = "1" rfc_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"rfc{rfc_num}.txt") rfc_content = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\n" with open(rfc_path, "w") as f: f.write(rfc_content) # Create mock index data index_data = RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=1, rfc_titles={rfc_num: "Host Software"} ) # Mock the download_rfc function to return our mock file with patch('mcp_server_ietf.rfc_parser.download_rfc', return_value=rfc_path): # Test requesting beyond file length result = get_rfc_document( rfc_num, start_line=10, # Beyond total_lines cache_dir=temp_dir, index_data=index_data ) assert "error" in result assert "exceeds document length" in result["error"] # Test requesting the entire file result = get_rfc_document( rfc_num, start_line=1, max_lines=10, # More than total_lines cache_dir=temp_dir, index_data=index_data ) assert "error" not in result assert result["content"] == rfc_content assert result["truncated"] is False assert result["next_chunk_start"] is None def test_get_rfc_document_with_page_info(): """Test get_rfc_document with page info extraction""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Create a mock RFC file with page markers rfc_num = "1" rfc_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"rfc{rfc_num}.txt") rfc_content = "Line 1\n[Page 1]\nLine 3\n[Page 2]\nLine 5\n" with open(rfc_path, "w") as f: f.write(rfc_content) # Create mock index data index_data = RFCIndexData( index_path="dummy_path", docs_count=1, rfc_titles={rfc_num: "Host Software"} ) # Mock the download_rfc function to return our mock file with patch('mcp_server_ietf.rfc_parser.download_rfc', return_value=rfc_path): result = get_rfc_document( rfc_num, cache_dir=temp_dir, index_data=index_data ) # Check page info was extracted assert result["page_info"]["pages_found"] is True assert result["page_info"]["first_page"] == 1 assert result["page_info"]["last_page"] == 2