Git Repo Browser MCP

by bsreeram08
import { execPromise, cloneRepo, getDirectoryTree, simpleGit, path, fs, } from "./common.js"; /** * Handles the git_directory_structure tool request * @param {Object} params - Tool parameters * @param {string} params.repo_url - Repository URL * @returns {Object} - Tool response */ export async function handleGitDirectoryStructure({ repo_url }) { try { const repoPath = await cloneRepo(repo_url); const tree = await getDirectoryTree(repoPath); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: tree, }, ], }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Error: ${error.message}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } } /** * Handles the git_read_files tool request * @param {Object} params - Tool parameters * @param {string} params.repo_url - Repository URL * @param {string[]} params.file_paths - File paths to read * @returns {Object} - Tool response */ export async function handleGitReadFiles({ repo_url, file_paths }) { try { const repoPath = await cloneRepo(repo_url); const results = {}; for (const filePath of file_paths) { const fullPath = path.join(repoPath, filePath); try { if (await fs.pathExists(fullPath)) { results[filePath] = await fs.readFile(fullPath, "utf8"); } else { results[filePath] = "Error: File not found"; } } catch (error) { results[filePath] = `Error reading file: ${error.message}`; } } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(results, null, 2), }, ], }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { error: `Failed to process repository: ${error.message}` }, null, 2 ), }, ], isError: true, }; } } /** * Handles the git_search_code tool request * @param {Object} params - Tool parameters * @param {string} params.repo_url - Repository URL * @param {string} params.pattern - Search pattern (regex or string) * @param {string[]} params.file_patterns - Optional file patterns to filter (e.g., "*.js") * @param {boolean} params.case_sensitive - Whether the search is case sensitive * @param {number} params.context_lines - Number of context lines to include * @returns {Object} - Tool response */ export async function handleGitSearchCode({ repo_url, pattern, file_patterns = [], case_sensitive = false, context_lines = 2, }) { try { const repoPath = await cloneRepo(repo_url); // Build the grep command let grepCommand = `cd "${repoPath}" && git grep`; // Add options if (!case_sensitive) { grepCommand += " -i"; } // Add context lines grepCommand += ` -n -C${context_lines}`; // Add pattern (escape quotes in the pattern) const escapedPattern = pattern.replace(/"/g, '\\"'); grepCommand += ` "${escapedPattern}"`; // Add file patterns if provided if (file_patterns && file_patterns.length > 0) { grepCommand += ` -- ${file_patterns.join(" ")}`; } // Execute the command const { stdout, stderr } = await execPromise(grepCommand); if (stderr) { console.error(`Search error: ${stderr}`); } // Process the results const results = []; if (stdout) { // Split by file sections (git grep output format) const fileMatches = stdout.split(/^(?=\S[^:]*:)/m); for (const fileMatch of fileMatches) { if (!fileMatch.trim()) continue; // Extract file name and matches const lines = fileMatch.split("\n"); const firstLine = lines[0]; const fileNameMatch = firstLine.match(/^([^:]+):/); if (fileNameMatch) { const fileName = fileNameMatch[1]; const matches = []; // Process each line let currentMatch = null; let contextLines = []; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; // Skip empty lines if (!line.trim()) continue; // Check if this is a line number indicator const lineNumberMatch = line.match(/^([^-][^:]+):(\d+):(.*)/); if (lineNumberMatch) { // If we have a previous match, add it to the results if (currentMatch) { currentMatch.context_after = contextLines; matches.push(currentMatch); contextLines = []; } // Start a new match currentMatch = { file: fileName, line_number: parseInt(lineNumberMatch[2]), content: lineNumberMatch[3], context_before: contextLines, context_after: [], }; contextLines = []; } else { // This is a context line const contextMatch = line.match(/^([^:]+)-(\d+)-(.*)/); if (contextMatch) { contextLines.push({ line_number: parseInt(contextMatch[2]), content: contextMatch[3], }); } } } // Add the last match if there is one if (currentMatch) { currentMatch.context_after = contextLines; matches.push(currentMatch); } if (matches.length > 0) { results.push({ file: fileName, matches: matches, }); } } } } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { pattern: pattern, case_sensitive: case_sensitive, context_lines: context_lines, file_patterns: file_patterns, results: results, total_matches: results.reduce( (sum, file) => sum + file.matches.length, 0 ), total_files: results.length, }, null, 2 ), }, ], }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { error: `Failed to search repository: ${error.message}` }, null, 2 ), }, ], isError: true, }; } } /** * Handles the git_local_changes tool request * @param {Object} params - Tool parameters * @param {string} params.repo_path - Local repository path * @returns {Object} - Tool response */ export async function handleGitLocalChanges({ repo_path }) { try { // Use the provided local repo path const git = simpleGit(repo_path); // Get status information const status = await git.status(); // Get detailed diff for modified files let diffs = {}; for (const file of status.modified) { diffs[file] = await git.diff([file]); } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { branch: status.current, staged_files: status.staged, modified_files: status.modified, new_files: status.not_added, deleted_files: status.deleted, conflicted_files: status.conflicted, diffs: diffs, }, null, 2 ), }, ], }; } catch (error) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { error: `Failed to get local changes: ${error.message}` }, null, 2 ), }, ], isError: true, }; } }