
""" Code Index MCP Server This MCP server allows LLMs to index, search, and analyze code from a project directory. It provides tools for file discovery, content retrieval, and code analysis. """ from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import AsyncIterator, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Any import os import pathlib import json import fnmatch import sys from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context, Image from mcp import types # Import the ProjectSettings class - using relative import from .project_settings import ProjectSettings # Create the MCP server mcp = FastMCP("CodeIndexer", dependencies=["pathlib"]) # In-memory references (will be loaded from persistent storage) file_index = {} code_content_cache = {} supported_extensions = [ '.py', '.js', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.java', '.c', '.cpp', '.h', '.hpp', '.cs', '.go', '.rb', '.php', '.swift', '.kt', '.rs', '.scala', '.sh', '.bash', '.html', '.css', '.scss', '.md', '.json', '.xml', '.yml', '.yaml' ] @dataclass class CodeIndexerContext: """Context for the Code Indexer MCP server.""" base_path: str settings: ProjectSettings file_count: int = 0 @asynccontextmanager async def indexer_lifespan(server: FastMCP) -> AsyncIterator[CodeIndexerContext]: """Manage the lifecycle of the Code Indexer MCP server.""" # We will not set a default base_path # The user must explicitly set the project path before using the system base_path = "" # Empty string to indicate no path is set # Initialize the settings manager with a temporary path # This will be properly set when the user calls set_project_path settings = ProjectSettings(base_path or os.getcwd()) # Initialize the context context = CodeIndexerContext( base_path=base_path, settings=settings ) # Try to load existing index and cache global file_index, code_content_cache loaded_index = settings.load_index() if loaded_index: file_index = loaded_index context.file_count = _count_files(file_index) loaded_cache = settings.load_cache() if loaded_cache: code_content_cache = loaded_cache try: # Yield the context to the server yield context finally: # Save index and cache on shutdown if file_index: settings.save_index(file_index) if code_content_cache: settings.save_cache(code_content_cache) # Initialize the server with our lifespan manager mcp = FastMCP("CodeIndexer", lifespan=indexer_lifespan) # ----- RESOURCES ----- @mcp.resource("config://code-indexer") def get_config() -> str: """Get the current configuration of the Code Indexer.""" ctx = mcp.get_context() # Get the base path from context base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return json.dumps({ "status": "not_configured", "message": "Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first.", "supported_extensions": supported_extensions }, indent=2) # Get file count file_count = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.file_count # Get settings stats settings = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings settings_stats = settings.get_stats() config = { "base_path": base_path, "supported_extensions": supported_extensions, "file_count": file_count, "settings_directory": settings.settings_path, "settings_stats": settings_stats } return json.dumps(config, indent=2) @mcp.resource("files://{file_path}") def get_file_content(file_path: str) -> str: """Get the content of a specific file.""" ctx = mcp.get_context() # Get the base path from context base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return "Error: Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first." # Handle absolute paths (especially Windows paths starting with drive letters) if os.path.isabs(file_path) or (len(file_path) > 1 and file_path[1] == ':'): # Absolute paths are not allowed via this endpoint return f"Error: Absolute file paths like '{file_path}' are not allowed. Please use paths relative to the project root." # Normalize the file path norm_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) # Check for path traversal attempts if "..\\" in norm_path or "../" in norm_path or norm_path.startswith(".."): return f"Error: Invalid file path: {file_path} (directory traversal not allowed)" # Construct the full path and verify it's within the project bounds full_path = os.path.join(base_path, norm_path) real_full_path = os.path.realpath(full_path) real_base_path = os.path.realpath(base_path) if not real_full_path.startswith(real_base_path): return f"Error: Access denied. File path must be within project directory." try: with open(full_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = # Cache the content for faster retrieval later code_content_cache[norm_path] = content return content except UnicodeDecodeError: return f"Error: File {file_path} appears to be a binary file or uses unsupported encoding." except Exception as e: return f"Error reading file: {e}" @mcp.resource("structure://project") def get_project_structure() -> str: """Get the structure of the project as a JSON tree.""" ctx = mcp.get_context() # Get the base path from context base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return json.dumps({ "status": "not_configured", "message": "Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first." }, indent=2) # Check if we need to refresh the index if not file_index: _index_project(base_path) # Update file count in context ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.file_count = _count_files(file_index) # Save updated index ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_index(file_index) return json.dumps(file_index, indent=2) @mcp.resource("settings://stats") def get_settings_stats() -> str: """Get statistics about the settings directory and files.""" ctx = mcp.get_context() # Get settings manager from context settings = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings # Get settings stats stats = settings.get_stats() return json.dumps(stats, indent=2) # ----- TOOLS ----- @mcp.tool() def set_project_path(path: str, ctx: Context) -> str: """Set the base project path for indexing.""" # Validate and normalize the path try: norm_path = os.path.normpath(path) abs_path = os.path.abspath(norm_path) if not os.path.exists(abs_path): return f"Error: Path does not exist: {abs_path}" if not os.path.isdir(abs_path): return f"Error: Path is not a directory: {abs_path}" # Clear existing in-memory index and cache global file_index, code_content_cache file_index.clear() code_content_cache.clear() # Update the base path in context ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path = abs_path # Create a new settings manager for the new path ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings = ProjectSettings(abs_path) # Ensure .code_indexer is added to project's .gitignore gitignore_path = os.path.join(abs_path, ".gitignore") try: # Check if .gitignore exists if os.path.exists(gitignore_path): # Read existing content with open(gitignore_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = # Check if .code_indexer is already in .gitignore if ".code_indexer/" not in content and ".code_indexer" not in content: # Append to .gitignore with open(gitignore_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("\n# Code Index MCP cache directory\n.code_indexer/\n")"Added .code_indexer/ to project's .gitignore file.") else: # Create new .gitignore with open(gitignore_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("# Code Index MCP cache directory\n.code_indexer/\n")"Created .gitignore file with .code_indexer/ entry.") except Exception as gitignore_error:"Note: Could not update .gitignore file: {gitignore_error}") # Try to load existing index and cache loaded_index = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.load_index() if loaded_index: file_index = loaded_index file_count = _count_files(file_index) ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.file_count = file_count return f"Project path set to: {abs_path}. Loaded existing index with {file_count} files." # If no existing index, create a new one file_count = _index_project(abs_path) ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.file_count = file_count # Save the new index ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_index(file_index) # Save project config config = { "base_path": abs_path, "supported_extensions": supported_extensions, "last_indexed": ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.load_config().get('last_indexed', None) } ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_config(config) return f"Project path set to: {abs_path}. Indexed {file_count} files." except Exception as e: return f"Error setting project path: {e}" @mcp.tool() def search_code(query: str, ctx: Context, extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, case_sensitive: bool = False) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, str]]]: """ Search for code matches within the indexed files. Returns a dictionary mapping filenames to lists of (line_number, line_content) tuples. """ base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return {"error": "Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first."} # Check if we need to index the project if not file_index: _index_project(base_path) ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.file_count = _count_files(file_index) ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_index(file_index) results = {} # Filter by extensions if provided if extensions: valid_extensions = [ext if ext.startswith('.') else f'.{ext}' for ext in extensions] else: valid_extensions = supported_extensions # Process the search for file_path, _info in _get_all_files(file_index): # Check if the file has a supported extension if not any(file_path.endswith(ext) for ext in valid_extensions): continue try: # Get file content (from cache if available) if file_path in code_content_cache: content = code_content_cache[file_path] else: full_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_path) with open(full_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = code_content_cache[file_path] = content # Search for matches matches = [] for i, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(), 1): if (case_sensitive and query in line) or (not case_sensitive and query.lower() in line.lower()): matches.append((i, line.strip())) if matches: results[file_path] = matches except Exception as e:"Error searching file {file_path}: {e}") # Save the updated cache ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_cache(code_content_cache) return results @mcp.tool() def find_files(pattern: str, ctx: Context) -> List[str]: """ Find files in the project that match the given pattern. Supports glob patterns like *.py or **/*.js. """ base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return ["Error: Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first."] # Check if we need to index the project if not file_index: _index_project(base_path) ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.file_count = _count_files(file_index) ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_index(file_index) matching_files = [] for file_path, _info in _get_all_files(file_index): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_path, pattern): matching_files.append(file_path) return matching_files @mcp.tool() def get_file_summary(file_path: str, ctx: Context) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get a summary of a specific file, including: - Line count - Function/class definitions (for supported languages) - Import statements - Basic complexity metrics """ base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return {"error": "Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first."} # Normalize the file path norm_path = os.path.normpath(file_path) if norm_path.startswith('..'): return {"error": f"Invalid file path: {file_path}"} full_path = os.path.join(base_path, norm_path) try: # Get file content if norm_path in code_content_cache: content = code_content_cache[norm_path] else: with open(full_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = code_content_cache[norm_path] = content # Save the updated cache ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_cache(code_content_cache) # Basic file info lines = content.splitlines() line_count = len(lines) # File extension for language-specific analysis _, ext = os.path.splitext(norm_path) summary = { "file_path": norm_path, "line_count": line_count, "size_bytes": os.path.getsize(full_path), "extension": ext, } # Language-specific analysis if ext == '.py': # Python analysis imports = [] classes = [] functions = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() # Check for imports if line.startswith('import ') or line.startswith('from '): imports.append(line) # Check for class definitions if line.startswith('class '): classes.append({ "line": i + 1, "name": line.replace('class ', '').split('(')[0].split(':')[0].strip() }) # Check for function definitions if line.startswith('def '): functions.append({ "line": i + 1, "name": line.replace('def ', '').split('(')[0].strip() }) summary.update({ "imports": imports, "classes": classes, "functions": functions, "import_count": len(imports), "class_count": len(classes), "function_count": len(functions), }) elif ext in ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx']: # JavaScript/TypeScript analysis imports = [] classes = [] functions = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() # Check for imports if line.startswith('import ') or line.startswith('require('): imports.append(line) # Check for class definitions if line.startswith('class ') or 'class ' in line: class_name = "" if 'class ' in line: parts = line.split('class ')[1] class_name = parts.split(' ')[0].split('{')[0].split('extends')[0].strip() classes.append({ "line": i + 1, "name": class_name }) # Check for function definitions if 'function ' in line or '=>' in line: functions.append({ "line": i + 1, "content": line }) summary.update({ "imports": imports, "classes": classes, "functions": functions, "import_count": len(imports), "class_count": len(classes), "function_count": len(functions), }) return summary except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Error analyzing file: {e}"} @mcp.tool() def refresh_index(ctx: Context) -> str: """Refresh the project index.""" base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return "Error: Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first." # Clear existing index global file_index file_index.clear() # Re-index the project file_count = _index_project(base_path) ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.file_count = file_count # Save the updated index ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_index(file_index) # Update the last indexed timestamp in config config = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.load_config() ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings.save_config({ **config, 'last_indexed': ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings._get_timestamp() }) return f"Project re-indexed. Found {file_count} files." @mcp.tool() def get_settings_info(ctx: Context) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get information about the project settings.""" base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return { "status": "not_configured", "message": "Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first." } settings = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings # Get config config = settings.load_config() # Get stats stats = settings.get_stats() return { "settings_directory": settings.settings_path, "config": config, "stats": stats, "exists": os.path.exists(settings.settings_path) } @mcp.tool() def clear_settings(ctx: Context) -> str: """Clear all settings and cached data.""" base_path = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.base_path # Check if base_path is set if not base_path: return "Error: Project path not set. Please use set_project_path to set a project directory first." settings = ctx.request_context.lifespan_context.settings # Clear all settings files settings.clear() # Clear in-memory cache and index global file_index, code_content_cache file_index.clear() code_content_cache.clear() return f"All settings and cache cleared from {settings.settings_path}" # ----- PROMPTS ----- @mcp.prompt() def analyze_code(file_path: str = "", query: str = "") -> list[types.PromptMessage]: """Prompt for analyzing code in the project.""" messages = [ types.PromptMessage(role="user", content=types.TextContent(type="text", text=f"""I need you to analyze some code from my project. {f'Please analyze the file: {file_path}' if file_path else ''} {f'I want to understand: {query}' if query else ''} First, let me give you some context about the project structure. Then, I'll provide the code to analyze. """)), types.PromptMessage(role="assistant", content=types.TextContent(type="text", text="I'll help you analyze the code. Let me first examine the project structure to get a better understanding of the codebase.")) ] return messages @mcp.prompt() def code_search(query: str = "") -> types.TextContent: """Prompt for searching code in the project.""" search_text = f"\"query\"" if not query else f"\"{query}\"" return types.TextContent(type="text", text=f"""I need to search through my codebase for {search_text}. Please help me find all occurrences of this query and explain what each match means in its context. Focus on the most relevant files and provide a brief explanation of how each match is used in the code. If there are too many results, prioritize the most important ones and summarize the patterns you see.""") @mcp.prompt() def set_project() -> list[types.PromptMessage]: """Prompt for setting the project path.""" messages = [ types.PromptMessage(role="user", content=types.TextContent(type="text", text=""" I need to analyze code from a project, but I haven't set the project path yet. Please help me set up the project path and index the code. First, I need to specify which project directory to analyze. """)), types.PromptMessage(role="assistant", content=types.TextContent(type="text", text=""" Before I can help you analyze any code, we need to set up the project path. This is a required first step. Please provide the full path to your project folder. For example: - Windows: "C:/Users/username/projects/my-project" - macOS/Linux: "/home/username/projects/my-project" Once you provide the path, I'll use the `set_project_path` tool to configure the code analyzer to work with your project. """)) ] return messages # ----- HELPER FUNCTIONS ----- def _index_project(base_path: str) -> int: """ Create an index of the project files. Returns the number of files indexed. """ file_count = 0 file_index.clear() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path): # Skip hidden directories and common build/dependency directories dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not d.startswith('.') and d not in ['node_modules', 'venv', '__pycache__', 'build', 'dist']] # Create relative path from base_path rel_path = os.path.relpath(root, base_path) current_dir = file_index # Skip the '.' directory (base_path itself) if rel_path != '.': # Split the path and navigate/create the tree path_parts = rel_path.replace('\\', '/').split('/') for part in path_parts: if part not in current_dir: current_dir[part] = {} current_dir = current_dir[part] # Add files to current directory for file in files: # Skip hidden files and files with unsupported extensions _, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if file.startswith('.') or ext not in supported_extensions: continue # Store file information file_path = os.path.join(rel_path, file).replace('\\', '/') if rel_path == '.': file_path = file current_dir[file] = { "type": "file", "path": file_path, "ext": ext } file_count += 1 return file_count def _count_files(directory: Dict) -> int: """ Count the number of files in the index. """ count = 0 for name, value in directory.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): if "type" in value and value["type"] == "file": count += 1 else: count += _count_files(value) return count def _get_all_files(directory: Dict, prefix: str = "") -> List[Tuple[str, Dict]]: """ Recursively get all files from the directory structure. Returns a list of (file_path, file_info) tuples. """ result = [] for name, value in directory.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): if "type" in value and value["type"] == "file": result.append((value["path"], value)) else: new_prefix = f"{prefix}/{name}" if prefix else name result.extend(_get_all_files(value, new_prefix)) return result def main(): """Entry point for the code indexer.""" print("Starting Code Index MCP Server...", file=sys.stderr) if __name__ == "__main__": main()