MCP Documentation Service

by alekspetrov
#!/usr/bin/env node /** * MCP Inspector Wrapper * * This script is a wrapper for the MCP Docs Service that handles the MCP Inspector's argument format. * It extracts the docs directory from the arguments and passes it to the MCP Docs Service. */ import path from "path"; import { spawn } from "child_process"; import fs from "fs"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; // Get the current directory const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); // Redirect logs to stderr instead of stdout to avoid interfering with JSON communication const log = (...args) => { console.error(...args); }; // Get all arguments const args = process.argv.slice(2); log("MCP Inspector Wrapper - Arguments:", args); // Find the docs directory in the arguments let docsDir = path.join(process.cwd(), "docs"); let foundDocsDir = false; // Look for a path ending with /docs for (const arg of args) { if (arg.endsWith("/docs") || arg.includes("/docs ")) { const potentialPath = arg.split(" ")[0]; log("Found potential docs path:", potentialPath); if (fs.existsSync(potentialPath)) { docsDir = potentialPath; foundDocsDir = true; log("Using docs directory:", docsDir); break; } } } if (!foundDocsDir) { log("No docs directory found in arguments, using default:", docsDir); } // Spawn the MCP Docs Service with the docs directory const binPath = path.join(__dirname, "dist", "cli", "bin.js"); log("Spawning MCP Docs Service:", binPath, "--docs-dir", docsDir); // Set environment variable to indicate we're running under MCP Inspector const env = { ...process.env, MCP_INSPECTOR: "true" }; // Spawn the process with stdio inheritance // This ensures that the JSON communication between the MCP Inspector and the service // is not interrupted by our logs const child = spawn("node", [binPath, "--docs-dir", docsDir], { stdio: "inherit", env, }); // Forward exit code child.on("exit", (code) => { process.exit(code); });