PostgreSQL MCP Servervignesh-codesVerified-securityAlicense-qualityA Model Context Protocol server providing LLMs read-only access to PostgreSQL databases for inspecting schemas and executing queries.1792JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
supabase-mcpDynamicEndpointsAsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server that provides tools for interacting with Supabase databases, storage, and edge functions.2212JavaScriptMIT License
mcp-database-serverfireproof-storageAsecurityFlicenseAqualityFireproof ledger database with multi-user sync455JavaScriptApple
Supabase MCP ServerJoshuaRileyDevAsecurityFlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides programmatic access to the Supabase Management API. This server allows AI models and other clients to manage Supabase projects and organizations through a standardized interface.82013JavaScript