MCP Rand

# Contributing to MCP Rand We welcome contributions to MCP Rand! This document provides guidelines and instructions for contributing to the project. ## Development Setup 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone cd mcp-rand ``` 2. Install dependencies: ```bash npm install ``` ## Development Commands ```bash # Build the project npm run build # Watch mode during development npm run dev # Run tests npm test # Run tests in watch mode npm run test:watch # Start the server npm start ``` ## Adding New Tools 1. Create a new handler file in `src/handlers/` 2. Create corresponding test file in `src/handlers/__tests__/` 3. Add handler exports to `src/handlers/index.ts` 4. Register the tool in `src/index.ts` 5. Update documentation in ## Code Style - Use TypeScript for all new code - Follow existing patterns for handler implementation - Include comprehensive tests for all functionality - Document all public interfaces and tools ## Testing - Write tests for all new functionality - Ensure all tests pass before submitting PR - Include edge cases and error conditions - Test files should be named `*.test.ts` ## Pull Request Process 1. Create a feature branch 2. Make your changes 3. Update documentation 4. Run tests 5. Submit PR with description of changes ## License By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the ISC License.