MCP Web Tools Server
by surya-madhav
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
MCP Server with web scraping tool.
This server implements a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides web scraping
functionality. It offers a tool to convert regular URLs into prefixed URLs
and fetch their content as markdown. This allows for easy conversion of web content
into a markdown format suitable for various applications.
Key Features:
- URL conversion and fetching
- Support for both stdio and SSE transport mechanisms
- Command-line configuration options
- Asynchronous web scraping functionality
import argparse
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
# Import our custom tools
from tools.web_scrape import fetch_url_as_markdown
from tools.ddg_search import search_duckduckgo
from tools.crawl4ai_scraper import crawl_and_extract_markdown
# Initialize the MCP server with a descriptive name that reflects its purpose
mcp = FastMCP("Web Tools")
async def web_scrape(url: str) -> str:
Convert a URL to use as a prefix and fetch the markdown content.
This tool wraps the fetch_url_as_markdown function to expose it as an MCP tool.
url (str): The URL to convert and fetch. Can be with or without http(s):// prefix.
str: The markdown content if successful, or an error message if not.
return await fetch_url_as_markdown(url)
async def ddg_search(query: str, region: str = "wt-wt", safesearch: str = "moderate", timelimit: str = None, max_results: int = 10) -> str:
Search the web using DuckDuckGo and return formatted results.
query (str): The search query to look for.
region (str, optional): Region code for search results, e.g., "wt-wt" (worldwide), "us-en" (US English). Defaults to "wt-wt".
safesearch (str, optional): SafeSearch level: "on", "moderate", or "off". Defaults to "moderate".
timelimit (str, optional): Time limit for results: "d" (day), "w" (week), "m" (month), "y" (year). Defaults to None.
max_results (int, optional): Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 10.
str: Formatted search results as text, or an error message if the search fails.
return await search_duckduckgo(keywords=query, region=region, safesearch=safesearch, timelimit=timelimit, max_results=max_results)
async def advanced_scrape(url: str) -> str:
Scrape a webpage using advanced techniques and return clean, well-formatted markdown.
This tool uses Crawl4AI to extract the main content from a webpage while removing
navigation bars, sidebars, footers, ads, and other non-essential elements. The result
is clean, well-formatted markdown focused on the actual content of the page.
url (str): The URL to scrape. Can be with or without http(s):// prefix.
str: Well-formatted markdown content if successful, or an error message if not.
return await crawl_and_extract_markdown(url)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Log Python version for debugging purposes
print(f"Using Python {sys.version}", file=sys.stderr)
# Set up command-line argument parsing with descriptive help messages
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MCP Server with web tools")
choices=["stdio", "sse"],
help="Transport mechanism to use (default: stdio)"
help="Host to bind to when using SSE transport (default: localhost)"
help="Port to bind to when using SSE transport (default: 5000)"
args = parser.parse_args()
# Start the server with the specified transport mechanism
if args.transport == "stdio":
print("Starting MCP server with stdio transport...", file=sys.stderr)"stdio")
print(f"Starting MCP server with SSE transport on {}:{args.port}...", file=sys.stderr)"sse",, port=args.port)