Minimax MCP Tools

by PsychArch
#!/usr/bin/env node import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { z } from "zod"; import { generateImage } from "./minimax-api.js"; import { generateSpeech } from "./minimax-tts-api.js"; import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { dirname } from 'path'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); // Create a new MCP server const server = new McpServer({ name: "minimax-mcp-tools", version: "1.0.0" }); // Define an image generation tool using Minimax API server.tool( "generate_image", { prompt: z.string().describe("Description of the image to generate"), aspectRatio: z.enum(["1:1", "16:9", "4:3", "3:2", "2:3", "3:4", "9:16", "21:9"]).optional().describe("Aspect ratio of the image"), outputFile: z.string().optional().describe("Absolute path to save the generated image file"), n: z.number().min(1).max(9).optional().describe("Number of images to generate (1-9)") }, async ({ prompt, aspectRatio, outputFile, n }) => { // Get API key from environment variable const apiKey = process.env.MINIMAX_API_KEY; if (!apiKey) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "Error: MINIMAX_API_KEY environment variable is not set. Please set it in the MCP server configuration." }] }; } // Set default output directory if not provided const outputDirectory = outputFile ? path.dirname(outputFile) : 'generated-images'; try { // Call the Minimax API to generate the image const result = await generateImage(prompt, apiKey, { aspectRatio: aspectRatio || "1:1", n: n || 1 }, outputDirectory, outputFile); if (!result.success) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error generating image: ${result.error}` }] }; } // Prepare the response with image information const imageDetails = => { const absolutePath = outputFile ? outputFile : img.localPath; return `- Image saved to: ${absolutePath}\n URL: ${img.url}`; }).join('\n'); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Successfully generated ${result.images.length} image(s):\n${imageDetails}` }] }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error in generate_image tool:', error); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error generating image: ${error.message}` }] }; } } ); // Voice ID descriptions for better user experience const voiceIdDescription = `Voice ID to use. Options include: - Male voices: male-qn-qingse (青涩青年), male-qn-jingying (精英青年), male-qn-badao (霸道青年), male-qn-daxuesheng (青年大学生) - Female voices: female-shaonv (少女), female-yujie (御姐), female-chengshu (成熟女性), female-tianmei (甜美女性) - Presenters: presenter_male (男性主持人), presenter_female (女性主持人) - Audiobooks: audiobook_male_1 (男性有声书1), audiobook_male_2 (男性有声书2), audiobook_female_1 (女性有声书1), audiobook_female_2 (女性有声书2) - Beta voices: male-qn-qingse-jingpin (青涩青年-beta), female-shaonv-jingpin (少女音色-beta) - Character voices: clever_boy (聪明男童), cute_boy (可爱男童), lovely_girl (萌萌女童), cartoon_pig (卡通猪小琪), bingjiao_didi (病娇弟弟), junlang_nanyou (俊朗男友), chunzhen_xuedi (纯真学弟), lengdan_xiongzhang (冷淡学长), badao_shaoye (霸道少爷), tianxin_xiaoling (甜心小玲), qiaopi_mengmei (俏皮萌妹), wumei_yujie (妩媚御姐), diadia_xuemei (嗲嗲学妹), danya_xuejie (淡雅学姐) - Western characters: Santa_Claus, Grinch, Rudolph, Arnold, Charming_Santa, Charming_Lady, Sweet_Girl, Cute_Elf, Attractive_Girl, Serene_Woman`; // Define a text-to-speech tool using Minimax API server.tool( "generate_speech", { text: z.string().describe("Text to convert to speech"), model: z.enum(["speech-01-turbo", "speech-01-240228", "speech-01-turbo-240228", "speech-01-hd"]).optional().describe("Model version to use for speech generation"), voiceId: z.string().optional().describe(voiceIdDescription), speed: z.number().min(0.5).max(2).optional().describe("Speech speed (0.5-2.0)"), volume: z.number().min(0.1).max(10).optional().describe("Speech volume (0.1-10.0)"), pitch: z.number().min(-12).max(12).optional().describe("Speech pitch (-12 to 12)"), emotion: z.enum(["happy", "sad", "angry", "fearful", "disgusted", "surprised", "neutral"]).optional().describe("Emotion of the speech"), format: z.enum(["mp3", "pcm", "flac", "wav"]).optional().describe("Audio format"), outputFile: z.string().optional().describe("Absolute path to save the generated audio file"), sampleRate: z.enum([8000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100]).optional().describe("Sample rate of the generated audio"), bitrate: z.enum([32000, 64000, 128000, 256000]).optional().describe("Bitrate of the generated audio (for MP3 only)"), channel: z.enum([1, 2]).optional().describe("Number of audio channels (1=mono, 2=stereo)"), latexRead: z.boolean().optional().describe("Whether to read LaTeX formulas"), pronunciationDict: z.array(z.string()).optional().describe("List of pronunciation replacements"), timberWeights: z.array( z.object({ voice_id: z.string(), weight: z.number().min(1).max(100) }) ).optional().describe("Voice timber weights for voice mixing"), stream: z.boolean().optional().describe("Whether to use streaming mode"), languageBoost: z.enum([ "Chinese", "Chinese,Yue", "English", "Arabic", "Russian", "Spanish", "French", "Portuguese", "German", "Turkish", "Dutch", "Ukrainian", "Vietnamese", "Indonesian", "Japanese", "Italian", "Korean", "auto" ]).optional().describe("Enhance recognition of specific languages"), subtitleEnable: z.boolean().optional().describe("Whether to enable subtitle generation") }, async ({ text, model, voiceId, speed, volume, pitch, emotion, format, outputFile, sampleRate, bitrate, channel, latexRead, pronunciationDict, timberWeights, stream, languageBoost, subtitleEnable }) => { // Get API key and group ID from environment variables const apiKey = process.env.MINIMAX_API_KEY; const groupId = process.env.MINIMAX_GROUP_ID; if (!apiKey) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "Error: MINIMAX_API_KEY environment variable is not set. Please set it in the MCP server configuration." }] }; } if (!groupId) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: "Error: MINIMAX_GROUP_ID environment variable is not set. Please set it in the MCP server configuration." }] }; } // Set default output directory if not provided const outputDirectory = outputFile ? path.dirname(outputFile) : 'generated-audio'; try { // Call the Minimax API to generate speech const result = await generateSpeech(text, apiKey, groupId, { model, voiceId: voiceId || "male-qn-qingse", speed: speed || 1.0, volume: volume || 1.0, pitch: pitch || 0, emotion: emotion || "neutral", format: format || "mp3", sampleRate, bitrate, channel, latexRead, pronunciationDict, timberWeights, stream, languageBoost, subtitleEnable }, outputDirectory, outputFile); if (!result.success) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error generating speech: ${result.error}` }] }; } // Prepare the response with audio information const audioInfo = result.audioInfo; const durationSeconds = audioInfo.length / 1000; // Convert milliseconds to seconds const fileSizeKB = Math.round(audioInfo.size / 1024); // Convert bytes to KB let responseText = `Successfully generated speech:\n- Audio saved to: ${outputFile || audioInfo.localPath}\n- Format: ${audioInfo.format}\n- Duration: ${durationSeconds.toFixed(2)} seconds\n- File size: ${fileSizeKB} KB`; // Add subtitle information if available if (audioInfo.subtitlePath) { responseText += `\n- Subtitle file: ${audioInfo.subtitlePath}`; } return { content: [{ type: "text", text: responseText }] }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error in generate_speech tool:', error); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Error generating speech: ${error.message}` }] }; } } ); // Log to stderr for debugging console.error("Minimax MCP Tools Server starting..."); // Set up stdio transport and connect const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport); console.error("MCP Server connected and ready to receive commands");