
by cyanheads

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

NODE_ENVNoOptional, Node environment.development
ATLAS_WAL_MODENoOptional, enables Write-Ahead Logging.true
ATLAS_LOG_LEVELNoOptional, log level.debug
ATLAS_POOL_SIZENoOptional, connection pool size.Number of CPU cores
ATLAS_BATCH_SIZENoOptional, maximum items per batch.1000
ATLAS_CACHE_SIZENoOptional, cache size in MB.25% of max memory
ATLAS_MAX_MEMORYNoOptional, maximum memory in MB.25% of system memory
ATLAS_STORAGE_DIRNoOptional, directory for storage.~/Documents/Cline/mcp-workspace/ATLAS
ATLAS_STORAGE_NAMENoOptional, storage name.atlas-tasks
ATLAS_TEMPLATE_DIRSNoOptional, additional template directories.
ATLAS_MAX_PATH_DEPTHNoOptional, maximum task path depth.10
ATLAS_VACUUM_INTERVALNoOptional, vacuum interval in milliseconds.3600000
ATLAS_METRICS_INTERVALNoOptional, metrics interval in milliseconds.60000
ATLAS_CHECKPOINT_INTERVALNoOptional, checkpoint interval in milliseconds.30000
ATLAS_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVALNoOptional, health check interval in milliseconds.30000



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client

Current Task List OverviewDynamic overview of all tasks including status counts, recent updates, and metrics. Updates in real-time when accessed.
Available TemplatesList of all available task templates with their metadata and variables


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

create_taskCreate a new task in the hierarchical task system. Core Task Properties: - Path: Hierarchical identifier (e.g., "project/backend/auth") * Max length: 1000 chars * Max depth: 10 levels * Allowed chars: alphanumeric, hyphen, underscore, forward slash * Forward slashes indicate hierarchy levels - Name: Clear, action-oriented task title * Max length: 200 chars * Should describe concrete objective - Description: Detailed task explanation * Max length: 2000 chars * Include context, requirements, success criteria - Type: TASK or MILESTONE * TASK: Concrete work item with specific deliverable * MILESTONE: Organizational container for related tasks Validation & Dependencies: - Dependencies: Tasks that must complete first * Max dependencies: 50 tasks * Tasks blocked until dependencies met * Circular dependencies prevented - Parent-Child Rules: * Parent task must exist if parentPath specified * Child tasks inherit certain parent properties * Parent status affects child task constraints * Proper task hierarchy maintained Notes & Documentation: Each category limited to 100 notes, 1000 chars per note - Planning Notes: Initial task preparation - Progress Notes: Implementation updates - Completion Notes: Final outcomes - Troubleshooting Notes: Issue resolution Metadata Categories: 1. Core Fields: - Priority: low/medium/high - Tags: Keywords for categorization (max 100) - Reasoning: Decision rationale (max 2000 chars) 2. Technical Details: - Language & Framework - Dependencies (max 50) - Environment specifications 3. Validation & Progress: - Acceptance criteria (max 20) - Test cases (max 20) - Progress percentage (0-100) - Milestone tracking - Timestamps 4. Resource Tracking: - Tools used (max 100) - Resources accessed (max 100) - Context references (max 100) 5. Status Information: - Block tracking - Resolution details - Timestamps 6. Version Control: - Version numbers - Branch information - Commit references - Version history (max 10)
update_taskUpdate task properties and status. Status Transitions: - PENDING → IN_PROGRESS, BLOCKED, CANCELLED - IN_PROGRESS → COMPLETED, CANCELLED, BLOCKED - COMPLETED → No transitions allowed - CANCELLED → PENDING (for retry) - BLOCKED → PENDING, IN_PROGRESS Automatic Behaviors: - Auto-transition to BLOCKED if dependencies block - Parent completion requires all children complete - Cancelled parent cancels non-completed children - Blocked siblings prevent task completion - Failed siblings prevent task start Validation Rules: - Same constraints as create_task - Dependencies checked before status changes - Parent-child status rules enforced - Metadata schema validated - Notes length and count limits applied Best Practices: - Document status change reasoning - Update progress indicators - Track technical implementation details - Record blockers and resolutions - Maintain dependency accuracy Example: { "path": "project/backend/auth", "updates": { "status": "IN_PROGRESS", "progressNotes": [ "Database schema updated", "JWT library integrated", "Basic token generation implemented" ], "metadata": { "reasoning": "Moving to IN_PROGRESS as database dependencies are completed and core JWT implementation has begun. Token refresh mechanism still pending.", "technical_notes": [ "Using jsonwebtoken library for JWT operations", "Token expiry set to 1 hour with refresh window" ] } } }
get_tasks_by_statusFind tasks with a specific execution status. When to Use: - Identifying work in progress - Finding blocked tasks - Verifying completed work - Planning next actions Best Practices: - Check BLOCKED tasks for dependency issues - Monitor IN_PROGRESS tasks for updates - Review COMPLETED tasks for verification - Use with path patterns for focused queries Example: { "status": "BLOCKED", "pathPattern": "project/backend/*", "reasoning": "Checking for blocked backend tasks to identify and resolve dependencies. This helps maintain project momentum by addressing bottlenecks early." }
get_tasks_by_pathFind tasks matching a path pattern. When to Use: - Analyzing specific project areas - Reviewing component progress - Planning related tasks - Identifying gaps in coverage Best Practices: - Use specific patterns for focused results - Include wildcards for broader searches - Consider task hierarchy in patterns - Combine with status checks for detailed analysis Example: { "pathPattern": "project/*/security/*", "reasoning": "Searching for all security-related tasks across project components to ensure comprehensive security coverage and identify any missing security considerations." }
get_childrenGet all immediate child tasks under a specific path. When to Use: - Understanding task breakdown - Tracking milestone progress - Planning next phase - Identifying missing subtasks Best Practices: - Check milestone children for coverage - Verify subtask relationships - Monitor child task status - Ensure logical task grouping Example: { "path": "project/backend", "reasoning": "Examining backend tasks to understand implementation progress, identify gaps in functionality, and ensure proper task decomposition." }
delete_taskRemove a task and all its children from the system. When to Use: - Removing obsolete tasks - Cleaning up completed work - Restructuring project organization - Handling cancelled features Best Practices: - Verify task is truly obsolete - Check for dependent tasks - Document deletion reasoning - Consider archiving instead - Handle child tasks appropriately Example: { "path": "project/backend/deprecated-auth", "reasoning": "Removing deprecated authentication implementation as we've switched to OAuth2. All dependent tasks have been updated to reference the new OAuth2 implementation path." }
bulk_task_operationsExecute multiple task operations atomically. Performance Optimization: - Operations processed in dependency order - Single-operation batches for consistency - Full transaction rollback on failure - Retry mechanism: 3 retries, 1s delay Validation: - All create/update constraints apply - Cross-operation dependency validation - Status transition rules enforced - Parent-child relationships validated - Metadata schema checked Best Practices: - Group related operations - Order operations by dependencies - Include clear operation reasoning - Handle parent-child updates together - Consider status propagation effects Operation Limits: - Path: max length 1000 chars, max depth 10 - Notes: max 100 per category - Dependencies: max 50 per task - Metadata fields: max 100 entries each Example: { "operations": [ { "type": "create", "path": "project/backend/oauth2", "data": { "title": "Implement OAuth2 Authentication", "type": "MILESTONE", "description": "Replace JWT auth with OAuth2 implementation", "planningNotes": [ "Research OAuth2 providers", "Define integration requirements" ], "metadata": { "reasoning": "OAuth2 provides better security and standardization" } } }, { "type": "create", "path": "project/backend/oauth2/provider-setup", "data": { "title": "Configure OAuth2 Providers", "dependencies": ["project/backend/oauth2"], "planningNotes": [ "List required OAuth2 providers", "Document configuration requirements" ], "metadata": { "reasoning": "Provider setup required before implementation" } } }, { "type": "update", "path": "project/backend/auth", "data": { "status": "CANCELLED", "completionNotes": [ "Functionality replaced by OAuth2 implementation" ], "metadata": { "reasoning": "Replaced by OAuth2 implementation" } } } ], "reasoning": "Transitioning authentication system to OAuth2. Creating necessary task structure and updating existing tasks to reflect the change." }
clear_all_tasksRemove all tasks from the database. Impact: - Deletes ALL tasks permanently - Removes all relationships and dependencies - Clears all metadata and notes - Resets database to initial state - Cannot be undone When to Use: - Starting fresh project phase - Major project restructuring - Development environment reset - Test environment cleanup Best Practices: - Export tasks before clearing - Verify confirmation flag - Document clear reasoning - Consider selective deletion - Plan new task structure - Archive important metadata Safety Checks: - Requires explicit confirmation - Validates database state - Ensures clean deletion - Prevents partial clears Example: { "confirm": true, "reasoning": "Resetting task structure for Q2 planning. Previous tasks have been archived and new project structure will be implemented with updated requirements and dependencies." }
vacuum_databaseOptimize database storage and performance. Performance Impact: - Reclaims unused space - Rebuilds indexes - Updates statistics - Optimizes query plans - May take several minutes When to Use: - After bulk operations (creates/deletes) - During maintenance windows - When performance degrades - After large deletions - Before major operations Best Practices: - Run during low activity - Monitor space usage - Schedule regularly - Backup before running - Check performance impact - Allow sufficient time - Monitor system resources Resource Usage: - CPU: Moderate to high - Memory: Temporary increase - Disk I/O: Heavy - Storage: Temporary spike Example: { "analyze": true, "reasoning": "Running optimization after bulk task deletion to reclaim space and update query statistics for better performance." }
repair_relationshipsFix task hierarchy and dependency issues. Repairs Performed: - Resolves circular dependencies - Fixes broken parent-child links - Removes invalid dependencies - Updates status inconsistencies - Corrects metadata anomalies When to Use: - After failed operations - Fixing circular dependencies - Resolving orphaned tasks - Maintaining task integrity - Before major updates Best Practices: - Run dry-run first - Fix critical paths - Verify results - Document changes - Update affected tasks - Monitor cascading effects Validation Steps: - Path integrity check - Dependency cycle detection - Parent-child validation - Status consistency check - Metadata validation Example: { "dryRun": true, "reasoning": "Checking for relationship issues after recent bulk operations. Using dry-run to assess the scope of necessary repairs before applying fixes." }
list_templatesList available task templates with descriptions and metadata
use_templateInstantiate a template with provided variables
get_template_infoGet detailed information about a template including its variables and tasks