MCP Web Tools Server
by surya-madhav
- tools
Crawl4AI web scraping tool for MCP server.
This module provides advanced web scraping functionality using Crawl4AI.
It extracts content from web pages, removes non-essential elements like
navigation bars, footers, and sidebars, and returns well-formatted markdown
that preserves document structure including headings, code blocks, tables,
and image references.
- Clean content extraction with navigation, sidebar, and footer removal
- Preserves document structure (headings, lists, tables, code blocks)
- Automatic conversion to well-formatted markdown
- Support for JavaScript-rendered content
- Content filtering to focus on the main article/content
- Comprehensive error handling
import asyncio
import os
import re
import logging
from typing import Optional
from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, CrawlerRunConfig, BrowserConfig, CacheMode
from crawl4ai.content_filter_strategy import PruningContentFilter
from crawl4ai.markdown_generation_strategy import DefaultMarkdownGenerator
# Set up logging
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger("crawl4ai_scraper")
async def crawl_and_extract_markdown(url: str, query: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
Crawl a webpage and extract well-formatted markdown content.
url: The URL to crawl
query: Optional search query to focus content on (if None, extracts main content)
str: Well-formatted markdown content from the webpage
Exception: If crawling fails or content extraction encounters errors
# Configure the browser for optimal rendering
browser_config = BrowserConfig(
viewport_width=1920, # Wider viewport to capture more content
viewport_height=1080, # Taller viewport for the same reason
text_mode=False, # Set to False to ensure all content is loaded
user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
# Create a content filter for removing unwanted elements
content_filter = PruningContentFilter(
threshold=0.1, # Very low threshold to keep more content
threshold_type="dynamic", # Dynamic threshold based on page content
min_word_threshold=2 # Include very short text blocks for headings/code
# Configure markdown generator with options for structure preservation
markdown_generator = DefaultMarkdownGenerator(
"body_width": 0, # No wrapping
"ignore_images": False, # Keep image references
"citations": True, # Include link citations
"escape_html": False, # Don't escape HTML in code blocks
"include_sup_sub": True, # Preserve superscript/subscript
"pad_tables": True, # Better table formatting
"mark_code": True, # Better code block preservation
"code_language": "", # Default code language
"wrap_links": False # Preserve link formatting
# Configure the crawler run for optimal structure extraction
run_config = CrawlerRunConfig(
# Content filtering
word_count_threshold=2, # Extremely low to include very short text blocks
# Tag exclusions - remove unwanted elements
excluded_tags=["nav", "footer", "aside"],
excluded_selector=".nav, .navbar, .sidebar, .footer, #footer, #sidebar, " +
".ads, .advertisement, .navigation, #navigation, " +
".menu, #menu, .toc, .table-of-contents",
# Wait conditions for JS content
wait_for="css:pre, code, h1, h2, h3, table", # Wait for important structural elements
# Don't limit to specific selectors to get full content
# Other options
remove_overlay_elements=True, # Remove modal popups
remove_forms=True, # Remove forms
scan_full_page=True, # Scan the full page
scroll_delay=0.5, # Slower scroll for better content loading
cache_mode=CacheMode.BYPASS # Bypass cache for fresh content
# Create crawler and run it
async with AsyncWebCrawler(config=browser_config) as crawler:
result = await crawler.arun(url=url, config=run_config)
if not result.success:
raise Exception(f"Crawl failed: {result.error_message}")
# Extract the title from metadata if available
title = "Untitled Document"
if result.metadata and "title" in result.metadata:
title = result.metadata["title"]
# Choose the best markdown content
markdown_content = ""
# Try to get the best version of the markdown
if hasattr(result, "markdown_v2") and result.markdown_v2:
if hasattr(result.markdown_v2, 'raw_markdown') and result.markdown_v2.raw_markdown:
markdown_content = result.markdown_v2.raw_markdown
elif hasattr(result.markdown_v2, 'markdown_with_citations') and result.markdown_v2.markdown_with_citations:
markdown_content = result.markdown_v2.markdown_with_citations
elif hasattr(result, "markdown") and result.markdown:
if isinstance(result.markdown, str):
markdown_content = result.markdown
elif hasattr(result.markdown, 'raw_markdown'):
markdown_content = result.markdown.raw_markdown
elif result.cleaned_html:
from html2text import html2text
markdown_content = html2text(result.cleaned_html)
# Post-process the markdown to fix common issues
# 1. Fix code blocks - ensure they have proper formatting
markdown_content = re.sub(r'```\s*\n', '```python\n', markdown_content)
# 2. Fix broken headings - ensure space after # characters
markdown_content = re.sub(r'^(#{1,6})([^#\s])', r'\1 \2', markdown_content, flags=re.MULTILINE)
# 3. Add spacing between sections for readability
markdown_content = re.sub(r'(\n#{1,6} .+?\n)(?=[^\n])', r'\1\n', markdown_content)
# 4. Fix bullet points - ensure proper spacing
markdown_content = re.sub(r'^\*([^\s])', r'* \1', markdown_content, flags=re.MULTILINE)
# 5. Format the final content with title and URL
final_content = f"Title: {title}\n\nURL Source: {result.url}\n\nMarkdown Content:\n{markdown_content}"
return final_content
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error crawling {url}: {str(e)}")
raise Exception(f"Error crawling {url}: {str(e)}")
# Standalone test functionality
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract structured markdown content from a webpage")
parser.add_argument("url", nargs="?", default="",
help="URL to crawl (default:")
parser.add_argument("--output", help="Output file to save the markdown (default:")
parser.add_argument("--query", help="Optional search query to focus content")
args = parser.parse_args()
async def test():
url = args.url
print(f"Scraping {url}...")
if args.query:
result = await crawl_and_extract_markdown(url, args.query)
result = await crawl_and_extract_markdown(url)
# Show preview of content
preview_length = min(1000, len(result))
print("\nResult Preview (first 1000 chars):")
print(result[:preview_length] + "...\n" if len(result) > preview_length else result)
# Print statistics
print(f"\nMarkdown length: {len(result)} characters")
# Save to file
output_file = args.output if args.output else ""
with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print(f"Full content saved to '{output_file}'")
return 0
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
return 1
# Run the test function in an async event loop
exit_code =
import sys