Audius MCP Server
by glassBead-tc
- audius-mcp-atris
- examples
// Example of how an LLM can interact with the Audius MCP server
* This file shows examples of how an LLM should interact with the Audius MCP server.
* These examples demonstrate the patterns for calling tools, accessing resources,
* and using prompts to provide comprehensive music-related functionality.
// Example: Basic search for tracks
async function searchTracksExample() {
// The LLM should format the call like this:
const request = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'search-tracks',
arguments: {
query: 'electronic dance music',
limit: 5
// The response will be in this format:
const exampleResponse = {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: JSON.stringify({
query: 'electronic dance music',
tracks: [
id: '12345',
title: 'Summer Vibes',
user: { id: '789', name: 'DJ Awesome' },
duration: 180,
artwork: { url: '' },
// ...more track details
// ...more tracks
}, null, 2)
// The LLM should then use this data to provide a helpful response
// For example: "I found some electronic dance tracks for you. 'Summer Vibes' by DJ Awesome is a popular one."
// Example: Get details about an artist and their music
async function artistProfileExample() {
// Step 1: Use the artist-profile prompt for a guided experience
const promptRequest = {
method: 'get_prompt',
params: {
name: 'artist-profile',
arguments: {
userId: '789',
includeConnections: true,
includePopularContent: true
// The response will include system and user messages
const promptResponse = {
messages: [
role: 'system',
content: {
type: 'text',
text: 'To create a comprehensive artist profile, use these tools...'
role: 'user',
content: {
type: 'text',
text: "I'd like to learn more about DJ Awesome. Can you tell me about their style, popular tracks, and connections in the Audius community?"
// Step 2: The LLM should follow the instructions and use multiple tools
// For example, get the artist's details
const userRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'get-user',
arguments: {
userId: '789'
// Step 3: Get the artist's tracks
const tracksRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'get-user-tracks',
arguments: {
userId: '789',
limit: 10
// Step 4: Get the artist's followers
const followersRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'user-followers',
arguments: {
userId: '789',
limit: 5
// The LLM should combine all this information into a comprehensive profile
// "DJ Awesome is an electronic music producer with 10,000 followers. Their most popular track is 'Summer Vibes'..."
// Example: Create a playlist based on user preferences
async function createPlaylistExample() {
// Step 1: Search for tracks matching the theme
const searchRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'advanced-search',
arguments: {
query: 'relaxing',
genres: ['Ambient', 'Chillout'],
moods: ['Relaxing'],
limit: 10
// Step 2: Create a new playlist
const createPlaylistRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'create-playlist',
arguments: {
userId: '123',
playlistName: 'Evening Relaxation',
description: 'Calm ambient tracks for relaxing in the evening',
isPrivate: false
// The response will include the new playlist ID
const playlistResponse = {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: JSON.stringify({
playlistId: '456',
message: 'Playlist created successfully'
// Step 3: Add the tracks to the playlist
const addTracksRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'add-tracks-to-playlist',
arguments: {
userId: '123',
playlistId: '456',
trackIds: ['789', '101112', '131415']
// The LLM should then provide a summary of the action
// "I've created a new playlist called 'Evening Relaxation' with 3 ambient tracks that are perfect for unwinding."
// Example: Get and analyze track analytics
async function trackAnalyticsExample() {
// Step 1: Get listen counts for a track
const listenCountsRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'track-listen-counts',
arguments: {
trackId: '12345'
// Step 2: Get top listeners
const topListenersRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'track-top-listeners',
arguments: {
trackId: '12345',
limit: 5
// Step 3: Get listener insights
const insightsRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'track-listener-insights',
arguments: {
trackId: '12345'
// The LLM should analyze this data and provide insights
// "Your track has 10,000 plays with most listeners coming from the US and Germany. It's most popular among 18-24 year olds."
// Example: Working with blockchain features
async function blockchainExample() {
// Step 1: Get user's wallet information
const walletRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'user-wallets',
arguments: {
userId: '123'
// Step 2: Get token balance
const balanceRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'token-balance',
arguments: {
walletAddress: '0x123abc...',
blockchain: 'ethereum'
// Step 3: Send a tip to an artist
const tipRequest = {
method: 'call_tool',
params: {
name: 'send-tip',
arguments: {
senderUserId: '123',
receiverUserId: '456',
amount: '5',
tokenType: 'AUDIO',
senderWalletAddress: '0x123abc...',
signerPrivateKey: '0xprivate...',
message: 'Love your music!'
// The LLM should provide helpful context about these blockchain interactions
// "I've sent a 5 AUDIO token tip to the artist. Your current balance is now 95 AUDIO tokens."
// These examples demonstrate the patterns for how LLMs should interact with the Audius MCP server
// Using these patterns, LLMs can provide comprehensive music-related functionality to users