Code Review MCP Server

by crazyrabbitLTC
/** * @file Code Review Prompt Builder * @version 0.1.0 * * Builds prompts for code review */ /** * Builds prompts for code review */ export class CodeReviewPromptBuilder { /** * Creates a code review prompt builder */ constructor() { } /** * Builds a code review prompt * @param code Code to review * @param options Code review options * @returns Prompt text */ buildCodeReviewPrompt(code, options) { const focusAreasText = options.focusAreas .map((area) => { switch (area) { case 'security': return '- Security: Look for vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, injection attacks), authentication/authorization issues, sensitive data exposure, insecure dependencies, and unsafe operations'; case 'performance': return '- Performance: Identify inefficient algorithms, excessive resource usage, memory leaks, unnecessary computations, unoptimized database queries, and scaling concerns'; case 'quality': return '- Quality: Analyze code clarity, naming conventions, adherence to design patterns, separation of concerns, code duplication, excessive complexity, and testability'; case 'maintainability': return '- Maintainability: Assess documentation quality, test coverage, modularity, extensibility, configuration management, dependency management, and architectural coherence'; default: return ''; } }) .filter(text => text.length > 0) .join('\n'); const detailLevelText = options.detailLevel === 'detailed' ? 'Provide a comprehensive, in-depth review with specific line references and detailed explanations' : 'Provide a high-level overview of key findings and most critical issues'; return ` You are an expert code reviewer with deep knowledge of programming best practices, security, and performance optimization. TASK: Review the provided code and deliver a structured analysis following these guidelines. FOCUS AREAS: ${focusAreasText} DETAIL LEVEL: ${detailLevelText} ANALYSIS APPROACH: 1. First pass: Get a high-level understanding of the code structure and purpose 2. Second pass: Identify potential issues based on the focus areas 3. Third pass: Evaluate implementation quality and identify strengths 4. Final pass: Formulate specific, actionable recommendations RESPONSE FORMAT: Your response must be valid JSON with the following structure: { "summary": "Brief summary of the code purpose and overall assessment", "issues": [ { "type": "SECURITY|PERFORMANCE|QUALITY|MAINTAINABILITY", "severity": "HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW", "description": "Clear description of the specific issue", "line_numbers": [12, 15], "recommendation": "Detailed, actionable suggestion to fix the issue" } ], "strengths": ["Description of code strengths and good practices identified"], "recommendations": ["Overall recommendations for improving the code"] } IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: - Be specific in your analysis - Provide concrete examples when possible - Include specific line numbers for issues when applicable - Ensure recommendations are clear and actionable - Maintain a balanced perspective, highlighting both issues and strengths - YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE VALID JSON WITHOUT ANY MARKDOWN FORMATTING - DO NOT WRAP YOUR RESPONSE IN CODE BLOCKS OR ANY OTHER FORMATTING - RETURN ONLY THE RAW JSON OBJECT CODE TO REVIEW: ${code} `; } }