MongoDB MCP Server
Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
MONGODB_URI | Yes | MongoDB connection string with authentication if needed | |
MONGODB_DEFAULT_DATABASE | No | Default database name when not specified in queries |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
No prompts |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
list_databases | List all databases in the MongoDB server. |
list_collections | List all collections in a database. Start here to understand what collections are available before querying. |
get_schema | Infer schema from a collection by analyzing sample documents. Best Practice: Use this before querying to understand collection structure. Example: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "get_schema", arguments: { "collection": "users", "sampleSize": 100 } |
query | Execute a read-only query on a collection using MongoDB query syntax. Supports both JSON and CSV output formats:
Best Practices:
Example - Standard Query: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "query", arguments: { "collection": "users", "filter": { "age": { "$gte": 21 } }, "projection": { "name": 1, "email": 1 }, "sort": { "name": 1 }, "limit": 100 } Example - CSV Export: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "query", arguments: { "collection": "users", "filter": { "active": true }, "outputFormat": "csv", "formatOptions": { "includeHeaders": true, "delimiter": "," } } |
aggregate | Execute a read-only aggregation pipeline on a collection. Supported Stages:
Unsafe/Blocked Stages:
Example - User Statistics by Role: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "aggregate", arguments: { "collection": "users", "pipeline": [ { "$match": { "active": true } }, { "$group": { "_id": "$role", "count": { "$sum": 1 }, "avgAge": { "$avg": "$age" } }}, { "$sort": { "count": -1 } } ], "limit": 100 } Example - Posts with Author Details: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "aggregate", arguments: { "collection": "posts", "pipeline": [ { "$match": { "published": true } }, { "$lookup": { "from": "users", "localField": "authorId", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "author" }}, { "$unwind": "$author" }, { "$project": { "title": 1, "authorName": "$", "publishDate": 1 }} ] } |
get_collection_stats | Get detailed statistics about a collection. Returns information about:
get_indexes | Get information about indexes on a collection. Returns details about:
explain_query | Get the execution plan for a query. Helps understand:
Use this to optimize slow queries. |
get_distinct_values | Get distinct values for a field in a collection. Useful for:
Example: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "get_distinct_values", arguments: { "collection": "users", "field": "role", "filter": { "active": true } } |
sample_data | Get a random sample of documents from a collection. Supports both JSON and CSV output formats:
Useful for:
Example - JSON Sample: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "sample_data", arguments: { "collection": "users", "size": 50 } Example - CSV Export: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "sample_data", arguments: { "collection": "users", "size": 100, "outputFormat": "csv", "formatOptions": { "includeHeaders": true, "delimiter": "," } } |
count_documents | Count documents in a collection that match a filter. Benefits:
Example: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "count_documents", arguments: { "collection": "users", "filter": { "active": true, "age": { "$gte": 21 } } } |
find_by_ids | Find multiple documents by their IDs in a single request. Advantages:
Example: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "find_by_ids", arguments: { "collection": "products", "ids": ["5f8d0f3c", "5f8d0f3d", "5f8d0f3e"], "idField": "_id", "projection": { "name": 1, "price": 1 } } |
geo_query | Execute geospatial queries on a MongoDB collection. Supports:
text_search | Perform a full-text search on a collection. Requirements:
Example: use_mcp_tool with server_name: "mongodb", tool_name: "text_search", arguments: { "collection": "articles", "searchText": "mongodb database", "filter": { "published": true }, "limit": 10, "includeScore": true } |