ClickHouse MCP Server
by ThomAub
- tests
import os
import uuid
import pytest
from pydantic import AnyUrl
from testcontainers.clickhouse import ClickHouseContainer
from clickhouse_mcp_server.server import (
def clickhouse_container():
with ClickHouseContainer(
image="clickhouse/clickhouse-server:21.8", username="default", password="test"
) as container:
yield container
def clickhouse_client(clickhouse_container):
# clickhouse_container.get_connection_url()
port = clickhouse_container.get_exposed_port(8123)
os.environ["CLICKHOUSE_HOST"] = "localhost"
os.environ["CLICKHOUSE_PORT"] = str(port)
os.environ["CLICKHOUSE_USER"] = "default"
os.environ["CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD"] = "test"
os.environ["CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE"] = "default"
return get_clickhouse_client()
def test_server_initialization():
"""Test that the server initializes correctly."""
assert == "clickhouse_mcp_server"
async def test_list_tools():
"""Test that list_tools returns expected tools."""
tools = await list_tools()
assert len(tools) == 1
assert tools[0].name == "execute_select_query"
assert "query" in tools[0].inputSchema["properties"]
async def test_list_resources():
"""Test that list_resources returns some resources."""
resources = await list_resources()
assert len(resources) >= 1
assert any(str(r.uri) == 'clickhouse://default/tables' for r in resources)
async def test_clickhouse_integration(clickhouse_client):
# Create a test table
CREATE TABLE test_table (
id UUID,
name String,
value Int32
) ENGINE = Memory
# Insert test data
test_data = [
(uuid.uuid4(), "Test 1", 10),
(uuid.uuid4(), "Test 2", 20),
(uuid.uuid4(), "Test 3", 30),
for id, name, value in test_data:
clickhouse_client.command(f"INSERT INTO test_table (id, name, value) VALUES ('{id}', '{name}', {value})")
# Test list_resources
resources = await list_resources()
assert any( == "Database: default" for r in resources)
assert any( == "Table: default.test_table" for r in resources)
# Test read_resource for table schema
schema = await read_resource(AnyUrl("clickhouse://default/test_table/schema"))
assert "id - UUID" in schema
assert "name - String" in schema
assert "value - Int32" in schema
# Test execute_select_query
query_result = await call_tool("execute_select_query", {"query": "SELECT * FROM test_table ORDER BY value"})
assert len(query_result) == 1
result_text = query_result[0].text
assert "Test 1\t10" in result_text
assert "Test 2\t20" in result_text
assert "Test 3\t30" in result_text
async def test_invalid_query(clickhouse_client):
# Test execute_select_query with an invalid query
query_result = await call_tool(
{"query": "INSERT INTO test_table (id, name, value) VALUES (1, 'Invalid', 100)"},
assert len(query_result) == 1
result_text = query_result[0].text
assert "Error: Only SELECT queries are allowed." in result_text
async def test_invalid_resource_uri():
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid URI scheme"):
await read_resource(AnyUrl("invalid://default/test_table/schema"))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid resource URI"):
await read_resource(AnyUrl("clickhouse://default/invalid"))
async def test_read_resource_list_tables(clickhouse_client):
# Create additional test tables
clickhouse_client.command("CREATE TABLE test_table2 (id Int32) ENGINE = Memory")
clickhouse_client.command("CREATE TABLE test_table3 (name String) ENGINE = Memory")
# Test read_resource for listing tables
tables = await read_resource(AnyUrl("clickhouse://default/tables"))
assert "test_table" in tables
assert "test_table2" in tables
assert "test_table3" in tables
async def test_read_resource_table_schema(clickhouse_client):
# Test read_resource for table schema
schema = await read_resource(AnyUrl("clickhouse://default/test_table2/schema"))
assert "id - Int32" in schema
schema = await read_resource(AnyUrl("clickhouse://default/test_table3/schema"))
assert "name - String" in schema
async def test_read_resource_non_existent_table(clickhouse_client):
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Table default.non_existent_table doesn't exist"):
await read_resource(AnyUrl("clickhouse://default/non_existent_table/schema"))
async def test_read_resource_non_existent_database():
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Database non_existent_db doesn't exist"):
await read_resource(AnyUrl("clickhouse://non_existent_db/tables"))