by uh-joan
- mcp-cortellis
- cortellis_mcp
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
import json
from typing import Dict, List
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
# Load environment variables
mcp = FastMCP("Cortellis MCP")
async def search_drugs(query: str = None, company: str = None, indication: str = None,
action: str = None, phase: str = None, phase_terminated: str = None,
technology: str = None, drug_name: str = None, country: str = None,
offset: int = 0) -> str:
Search for drugs in the Cortellis database. If the amount of drugs returned do not match with the totalResults, ALWAYS use the offset parameter to get the next page(s) of results. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
query: Raw search query (if you want to use the full Cortellis query syntax directly)
company: Company developing the drug (Active companies)
indication: Active indications of a drug (e.g. obesity or cancer)
action: Target specific action (e.g. glucagon)
phase: Overall Highest development status of drug (any company/indication):
* S: Suspended
* DR: Discovery/Preclinical
* CU: Clinical (unknown phase)
* C1: Phase 1 Clinical
* C2: Phase 2 Clinical
* C3: Phase 3 Clinical
* PR: Pre-registration
* R: Registered
* L: Launched
* OL: Outlicensed
* NDR: No Development Reported
* DX: Discontinued
* W: Withdrawn
phase_terminated: Last phase before No Dev Reported or Discontinued statuses
technology: Technologies used in drug development (e.g. small molecule, biologic)
drug_name: Name of the drug (e.g. semaglutide)
country: Country of drug development (e.g. US, EU)
offset: Starting position in the results (default: 0)
the list of drugs found in the Cortellis database
# Get API credentials from environment variables
username = os.getenv('CORTELLIS_USERNAME')
password = os.getenv('CORTELLIS_PASSWORD')
if not username or not password:
return "Error: Cortellis API credentials not found in environment variables"
# Define the API endpoint
base_url = ""
# Build the query string if individual parameters are provided
if query is None:
query_parts = []
if company:
if indication:
if action:
if phase:
if phase_terminated:
if technology:
if drug_name:
if country:
if query_parts:
query = " AND ".join(query_parts)
query = "*" # Default to all results if no parameters provided
# Construct URL with query, offset and hits parameters
url = f"{base_url}?query={requests.utils.quote(query)}&offset={offset}&filtersEnabled=false&fmt=json&hits=100"
print("\n=== Debug Information ===")
print(f"Request URL: {url}")
# Make the request with digest authentication using requests library
response = requests.get(
auth=HTTPDigestAuth(username, password),
headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}
print(f"Response Status Code: {response.status_code}")
if response.status_code == 200:
# Return the JSON response
return response.json()
return f"Search drugs request failed with status code: {response.status_code}"
except requests.RequestException as e:
return f"Connection error: {str(e)}"
except ValueError as e:
return f"Failed to parse JSON response: {str(e)}"
async def explore_ontology(term: str = None, category: str = None, action: str = None,
indication: str = None, company: str = None, drug_name: str = None,
target: str = None, technology: str = None) -> str:
Explore the ontology or taxonomy terms in the Cortellis database. Use this tool to explore different ways to refer to a term in the Cortellis database.
term: Generic search term (used only if no specific category is provided)
category: Category to search within (action, indication, company, drug_name, target, technology)
action: Target specific action of the drug (e.g. glucagon, GLP-1)
indication: Active indications of a drug (e.g. obesity, cancer)
company: Active companies developing drugs
drug_name: Drug name to search
target: Target of the drug
technology: Technologies used in drug development (e.g. small molecule, biologic)
The list of terms found in the Cortellis database
- Search for "glucagon" actions
- Search for "obesity" indications
- Search for companies like "Novo Nordisk"
- Search for drug names like "semaglutide"
# Get API credentials from environment variables
username = os.getenv('CORTELLIS_USERNAME')
password = os.getenv('CORTELLIS_PASSWORD')
if not username or not password:
return "Error: Cortellis API credentials not found in environment variables"
# Base URL
base_url = ""
# Query parameters that will be added to all requests
params = "?showDuplicates=0&hitSynonyms=1&fmt=json"
# Determine which category and term to use
search_term = None
search_category = None
if action:
search_category = "action"
search_term = action
elif indication:
search_category = "indication"
search_term = indication
elif company:
search_category = "company"
search_term = company
elif drug_name:
search_category = "drug_name"
search_term = drug_name
elif target:
search_category = "target"
search_term = target
elif technology:
search_category = "technology"
search_term = technology
elif category and term:
search_category = category
search_term = term
elif term:
# If only term is provided but no category, default to a general search
return f"Please specify a category (action, indication, company, drug_name, target, technology) along with your search term."
return "Please provide a search term and category."
# Construct the URL
url = f"{base_url}/{search_category}/search/{search_term}{params}"
print("\n=== Debug Information ===")
print(f"Request URL: {url}")
# Make the request with digest authentication using requests library
response = requests.get(
auth=HTTPDigestAuth(username, password),
headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}
print(f"Response Status Code: {response.status_code}")
if response.status_code == 200:
# Return the JSON response
return response.json()
return f"Search ontology request failed with status code: {response.status_code}"
except requests.RequestException as e:
return f"Connection error: {str(e)}"
except ValueError as e:
return f"Failed to parse JSON response: {str(e)}"