by ProgramComputer
# NASA MCP Server - Inspector Test Examples This document provides example requests you can copy and paste into the MCP Inspector to test each of the NASA APIs implemented in our server. ## Running the Inspector To run the MCP Inspector with our NASA MCP server: ```bash # Run the provided script ./scripts/ # Or run manually npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector node dist/index.js ``` ## Table of Contents - [Server Information](#server-information) - [NASA APIs](#nasa-apis) - [APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day)](#apod) - [EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera)](#epic) - [NEO (Near Earth Object Web Service)](#neo) - [GIBS (Global Imagery Browse Services)](#gibs) - [CMR (Common Metadata Repository)](#cmr) - [FIRMS (Fire Information)](#firms) - [NASA Image and Video Library](#nasa-images) - [Exoplanet Archive](#exoplanet) - [DONKI (Space Weather Database)](#donki) - [Mars Rover Photos](#mars-rover) - [EONET (Earth Observatory Events)](#eonet) - [NASA Sounds API](#sounds) - [POWER (Energy Resources)](#power) - [JPL APIs](#jpl-apis) - [SBDB (Small-Body Database)](#sbdb) - [Fireball Data](#fireball) - [Scout API](#scout) ## Server Information Get the manifest of available APIs: ```json { "method": "tools/manifest", "params": {} } ``` ## NASA APIs ### APOD Get the Astronomy Picture of the Day: ```json { "method": "nasa/apod", "params": { "date": "2023-01-01" } } ``` Get a random APOD: ```json { "method": "nasa/apod", "params": { "count": 1 } } ``` ### EPIC Get the latest EPIC images: ```json { "method": "nasa/epic", "params": { "collection": "natural" } } ``` ### NEO Get Near Earth Objects for a date range: ```json { "method": "nasa/neo", "params": { "start_date": "2023-01-01", "end_date": "2023-01-02" } } ``` ### GIBS Get a satellite imagery layer: ```json { "method": "nasa/gibs", "params": { "layer": "MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor", "date": "2023-01-01" } } ``` ### CMR Basic collection search: ```json { "method": "nasa/cmr", "params": { "keyword": "hurricane", "limit": 2 } } ``` Advanced collection search with spatial parameters: ```json { "method": "nasa/cmr", "params": { "search_type": "collections", "platform": "Terra", "bbox": "-180,-90,180,90", "limit": 5, "include_facets": true } } ``` Granule search: ```json { "method": "nasa/cmr", "params": { "search_type": "granules", "concept_id": "C1000000000-ORNL_DAAC", "limit": 3 } } ``` ### FIRMS Get fire data: ```json { "method": "nasa/firms", "params": { "area": "world", "days": 1 } } ``` ### NASA Images Search NASA's image library: ```json { "method": "nasa/images", "params": { "q": "apollo 11", "media_type": "image", "year_start": 1969, "year_end": 1970 } } ``` ### Exoplanet Search for exoplanets: ```json { "method": "nasa/exoplanet", "params": { "select": "pl_name,pl_masse,st_dist", "where": "pl_masse>1", "order": "pl_masse", "limit": 5 } } ``` ### DONKI Get Coronal Mass Ejection data: ```json { "method": "nasa/donki", "params": { "type": "cme", "startDate": "2022-01-01", "endDate": "2022-01-10" } } ``` ### Mars Rover Get photos from Mars Perseverance: ```json { "method": "nasa/mars-rover", "params": { "rover": "perseverance", "sol": 100 } } ``` ### EONET Get natural event data: ```json { "method": "nasa/eonet", "params": { "category": "wildfires", "days": 20, "status": "open" } } ``` ### Sounds Get space sounds: ```json { "method": "nasa/sounds", "params": { "q": "voyager", "limit": 3 } } ``` ### POWER Get solar and meteorological data: ```json { "method": "nasa/power", "params": { "parameters": "T2M,PRECTOTCORR,WS10M", "community": "re", "latitude": 40.7128, "longitude": -74.0060, "start": "20220101", "end": "20220107" } } ``` ## JPL APIs ### SBDB Query the Small-Body Database: ```json { "method": "jpl/sbdb", "params": { "sstr": "433", "full_precision": true } } ``` ### Fireball Get fireball data: ```json { "method": "jpl/fireball", "params": { "date-min": "2022-01-01", "limit": 5 } } ``` ### Scout Get Scout data: ```json { "method": "jpl/scout", "params": {} } ```