ElevenLabs Text-to-Speech MCP
by georgi-io
- src
- backend
import asyncio
import json
import logging
import base64
from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, AsyncGenerator
import os
from fastapi import WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Load environment variables
WS_HOST = os.getenv("WS_HOST", "")
PORT = int(os.getenv("PORT", "9020"))
class WebSocketManager:
def __init__(self):
self.active_connections: Set[WebSocket] = set()
self.mcp_connection: Optional[WebSocket] = None
logger.info(f"WebSocket manager initialized on {WS_HOST}:{PORT}")
async def connect(self, websocket: WebSocket):
await websocket.accept()
logger.info(f"New WebSocket connection: {websocket}")
def disconnect(self, websocket: WebSocket):
if self.mcp_connection == websocket:
self.mcp_connection = None
logger.info("MCP connection disconnected")
logger.info(f"WebSocket disconnected: {websocket}")
async def register_mcp(self, websocket: WebSocket):
"""Register a connection as the MCP binary connection"""
self.mcp_connection = websocket
logger.info(f"MCP binary registered: {websocket}")
await self.broadcast_to_clients({"type": "mcp_status", "connected": True})
async def send_to_mcp(self, message: Dict):
"""Send a message to the MCP binary"""
if self.mcp_connection:
await self.mcp_connection.send_text(json.dumps(message))
logger.debug(f"Message sent to MCP: {message}")
logger.warning("Attempted to send message to MCP, but no MCP connection is available")
async def broadcast_to_clients(self, message: Dict):
"""Broadcast a message to all connected clients except MCP"""
for connection in self.active_connections:
if connection != self.mcp_connection:
await connection.send_text(json.dumps(message))
f"Broadcast message to {len(self.active_connections) - (1 if self.mcp_connection else 0)} clients"
async def handle_mcp_message(self, message: Dict):
"""Handle a message from the MCP binary"""
message_type = message.get("type")
if message_type == "tts_result":
# Forward TTS result to all clients
await self.broadcast_to_clients(message)
elif message_type == "voice_list":
# Forward voice list to all clients
await self.broadcast_to_clients(message)
elif message_type == "audio_chunk":
# Forward audio chunk to all clients
await self.broadcast_to_clients(message)
elif message_type == "audio_complete":
# Forward audio complete message to all clients
await self.broadcast_to_clients(message)
elif message_type == "error":
# Forward error to all clients
await self.broadcast_to_clients(message)
logger.warning(f"Unknown message type from MCP: {message_type}")
async def stream_audio_to_clients(
self, audio_stream: AsyncGenerator[bytes, None], text: str, voice_id: str
"""Stream audio chunks to all connected clients."""
# Send start message
await self.broadcast_to_clients(
{"type": "audio_start", "text": text, "voice_id": voice_id}
# Stream audio chunks
chunk_count = 0
async for chunk in audio_stream:
chunk_count += 1
# Encode chunk as base64 for JSON transmission
encoded_chunk = base64.b64encode(chunk).decode("utf-8")
# Send chunk to all clients
await self.broadcast_to_clients(
{"type": "audio_chunk", "chunk_index": chunk_count, "data": encoded_chunk}
# Small delay to avoid overwhelming clients
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
# Send completion message
await self.broadcast_to_clients({"type": "audio_complete", "total_chunks": chunk_count})
logger.info(f"Successfully streamed {chunk_count} audio chunks to clients")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error streaming audio to clients: {str(e)}")
await self.broadcast_to_clients(
{"type": "error", "message": f"Audio streaming error: {str(e)}"}
# Create a singleton instance
manager = WebSocketManager()
async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):
await manager.connect(websocket)
while True:
data = await websocket.receive_text()
message = json.loads(data)
# Check if this is an MCP registration message
if message.get("type") == "register" and message.get("client") == "mcp":
await manager.register_mcp(websocket)
# If this is the MCP connection, handle its messages
if websocket == manager.mcp_connection:
await manager.handle_mcp_message(message)
# This is a regular client, forward to MCP if needed
if message.get("type") == "tts_request":
await manager.send_to_mcp(message)
except WebSocketDisconnect:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"WebSocket error: {str(e)}")