BrowserTools MCP

by oenius
// devtools.js // Store settings with defaults let settings = { logLimit: 50, queryLimit: 30000, stringSizeLimit: 500, maxLogSize: 20000, showRequestHeaders: false, showResponseHeaders: false, screenshotPath: "", // Add new setting for screenshot path serverHost: "localhost", // Default server host serverPort: 3025, // Default server port allowAutoPaste: false, // Default auto-paste setting }; // Keep track of debugger state let isDebuggerAttached = false; let attachDebuggerRetries = 0; const currentTabId = chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId; const MAX_ATTACH_RETRIES = 3; const ATTACH_RETRY_DELAY = 1000; // 1 second // Load saved settings on startup["browserConnectorSettings"], (result) => { if (result.browserConnectorSettings) { settings = { ...settings, ...result.browserConnectorSettings }; } }); // Listen for settings updates chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => { if (message.type === "SETTINGS_UPDATED") { settings = message.settings; // If server settings changed and we have a WebSocket, reconnect if ( ws && (message.settings.serverHost !== settings.serverHost || message.settings.serverPort !== settings.serverPort) ) { console.log("Server settings changed, reconnecting WebSocket..."); setupWebSocket(); } } // Handle connection status updates from page refreshes if (message.type === "CONNECTION_STATUS_UPDATE") { console.log( `DevTools received connection status update: ${ message.isConnected ? "Connected" : "Disconnected" }` ); // If connection is lost, try to reestablish WebSocket only if we had a previous connection if (!message.isConnected && ws) { console.log( "Connection lost after page refresh, will attempt to reconnect WebSocket" ); // Only reconnect if we actually have a WebSocket that might be stale if ( ws && (ws.readyState === WebSocket.CLOSED || ws.readyState === WebSocket.CLOSING) ) { console.log("WebSocket is already closed or closing, will reconnect"); setupWebSocket(); } } } // Handle auto-discovery requests after page refreshes if (message.type === "INITIATE_AUTO_DISCOVERY") { console.log( `DevTools initiating WebSocket reconnect after page refresh (reason: ${message.reason})` ); // For page refreshes with forceRestart, we should always reconnect if our current connection is not working if ( (message.reason === "page_refresh" || message.forceRestart === true) && (!ws || ws.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) ) { console.log( "Page refreshed and WebSocket not open - forcing reconnection" ); // Close existing WebSocket if any if (ws) { console.log("Closing existing WebSocket due to page refresh"); intentionalClosure = true; // Mark as intentional to prevent auto-reconnect try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { console.error("Error closing WebSocket:", e); } ws = null; intentionalClosure = false; // Reset flag } // Clear any pending reconnect timeouts if (wsReconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(wsReconnectTimeout); wsReconnectTimeout = null; } // Try to reestablish the WebSocket connection setupWebSocket(); } } }); // Utility to recursively truncate strings in any data structure function truncateStringsInData(data, maxLength, depth = 0, path = "") { // Add depth limit to prevent circular references if (depth > 100) { console.warn("Max depth exceeded at path:", path); return "[MAX_DEPTH_EXCEEDED]"; } console.log(`Processing at path: ${path}, type:`, typeof data); if (typeof data === "string") { if (data.length > maxLength) { console.log( `Truncating string at path ${path} from ${data.length} to ${maxLength}` ); return data.substring(0, maxLength) + "... (truncated)"; } return data; } if (Array.isArray(data)) { console.log(`Processing array at path ${path} with length:`, data.length); return, index) => truncateStringsInData(item, maxLength, depth + 1, `${path}[${index}]`) ); } if (typeof data === "object" && data !== null) { console.log( `Processing object at path ${path} with keys:`, Object.keys(data) ); const result = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { try { result[key] = truncateStringsInData( value, maxLength, depth + 1, path ? `${path}.${key}` : key ); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error processing key ${key} at path ${path}:`, e); result[key] = "[ERROR_PROCESSING]"; } } return result; } return data; } // Helper to calculate the size of an object function calculateObjectSize(obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj).length; } // Helper to process array of objects with size limit function processArrayWithSizeLimit(array, maxTotalSize, processFunc) { let currentSize = 0; const result = []; for (const item of array) { // Process the item first const processedItem = processFunc(item); const itemSize = calculateObjectSize(processedItem); // Check if adding this item would exceed the limit if (currentSize + itemSize > maxTotalSize) { console.log( `Reached size limit (${currentSize}/${maxTotalSize}), truncating array` ); break; } // Add item and update size result.push(processedItem); currentSize += itemSize; console.log( `Added item of size ${itemSize}, total size now: ${currentSize}` ); } return result; } // Modified processJsonString to handle arrays with size limit function processJsonString(jsonString, maxLength) { console.log("Processing string of length:", jsonString?.length); try { let parsed; try { parsed = JSON.parse(jsonString); console.log( "Successfully parsed as JSON, structure:", JSON.stringify(Object.keys(parsed)) ); } catch (e) { console.log("Not valid JSON, treating as string"); return truncateStringsInData(jsonString, maxLength, 0, "root"); } // If it's an array, process with size limit if (Array.isArray(parsed)) { console.log("Processing array of objects with size limit"); const processed = processArrayWithSizeLimit( parsed, settings.maxLogSize, (item) => truncateStringsInData(item, maxLength, 0, "root") ); const result = JSON.stringify(processed); console.log( `Processed array: ${parsed.length} -> ${processed.length} items` ); return result; } // Otherwise process as before const processed = truncateStringsInData(parsed, maxLength, 0, "root"); const result = JSON.stringify(processed); console.log("Processed JSON string length:", result.length); return result; } catch (e) { console.error("Error in processJsonString:", e); return jsonString.substring(0, maxLength) + "... (truncated)"; } } // Helper to send logs to browser-connector async function sendToBrowserConnector(logData) { if (!logData) { console.error("No log data provided to sendToBrowserConnector"); return; } // First, ensure we're connecting to the right server if (!(await validateServerIdentity())) { console.error( "Cannot send logs: Not connected to a valid browser tools server" ); return; } console.log("Sending log data to browser connector:", { type: logData.type, timestamp: logData.timestamp, }); // Process any string fields that might contain JSON const processedData = { ...logData }; if (logData.type === "network-request") { console.log("Processing network request"); if (processedData.requestBody) { console.log( "Request body size before:", processedData.requestBody.length ); processedData.requestBody = processJsonString( processedData.requestBody, settings.stringSizeLimit ); console.log("Request body size after:", processedData.requestBody.length); } if (processedData.responseBody) { console.log( "Response body size before:", processedData.responseBody.length ); processedData.responseBody = processJsonString( processedData.responseBody, settings.stringSizeLimit ); console.log( "Response body size after:", processedData.responseBody.length ); } } else if ( logData.type === "console-log" || logData.type === "console-error" ) { console.log("Processing console message"); if (processedData.message) { console.log("Message size before:", processedData.message.length); processedData.message = processJsonString( processedData.message, settings.stringSizeLimit ); console.log("Message size after:", processedData.message.length); } } // Add settings to the request const payload = { data: { ...processedData, timestamp:, }, settings: { logLimit: settings.logLimit, queryLimit: settings.queryLimit, showRequestHeaders: settings.showRequestHeaders, showResponseHeaders: settings.showResponseHeaders, }, }; const finalPayloadSize = JSON.stringify(payload).length; console.log("Final payload size:", finalPayloadSize); if (finalPayloadSize > 1000000) { console.warn("Warning: Large payload detected:", finalPayloadSize); console.warn( "Payload preview:", JSON.stringify(payload).substring(0, 1000) + "..." ); } const serverUrl = `http://${settings.serverHost}:${settings.serverPort}/extension-log`; console.log(`Sending log to ${serverUrl}`); fetch(serverUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(payload), }) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error ${response.status}`); } return response.json(); }) .then((data) => { console.log("Log sent successfully:", data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error sending log:", error); }); } // Validate server identity async function validateServerIdentity() { try { console.log( `Validating server identity at ${settings.serverHost}:${settings.serverPort}...` ); // Use fetch with a timeout to prevent long-hanging requests const response = await fetch( `http://${settings.serverHost}:${settings.serverPort}/.identity`, { signal: AbortSignal.timeout(3000), // 3 second timeout } ); if (!response.ok) { console.error( `Server identity validation failed: HTTP ${response.status}` ); // Notify about the connection failure chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "SERVER_VALIDATION_FAILED", reason: "http_error", status: response.status, serverHost: settings.serverHost, serverPort: settings.serverPort, }); return false; } const identity = await response.json(); // Validate signature if (identity.signature !== "mcp-browser-connector-24x7") { console.error("Server identity validation failed: Invalid signature"); // Notify about the invalid signature chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "SERVER_VALIDATION_FAILED", reason: "invalid_signature", serverHost: settings.serverHost, serverPort: settings.serverPort, }); return false; } console.log( `Server identity confirmed: ${} v${identity.version}` ); // Notify about successful validation chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "SERVER_VALIDATION_SUCCESS", serverInfo: identity, serverHost: settings.serverHost, serverPort: settings.serverPort, }); return true; } catch (error) { console.error("Server identity validation failed:", error); // Notify about the connection error chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "SERVER_VALIDATION_FAILED", reason: "connection_error", error: error.message, serverHost: settings.serverHost, serverPort: settings.serverPort, }); return false; } } // Function to clear logs on the server function wipeLogs() { console.log("Wiping all logs..."); const serverUrl = `http://${settings.serverHost}:${settings.serverPort}/wipelogs`; console.log(`Sending wipe request to ${serverUrl}`); fetch(serverUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error ${response.status}`); } return response.json(); }) .then((data) => { console.log("Logs wiped successfully:", data); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error wiping logs:", error); }); } // Listen for page refreshes => { console.log("Page navigated/refreshed - wiping logs"); wipeLogs(); // Send the new URL to the server if (ws && ws.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN && url) { console.log( "Chrome Extension: Sending page-navigated event with URL:", url ); ws.send( JSON.stringify({ type: "page-navigated", url: url, tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, timestamp:, }) ); } }); // 1) Listen for network requests => { if (request._resourceType === "xhr" || request._resourceType === "fetch") { request.getContent((responseBody) => { const entry = { type: "network-request", url: request.request.url, method: request.request.method, status: request.response.status, requestHeaders: request.request.headers, responseHeaders: request.response.headers, requestBody: request.request.postData?.text ?? "", responseBody: responseBody ?? "", }; sendToBrowserConnector(entry); }); } }); // Helper function to attach debugger async function attachDebugger() { // First check if we're already attached to this tab chrome.debugger.getTargets((targets) => { const isAlreadyAttached = targets.some( (target) => target.tabId === currentTabId && target.attached ); if (isAlreadyAttached) { console.log("Found existing debugger attachment, detaching first..."); // Force detach first to ensure clean state chrome.debugger.detach({ tabId: currentTabId }, () => { // Ignore any errors during detach if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.log("Error during forced detach:", chrome.runtime.lastError); } // Now proceed with fresh attachment performAttach(); }); } else { // No existing attachment, proceed directly performAttach(); } }); } function performAttach() { console.log("Performing debugger attachment to tab:", currentTabId); chrome.debugger.attach({ tabId: currentTabId }, "1.3", () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error("Failed to attach debugger:", chrome.runtime.lastError); isDebuggerAttached = false; return; } isDebuggerAttached = true; console.log("Debugger successfully attached"); // Add the event listener when attaching chrome.debugger.onEvent.addListener(consoleMessageListener); chrome.debugger.sendCommand( { tabId: currentTabId }, "Runtime.enable", {}, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error("Failed to enable runtime:", chrome.runtime.lastError); return; } console.log("Runtime API successfully enabled"); } ); }); } // Helper function to detach debugger function detachDebugger() { // Remove the event listener first chrome.debugger.onEvent.removeListener(consoleMessageListener); // Check if debugger is actually attached before trying to detach chrome.debugger.getTargets((targets) => { const isStillAttached = targets.some( (target) => target.tabId === currentTabId && target.attached ); if (!isStillAttached) { console.log("Debugger already detached"); isDebuggerAttached = false; return; } chrome.debugger.detach({ tabId: currentTabId }, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.warn( "Warning during debugger detach:", chrome.runtime.lastError ); } isDebuggerAttached = false; console.log("Debugger detached"); }); }); } // Move the console message listener outside the panel creation const consoleMessageListener = (source, method, params) => { // Only process events for our tab if (source.tabId !== currentTabId) { return; } if (method === "Runtime.exceptionThrown") { const entry = { type: "console-error", message: params.exceptionDetails.exception?.description || JSON.stringify(params.exceptionDetails), level: "error", timestamp:, }; console.log("Sending runtime exception:", entry); sendToBrowserConnector(entry); } if (method === "Runtime.consoleAPICalled") { // Process all arguments from the console call let formattedMessage = ""; const args = params.args || []; // Extract all arguments and combine them if (args.length > 0) { // Try to build a meaningful representation of all arguments try { formattedMessage = args .map((arg) => { // Handle different types of arguments if (arg.type === "string") { return arg.value; } else if (arg.type === "object" && arg.preview) { // For objects, include their preview or description return JSON.stringify(arg.preview); } else if (arg.description) { // Some objects have descriptions return arg.description; } else { // Fallback for other types return arg.value || arg.description || JSON.stringify(arg); } }) .join(" "); } catch (e) { // Fallback if processing fails console.error("Failed to process console arguments:", e); formattedMessage = args[0]?.value || "Unable to process console arguments"; } } const entry = { type: params.type === "error" ? "console-error" : "console-log", level: params.type, message: formattedMessage, timestamp:, }; console.log("Sending console entry:", entry); sendToBrowserConnector(entry); } }; // 2) Use DevTools Protocol to capture console logs chrome.devtools.panels.create("BrowserToolsMCP", "", "panel.html", (panel) => { // Initial attach - we'll keep the debugger attached as long as DevTools is open attachDebugger(); // Handle panel showing panel.onShown.addListener((panelWindow) => { if (!isDebuggerAttached) { attachDebugger(); } }); }); // Clean up when DevTools closes window.addEventListener("unload", () => { // Detach debugger detachDebugger(); // Set intentional closure flag before closing intentionalClosure = true; if (ws) { try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { console.error("Error closing WebSocket during unload:", e); } ws = null; } if (wsReconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(wsReconnectTimeout); wsReconnectTimeout = null; } if (heartbeatInterval) { clearInterval(heartbeatInterval); heartbeatInterval = null; } }); // Function to capture and send element data function captureAndSendElement() { chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval( `(function() { const el = $0; // $0 is the currently selected element in DevTools if (!el) return null; const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { tagName: el.tagName, id:, className: el.className, textContent: el.textContent?.substring(0, 100), attributes: Array.from(el.attributes).map(attr => ({ name:, value: attr.value })), dimensions: { width: rect.width, height: rect.height, top:, left: rect.left }, innerHTML: el.innerHTML.substring(0, 500) }; })()`, (result, isException) => { if (isException || !result) return; console.log("Element selected:", result); // Send to browser connector sendToBrowserConnector({ type: "selected-element", timestamp:, element: result, }); } ); } // Listen for element selection in the Elements panel chrome.devtools.panels.elements.onSelectionChanged.addListener(() => { captureAndSendElement(); }); // WebSocket connection management let ws = null; let wsReconnectTimeout = null; let heartbeatInterval = null; const WS_RECONNECT_DELAY = 5000; // 5 seconds const HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 30000; // 30 seconds // Add a flag to track if we need to reconnect after identity validation let reconnectAfterValidation = false; // Track if we're intentionally closing the connection let intentionalClosure = false; // Function to send a heartbeat to keep the WebSocket connection alive function sendHeartbeat() { if (ws && ws.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { console.log("Chrome Extension: Sending WebSocket heartbeat"); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "heartbeat" })); } } async function setupWebSocket() { // Clear any pending timeouts if (wsReconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(wsReconnectTimeout); wsReconnectTimeout = null; } if (heartbeatInterval) { clearInterval(heartbeatInterval); heartbeatInterval = null; } // Close existing WebSocket if any if (ws) { // Set flag to indicate this is an intentional closure intentionalClosure = true; try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { console.error("Error closing existing WebSocket:", e); } ws = null; intentionalClosure = false; // Reset flag } // Validate server identity before connecting console.log("Validating server identity before WebSocket connection..."); const isValid = await validateServerIdentity(); if (!isValid) { console.error( "Cannot establish WebSocket: Not connected to a valid browser tools server" ); // Set flag to indicate we need to reconnect after a page refresh check reconnectAfterValidation = true; // Try again after delay wsReconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { console.log("Attempting to reconnect WebSocket after validation failure"); setupWebSocket(); }, WS_RECONNECT_DELAY); return; } // Reset reconnect flag since validation succeeded reconnectAfterValidation = false; const wsUrl = `ws://${settings.serverHost}:${settings.serverPort}/extension-ws`; console.log(`Connecting to WebSocket at ${wsUrl}`); try { ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl); ws.onopen = () => { console.log(`Chrome Extension: WebSocket connected to ${wsUrl}`); // Start heartbeat to keep connection alive heartbeatInterval = setInterval(sendHeartbeat, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); // Notify that connection is successful chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "WEBSOCKET_CONNECTED", serverHost: settings.serverHost, serverPort: settings.serverPort, }); // Send the current URL to the server right after connection // This ensures the server has the URL even if no navigation occurs chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { type: "GET_CURRENT_URL", tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, }, (response) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error( "Chrome Extension: Error getting URL from background on connection:", chrome.runtime.lastError ); // If normal method fails, try fallback to chrome.tabs API directly tryFallbackGetUrl(); return; } if (response && response.url) { console.log( "Chrome Extension: Sending initial URL to server:", response.url ); // Send the URL to the server via the background script chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "UPDATE_SERVER_URL", tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, url: response.url, source: "initial_connection", }); } else { // If response exists but no URL, try fallback tryFallbackGetUrl(); } } ); // Fallback method to get URL directly function tryFallbackGetUrl() { console.log("Chrome Extension: Trying fallback method to get URL"); // Try to get the URL directly using the tabs API chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, (tabs) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error( "Chrome Extension: Fallback URL retrieval failed:", chrome.runtime.lastError ); return; } if (tabs && tabs.length > 0 && tabs[0].url) { console.log( "Chrome Extension: Got URL via fallback method:", tabs[0].url ); // Send the URL to the server chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "UPDATE_SERVER_URL", tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, url: tabs[0].url, source: "fallback_method", }); } else { console.warn( "Chrome Extension: Could not retrieve URL through fallback method" ); } }); } }; ws.onerror = (error) => { console.error(`Chrome Extension: WebSocket error for ${wsUrl}:`, error); }; ws.onclose = (event) => { console.log(`Chrome Extension: WebSocket closed for ${wsUrl}:`, event); // Stop heartbeat if (heartbeatInterval) { clearInterval(heartbeatInterval); heartbeatInterval = null; } // Don't reconnect if this was an intentional closure if (intentionalClosure) { console.log( "Chrome Extension: Intentional WebSocket closure, not reconnecting" ); return; } // Only attempt to reconnect if the closure wasn't intentional // Code 1000 (Normal Closure) and 1001 (Going Away) are normal closures // Code 1005 often happens with clean closures in Chrome const isAbnormalClosure = !(event.code === 1000 || event.code === 1001); // Check if this was an abnormal closure or if we need to reconnect after validation if (isAbnormalClosure || reconnectAfterValidation) { console.log( `Chrome Extension: Will attempt to reconnect WebSocket (closure code: ${event.code})` ); // Try to reconnect after delay wsReconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { console.log( `Chrome Extension: Attempting to reconnect WebSocket to ${wsUrl}` ); setupWebSocket(); }, WS_RECONNECT_DELAY); } else { console.log( `Chrome Extension: Normal WebSocket closure, not reconnecting automatically` ); } }; ws.onmessage = async (event) => { try { const message = JSON.parse(; // Don't log heartbeat responses to reduce noise if (message.type !== "heartbeat-response") { console.log("Chrome Extension: Received WebSocket message:", message); if (message.type === "server-shutdown") { console.log("Chrome Extension: Received server shutdown signal"); // Clear any reconnection attempts if (wsReconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(wsReconnectTimeout); wsReconnectTimeout = null; } // Close the connection gracefully ws.close(1000, "Server shutting down"); return; } } if (message.type === "heartbeat-response") { // Just a heartbeat response, no action needed // Uncomment the next line for debug purposes only // console.log("Chrome Extension: Received heartbeat response"); } else if (message.type === "take-screenshot") { console.log("Chrome Extension: Taking screenshot..."); // Capture screenshot of the current tab chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(null, { format: "png" }, (dataUrl) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error( "Chrome Extension: Screenshot capture failed:", chrome.runtime.lastError ); ws.send( JSON.stringify({ type: "screenshot-error", error: chrome.runtime.lastError.message, requestId: message.requestId, }) ); return; } console.log("Chrome Extension: Screenshot captured successfully"); // Just send the screenshot data, let the server handle paths const response = { type: "screenshot-data", data: dataUrl, requestId: message.requestId, // Only include path if it's configured in settings ...(settings.screenshotPath && { path: settings.screenshotPath }), // Include auto-paste setting autoPaste: settings.allowAutoPaste, }; console.log("Chrome Extension: Sending screenshot data response", { ...response, data: "[base64 data]", }); ws.send(JSON.stringify(response)); }); } else if (message.type === "get-current-url") { console.log("Chrome Extension: Received request for current URL"); // Get the current URL from the background script instead of inspectedWindow.eval let retryCount = 0; const maxRetries = 2; const requestCurrentUrl = () => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage( { type: "GET_CURRENT_URL", tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, }, (response) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error( "Chrome Extension: Error getting URL from background:", chrome.runtime.lastError ); // Retry logic if (retryCount < maxRetries) { retryCount++; console.log( `Retrying URL request (${retryCount}/${maxRetries})...` ); setTimeout(requestCurrentUrl, 500); // Wait 500ms before retrying return; } ws.send( JSON.stringify({ type: "current-url-response", url: null, tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, error: "Failed to get URL from background: " + chrome.runtime.lastError.message, requestId: message.requestId, }) ); return; } if (response && response.success && response.url) { console.log( "Chrome Extension: Got URL from background:", response.url ); ws.send( JSON.stringify({ type: "current-url-response", url: response.url, tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, requestId: message.requestId, }) ); } else { console.error( "Chrome Extension: Invalid URL response from background:", response ); // Last resort - try to get URL directly from the tab chrome.tabs.query( { active: true, currentWindow: true }, (tabs) => { const url = tabs && tabs[0] && tabs[0].url; console.log( "Chrome Extension: Got URL directly from tab:", url ); ws.send( JSON.stringify({ type: "current-url-response", url: url || null, tabId: chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId, error: response?.error || "Failed to get URL from background", requestId: message.requestId, }) ); } ); } } ); }; requestCurrentUrl(); } } catch (error) { console.error( "Chrome Extension: Error processing WebSocket message:", error ); } }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error creating WebSocket:", error); // Try again after delay wsReconnectTimeout = setTimeout(setupWebSocket, WS_RECONNECT_DELAY); } } // Initialize WebSocket connection when DevTools opens setupWebSocket(); // Clean up WebSocket when DevTools closes window.addEventListener("unload", () => { if (ws) { ws.close(); } if (wsReconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(wsReconnectTimeout); } });