NodeMCU MCP Service

by amanasmuei
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WebSocketsClient.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> // WiFi credentials const char *ssid = "YOUR_WIFI_SSID"; const char *password = "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD"; // MCP Server settings const char *mcpHost = ""; const int mcpPort = 3000; const char *mcpPath = "/"; // Device settings const char *deviceId = "nodemcu-001"; // Unique device ID const char *deviceName = "Living Room Sensor"; const char *firmwareVersion = "1.0.0"; // Configuration (can be updated from server) int reportInterval = 30; // seconds bool debugMode = false; bool ledEnabled = true; // WebSocket client WebSocketsClient webSocket; // JSON document for messages StaticJsonDocument<512> jsonDoc; char jsonBuffer[512]; // Last connection attempt timestamp unsigned long lastConnectionAttempt = 0; const int connectionRetryInterval = 5000; // 5 seconds // Last telemetry timestamp unsigned long lastTelemetryTime = 0; void setup() { // Initialize serial Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); Serial.println("NodeMCU MCP Client Starting..."); // Initialize LED pin pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn off LED (it's active LOW) // Connect to WiFi connectToWiFi(); // Configure WebSocket client webSocket.begin(mcpHost, mcpPort, mcpPath); webSocket.onEvent(webSocketEvent); webSocket.setReconnectInterval(5000); } void loop() { // Handle WebSocket connection webSocket.loop(); // Check if we're connected if (webSocket.isConnected()) { // Send telemetry if it's time unsigned long currentTime = millis(); if (currentTime - lastTelemetryTime > (reportInterval * 1000)) { sendTelemetry(); lastTelemetryTime = currentTime; } } else { // Try to reconnect if needed unsigned long currentTime = millis(); if (currentTime - lastConnectionAttempt > connectionRetryInterval) { Serial.println("Attempting to reconnect WebSocket..."); webSocket.disconnect(); webSocket.begin(mcpHost, mcpPort, mcpPath); lastConnectionAttempt = currentTime; } } } void connectToWiFi() { Serial.printf("Connecting to %s\n", ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.printf("IP address: %s\n", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()); } void webSocketEvent(WStype_t type, uint8_t *payload, size_t length) { switch (type) { case WStype_DISCONNECTED: Serial.println("Disconnected from MCP server"); break; case WStype_CONNECTED: Serial.println("Connected to MCP server"); // Register device with server registerDevice(); break; case WStype_TEXT: handleMessage(payload, length); break; case WStype_ERROR: Serial.println("WebSocket error"); break; default: break; } } void registerDevice() { // Create registration message jsonDoc.clear(); jsonDoc["type"] = "register"; jsonDoc["deviceId"] = deviceId; JsonObject deviceInfo = jsonDoc.createNestedObject("deviceInfo"); deviceInfo["name"] = deviceName; deviceInfo["type"] = "ESP8266"; deviceInfo["firmware"] = firmwareVersion; deviceInfo["ip"] = WiFi.localIP().toString(); // Send registration message serializeJson(jsonDoc, jsonBuffer); webSocket.sendTXT(jsonBuffer); if (debugMode) { Serial.println("Registration sent:"); Serial.println(jsonBuffer); } } void sendTelemetry() { if (!webSocket.isConnected()) { return; } // Flash LED if enabled if (ledEnabled) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // Turn on LED (active LOW) delay(50); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn off LED } // Create telemetry message jsonDoc.clear(); jsonDoc["type"] = "telemetry"; jsonDoc["deviceId"] = deviceId; JsonObject data = jsonDoc.createNestedObject("data"); data["uptime"] = millis() / 1000; data["heap"] = ESP.getFreeHeap(); data["rssi"] = WiFi.RSSI(); data["temperature"] = readTemperature(); data["humidity"] = readHumidity(); // Send telemetry message serializeJson(jsonDoc, jsonBuffer); webSocket.sendTXT(jsonBuffer); if (debugMode) { Serial.println("Telemetry sent:"); Serial.println(jsonBuffer); } } void handleMessage(uint8_t *payload, size_t length) { // Convert payload to string String message = String((char *)payload); if (debugMode) { Serial.println("Message received:"); Serial.println(message); } // Parse JSON message DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(jsonDoc, message); if (error) { Serial.print("Failed to parse message: "); Serial.println(error.c_str()); return; } // Handle message based on type const char *type = jsonDoc["type"]; if (strcmp(type, "config") == 0) { // Handle configuration update JsonObject data = jsonDoc["data"]; if (data.containsKey("reportInterval")) { reportInterval = data["reportInterval"]; Serial.printf("Report interval updated to %d seconds\n", reportInterval); } if (data.containsKey("debugMode")) { debugMode = data["debugMode"]; Serial.printf("Debug mode %s\n", debugMode ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } if (data.containsKey("ledEnabled")) { ledEnabled = data["ledEnabled"]; Serial.printf("LED %s\n", ledEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } // Acknowledge config update sendConfigAck(); } else if (strcmp(type, "command") == 0) { // Handle command const char *command = jsonDoc["command"]; const char *commandId = jsonDoc["commandId"]; // Process command bool success = false; String message = "Unknown command"; if (strcmp(command, "restart") == 0) { message = "Restarting device"; success = true; // Send response before restarting sendCommandResponse(commandId, success, message); delay(1000); ESP.restart(); return; } else if (strcmp(command, "status") == 0) { message = "Status report generated"; success = true; sendStatusReport(commandId); return; } // Send general response sendCommandResponse(commandId, success, message); } else if (strcmp(type, "registerAck") == 0) { // Registration acknowledgment bool success = jsonDoc["success"]; if (success) { Serial.println("Device registered successfully"); } else { Serial.println("Device registration failed"); } } } void sendConfigAck() { jsonDoc.clear(); jsonDoc["type"] = "configAck"; jsonDoc["deviceId"] = deviceId; JsonObject config = jsonDoc.createNestedObject("config"); config["reportInterval"] = reportInterval; config["debugMode"] = debugMode; config["ledEnabled"] = ledEnabled; serializeJson(jsonDoc, jsonBuffer); webSocket.sendTXT(jsonBuffer); } void sendCommandResponse(const char *commandId, bool success, String message) { jsonDoc.clear(); jsonDoc["type"] = "commandResponse"; jsonDoc["deviceId"] = deviceId; jsonDoc["commandId"] = commandId; JsonObject data = jsonDoc.createNestedObject("data"); data["success"] = success; data["message"] = message; serializeJson(jsonDoc, jsonBuffer); webSocket.sendTXT(jsonBuffer); } void sendStatusReport(const char *commandId) { jsonDoc.clear(); jsonDoc["type"] = "commandResponse"; jsonDoc["deviceId"] = deviceId; jsonDoc["commandId"] = commandId; JsonObject data = jsonDoc.createNestedObject("data"); data["success"] = true; data["message"] = "Status report"; data["uptime"] = millis() / 1000; data["freeHeap"] = ESP.getFreeHeap(); data["chipId"] = ESP.getChipId(); data["flashSize"] = ESP.getFlashChipSize(); data["wifiRSSI"] = WiFi.RSSI(); data["wifiIP"] = WiFi.localIP().toString(); data["reportInterval"] = reportInterval; data["debugMode"] = debugMode; data["ledEnabled"] = ledEnabled; serializeJson(jsonDoc, jsonBuffer); webSocket.sendTXT(jsonBuffer); } // Sensor reading functions - Replace with your actual sensor code float readTemperature() { // Example implementation - replace with actual sensor reading return 22.5 + ((float)random(0, 20) / 10.0); } float readHumidity() { // Example implementation - replace with actual sensor reading return 50.0 + ((float)random(0, 200) / 10.0); }