MCP Documentation Service

by alekspetrov
#!/usr/bin/env node // Simple MCP client script import { spawn } from "child_process"; import path from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import fs from "fs"; import readline from "readline"; // Get the current directory const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); // Define the docs directory const docsDir = path.join(__dirname, "docs"); // Parse command line arguments const args = process.argv.slice(2); const toolName = args[0]; const toolMethod = args[1]; const toolArgs = {}; // Parse tool arguments (--key value format) for (let i = 2; i < args.length; i += 2) { if (args[i].startsWith("--")) { const key = args[i].slice(2); const value = args[i + 1]; // Try to parse JSON values if (key === "metadata") { try { toolArgs[key] = JSON.parse(value); } catch (error) { toolArgs[key] = value; } } else { toolArgs[key] = value; } } } // Start the MCP service with the docs directory as an allowed directory const mcpProcess = spawn("node", [ path.join(__dirname, "dist/index.js"), docsDir, ]); // Set up pipes for communication mcpProcess.stdout.on("data", (data) => { try { const response = JSON.parse(data.toString()); // Extract the actual result from the double-wrapped response if (response.result && response.result.result) { console.log("Result:", JSON.stringify(response.result.result, null, 2)); } else { console.log("Response:", JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); } // Exit after receiving response when running in command mode if (toolName && toolMethod) { mcpProcess.kill(); process.exit(0); } } catch (error) { console.log(`MCP stdout: ${data}`); } }); mcpProcess.stderr.on("data", (data) => { console.error(`MCP stderr: ${data}`); }); // If tool name and method are provided, send the request immediately if (toolName && toolMethod) { // Wait for the service to start setTimeout(() => { const request = { jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "tools/call", params: { name: toolMethod, arguments: toolArgs, }, id:, }; console.log(`Calling tool: ${toolName} ${toolMethod} with args:`, toolArgs); mcpProcess.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(request) + "\n"); }, 1000); // Give the service 1 second to start } else { // Interactive mode // Create readline interface for user input const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); console.log("MCP client started. Available commands:"); console.log("- list_documents: List all documents"); console.log("- read_document <path>: Read a document"); console.log("- get_structure: Get the structure of the documentation"); console.log("- get_navigation: Get the navigation structure"); console.log("- get_knowledge_base: Get the comprehensive knowledge base"); console.log("- exit: Exit the client"); console.log(""); // Process user input rl.on("line", (line) => { const args = line.trim().split(" "); const command = args[0]; if (command === "exit") { mcpProcess.kill(); rl.close(); process.exit(0); } else if (command === "list_documents") { const request = { jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "tools/call", params: { name: "list_documents", arguments: { basePath: docsDir, }, }, id:, }; mcpProcess.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(request) + "\n"); } else if (command === "read_document" && args[1]) { const docPath = path.join(docsDir, args[1]); const request = { jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "tools/call", params: { name: "read_document", arguments: { path: docPath, }, }, id:, }; mcpProcess.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(request) + "\n"); } else if (command === "get_structure") { const request = { jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "tools/call", params: { name: "get_structure", arguments: { basePath: docsDir, }, }, id:, }; mcpProcess.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(request) + "\n"); } else if (command === "get_navigation") { const request = { jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "tools/call", params: { name: "get_navigation", arguments: { basePath: docsDir, }, }, id:, }; mcpProcess.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(request) + "\n"); } else if (command === "get_knowledge_base") { const request = { jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "tools/call", params: { name: "get_docs_knowledge_base", arguments: { basePath: docsDir, includeSummaries: true, maxSummaryLength: 300, }, }, id:, }; mcpProcess.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(request) + "\n"); } else { console.log("Unknown command. Available commands:"); console.log("- list_documents: List all documents"); console.log("- read_document <path>: Read a document"); console.log("- get_structure: Get the structure of the documentation"); console.log("- get_navigation: Get the navigation structure"); console.log("- get_knowledge_base: Get the comprehensive knowledge base"); console.log("- exit: Exit the client"); } }); // Handle process termination process.on("SIGINT", () => { mcpProcess.kill(); rl.close(); process.exit(0); }); }