MCP Terminal Server

#!/usr/bin/env node import { execSync } from 'child_process'; // Get version bump type from args (patch, minor, or major) const versionType = process.argv[2] || 'patch'; try { // Bump version in package.json execSync(`npm version ${versionType} --no-git-tag-version`); // Get the new version const { version } = JSON.parse(execSync('npm pkg get version').toString()); // Create git tag execSync(`git add package.json`); execSync(`git commit -m "Release v${version}"`); execSync(`git tag v${version}`); console.log(`Tagged release v${version}`); console.log('Push changes and tag with:'); console.log(` git push && git push origin v${version}`); console.log('Then create a release on GitHub to trigger publication'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error creating release:', error); process.exit(1); }