Code Review MCP Server
by crazyrabbitLTC
* @file Code Processor
* @version 0.1.0
* Processes code for review
import * as fs from 'fs';
* Processes code for LLM review
export class CodeProcessor {
* Maximum characters per chunk to send to LLM
* Processes Repomix output for review
* @param repomixOutput Repomix output or path to output file
* @returns Processed code
async processRepomixOutput(repomixOutput) {
try {
let content = repomixOutput;
// If the output is a file path, read it
if (repomixOutput.trim().endsWith('.txt') && fs.existsSync(repomixOutput.trim())) {
console.log(`Reading Repomix output from file: ${repomixOutput}`);
content = fs.readFileSync(repomixOutput.trim(), 'utf-8');
else {
console.log('Processing Repomix output from string');
// Process the output
const processedOutput = this.formatRepomixOutput(content);
// Check if we need to chunk the content due to size
if (processedOutput.length > this.MAX_CHARS_PER_CHUNK) {
console.warn(`Repomix output exceeds maximum size (${this.MAX_CHARS_PER_CHUNK} chars). Chunking content...`);
const chunks = this.chunkLargeCodebase(processedOutput);
console.log(`Split content into ${chunks.length} chunks. Using first chunk.`);
return chunks[0];
return processedOutput;
catch (error) {
console.error('Error processing Repomix output:', error);
throw new Error(`Failed to process Repomix output: ${error.message}`);
* Splits large codebases into manageable chunks
* @param code Code to chunk
* @returns Array of code chunks
chunkLargeCodebase(code) {
if (!code || code.length <= this.MAX_CHARS_PER_CHUNK) {
return [code];
const chunks = [];
let currentIndex = 0;
while (currentIndex < code.length) {
// Find a good break point (end of a file or section)
let endIndex = currentIndex + this.MAX_CHARS_PER_CHUNK;
if (endIndex >= code.length) {
endIndex = code.length;
else {
// Try to find a file boundary to split at
const nextFileBoundary = code.indexOf('================', endIndex);
if (nextFileBoundary !== -1 && nextFileBoundary - endIndex < this.MAX_CHARS_PER_CHUNK * 0.2) {
// If the next file boundary is within 20% of the max chunk size, use it
endIndex = nextFileBoundary;
else {
// Otherwise, find the last newline before the max size
const lastNewline = code.lastIndexOf('\n', endIndex);
if (lastNewline !== -1 && lastNewline > currentIndex) {
endIndex = lastNewline;
// Add the chunk
chunks.push(code.substring(currentIndex, endIndex));
currentIndex = endIndex;
return chunks;
* Formats Repomix output for LLM consumption
* @param repomixOutput Repomix output to format
* @returns Formatted output
formatRepomixOutput(repomixOutput) {
// Extract the most relevant parts of the Repomix output
let formatted = repomixOutput;
// Remove any ASCII art or unnecessarily long headers
formatted = formatted.replace(/^\s*[-=*]{10,}\s*$/gm, '================');
// Ensure file headers are prominent
formatted = formatted.replace(/^File: (.+)$/gm, '================\nFile: $1\n================');
// Add line numbers to help with references
const lines = formatted.split('\n');
let currentFile = '';
let lineCounter = 0;
let result = [];
for (const line of lines) {
// Check if this is a file header
if (line.startsWith('File: ')) {
currentFile = line.replace('File: ', '').trim();
lineCounter = 0;
// Check if this is a file boundary
else if (line === '================') {
lineCounter = 0;
// Normal code line
else {
if (currentFile && !line.startsWith('================')) {
return result.join('\n');