Xano MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides access to the repository hosting the Xano MCP server code for installation and usage

  • Provides capability to extract API group specifications in Markdown format with reduced tokens for documentation purposes

  • Enables running the MCP server as a Node.js application to facilitate interaction between AI assistants and Xano databases

Xano MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for interacting with Xano's metadata API. This server provides tools that can be used by AI assistants (like Claude) through Cursor or other MCP-compatible clients.


  • Manage Tables: Create, list, and delete tables in your Xano database
  • Schema Operations: View and modify table schemas with comprehensive schema editing capabilities
  • Database Management: Complete toolset for interacting with your Xano database structure
  • Swagger Spec: Extract your API group api details in either JSON or Markdown (reduced token) format

Note this is an early-stage with feedback / requests welcomed.


  • Node.js (v16 or higher)
  • npm or another Node.js package manager
  • A Xano account with API access
  • Cursor, Claude Desktop, Cline or another MCP client.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/lowcodelocky2/xano-mcp.git cd xano-mcp
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Configure your Xano credentials:
    • Edit index.ts and set your Xano credentials:
  2. Build the project:
npm run build

Usage with Claude Desktop

Follow this guide - https://modelcontextprotocol.io/quickstart/user

Update your config with:

{ "mcpServers": { "xano": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/xano-mcp" ] } } }

Replace /path/to/xano-mcp with the absolute path to your project directory.

This does not work with the claude web app, only via the desktop app - https://claude.ai/download

Usage with Cursor

  1. Open Cursor
  2. Click "Add MCP Server"
  3. Configure the server:
    • Name: whatever you want to call it
    • Type: command
    • Command: node /path/to/xano-mcp/build/index.js

Replace /path/to/xano-mcp with the absolute path to your project directory.

Example mac
node /Users/your-user/Documents/folder-name/xano-mcp/build/index.js

If you're in your're inside your directory you can run the comman 'pwd' into your terminal to get the absolute path.

Xano MCP Tools Overview

This integration provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing your Xano workspace through the Model Context Protocol (MCP). Here's what you can do:

Database Management


  • List all tables in your workspace
  • View detailed table schemas
  • Create new tables with custom schemas
  • Delete existing tables
  • Modify table schemas (add/remove/rename columns)

Schema Operations

  • Add new columns with various data types
  • Remove columns
  • Rename columns
  • Update entire table schemas
  • Support for complex data types and relationships

API Management

API Groups

  • Create new API groups
  • List all API groups
  • Browse APIs within groups
  • Enable/disable Swagger documentation
  • Manage API group metadata (tags, branches, etc.)

Individual APIs

  • Add new APIs to groups
  • Configure HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD)
  • Set up API documentation
  • Add metadata (tags, descriptions)


  • Generate API Group specifications in both markdown (reduced tokens) and JSO (full) formats
  • View Swagger documentation
  • Access detailed schema information

This toolset enables complete management of your Xano workspace, allowing you to build and maintain your backend infrastructure programmatically through the MCP interface.

Re-enabling the Delete Table Tool

To re-enable the delete-table functionality in this codebase, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the file src/index.ts in your code editor
  2. Locate the commented-out section that starts with:
    // Delete Table Tool /* server.tool(
    and ends with:
    ); */
  3. To uncomment this section:
    • Delete the opening /* on the line after "Delete Table Tool"
    • Delete the closing */ before "Edit Table Schema Tool"

    That's it! The delete-table tool will now be active again. (After running a new build)

Example of What the Code Should Look Like After

// Delete Table Tool server.tool( "delete-table", "Delete a table from the Xano workspace", { table_id: z.string().describe("ID of the table to delete") }, async ({ table_id }) => { // ... rest of the implementation } );


After making these changes:

  1. Save the file
  2. Run a new build `npm run build'
  3. Restart your MCP client (Claude / Cursor)
  4. The delete-table tool should now be available in your toolset

Safety Note

The delete-table tool permanently removes tables from your Xano workspace. Make sure you have appropriate backups before using this functionality.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Enables AI assistants to manage Xano databases through the Model Context Protocol, allowing users to create, modify, and delete tables, edit schemas, and extract API documentation.

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Installation
        1. Usage with Claude Desktop
          1. Usage with Cursor
            1. Xano MCP Tools Overview
              1. Database Management
                1. Tables
                  1. Schema Operations
                  2. API Management
                    1. API Groups
                      1. Individual APIs
                      2. Documentation
                        1. Re-enabling the Delete Table Tool
                          1. Example of What the Code Should Look Like After
                            1. Verification
                              1. Safety Note