MCP Rand

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

MCP Rand

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server providing various random generation utilities, including UUID, numbers, strings, passwords, Gaussian distribution, dice rolling, and card drawing.

<a href=""><img width="380" height="200" src="" alt="Rand MCP server" /></a>


npm install mcp-rand

Or install globally:

npm install -g mcp-rand


UUID Generator

  • Generates RFC 4122 version 4 UUIDs
  • Uses Node's native crypto module for secure random generation
  • No parameters required

Random Number Generator

  • Generates random numbers within a specified range
  • Configurable minimum and maximum values (inclusive)
  • Defaults to range 0-100 if no parameters provided

Gaussian Random Generator

  • Generates random numbers following a Gaussian (normal) distribution
  • Normalized to range 0-1
  • No parameters required

Random String Generator

  • Generates random strings with configurable length and character sets
  • Supports multiple character sets:
    • alphanumeric (default): A-Z, a-z, 0-9
    • numeric: 0-9
    • lowercase: a-z
    • uppercase: A-Z
    • special: !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};'"\|,.<>/?
  • Configurable string length (defaults to 10)

Password Generator

  • Generates strong passwords with a mix of character types
  • Ensures at least one character from each type (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special)
  • Configurable length (minimum 8, default 16)
  • WARNING: While passwords are generated locally, it's recommended to use a dedicated password manager

Dice Roller

  • Roll multiple dice using standard dice notation
  • Supports notation like "2d6" (two six-sided dice), "1d20" (one twenty-sided die)
  • Returns individual rolls and total for each set of dice
  • Can roll multiple different dice sets at once (e.g., "2d6", "1d20", "4d4")

Card Drawer

  • Draw cards from a standard 52-card deck
  • Maintains deck state between draws using base64 encoding
  • Returns drawn cards and remaining deck state
  • Supports drawing any number of cards up to the deck size
  • Properly shuffles available cards before each draw


As a CLI Tool

npx mcp-rand

Integration with MCP Clients

Add to your MCP client configuration:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-rand": { "command": "node", "args": ["path/to/mcp-rand/build/index.js"], "disabled": false, "alwaysAllow": [] } } }

Example Usage

// Generate UUID const uuid = await client.callTool('generate_uuid', {}); console.log(uuid); // e.g., "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" // Generate random number const number = await client.callTool('generate_random_number', { min: 1, max: 100 }); console.log(number); // e.g., 42 // Generate Gaussian random number const gaussian = await client.callTool('generate_gaussian', {}); console.log(gaussian); // e.g., 0.6827 // Generate random string const string = await client.callTool('generate_string', { length: 15, charset: 'alphanumeric' }); console.log(string); // e.g., "aB9cD8eF7gH6iJ5" // Generate password const password = await client.callTool('generate_password', { length: 20 }); console.log(password); // e.g., "aB9#cD8$eF7@gH6*iJ5" // Roll dice const rolls = await client.callTool('roll_dice', { dice: ['2d6', '1d20', '4d4'] }); console.log(rolls); /* Output example: [ { "dice": "2d6", "rolls": [3, 1], "total": 4 }, { "dice": "1d20", "rolls": [4], "total": 4 }, { "dice": "4d4", "rolls": [2, 3, 2, 3], "total": 10 } ] */ // Draw cards const draw1 = await client.callTool('draw_cards', { count: 5 }); console.log(draw1); /* Output example: { "drawnCards": [ { "suit": "hearts", "value": "A" }, { "suit": "diamonds", "value": "7" }, { "suit": "clubs", "value": "K" }, { "suit": "spades", "value": "2" }, { "suit": "hearts", "value": "10" } ], "remainingCount": 47, "deckState": "t//+///bDw==" } */ // Draw more cards using previous deck state const draw2 = await client.callTool('draw_cards', { count: 3, deckState: draw1.deckState }); console.log(draw2); /* Output example: { "drawnCards": [ { "suit": "diamonds", "value": "Q" }, { "suit": "clubs", "value": "5" }, { "suit": "spades", "value": "J" } ], "remainingCount": 44, "deckState": "l//+//zbDw==" } */


Please see for development setup and guidelines.



You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Provides random number generation utilities, including a secure UUID generator powered by Node's crypto module.

  1. Installation
    1. Features
      1. UUID Generator
        1. Random Number Generator
          1. Gaussian Random Generator
            1. Random String Generator
              1. Password Generator
                1. Dice Roller
                  1. Card Drawer
                  2. Usage
                    1. As a CLI Tool
                      1. Integration with MCP Clients
                        1. Example Usage
                        2. Contributing
                          1. License