MCP Server Firecrawl
by Msparihar
# Firecrawl MCP Server API Documentation
This document provides detailed information about the Firecrawl MCP server's API and available tools.
## Available Tools
### `scrape_url`
Scrapes content from a specified URL with customizable extraction options.
#### Input Schema
url: string; // URL to scrape content from
jsonOptions?: {
prompt: string; // Prompt for extracting specific information
schema?: object; // Schema for structured data extraction
systemPrompt?: string; // System prompt for extraction context
formats?: string[]; // Output formats (markdown, html, rawHtml, links, etc.)
onlyMainContent?: boolean;// Exclude headers, navs, footers
includeTags?: string[]; // HTML tags to include
excludeTags?: string[]; // HTML tags to exclude
waitFor?: number; // Delay before fetching (milliseconds)
mobile?: boolean; // Emulate mobile device
location?: {
country?: string; // ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
languages?: string[]; // Preferred languages/locales
blockAds?: boolean; // Enable ad/cookie popup blocking
#### Example
name: "scrape_url",
arguments: {
url: "",
jsonOptions: {
prompt: "Extract the article title, date, and main content",
schema: {
title: "string",
date: "string",
content: "string"
formats: ["markdown"],
mobile: true,
blockAds: true
### `search_content`
Performs intelligent content searches with customizable parameters.
#### Input Schema
query: string; // Search query string
scrapeOptions?: {
formats?: string[]; // Output formats for results
limit?: number; // Maximum results (1-100)
lang?: string; // Language code
country?: string; // Country code
location?: string; // Location string
timeout?: number; // Request timeout (milliseconds)
#### Example
name: "search_content",
arguments: {
query: "latest developments in AI",
scrapeOptions: {
formats: ["markdown"]
limit: 10,
lang: "en",
country: "us"
### `crawl`
Crawls websites recursively with advanced configuration options.
#### Input Schema
url: string; // Base URL to start crawling
maxDepth?: number; // Maximum crawl depth
excludePaths?: string[]; // URL patterns to exclude
includePaths?: string[]; // URL patterns to include
ignoreSitemap?: boolean; // Ignore sitemap.xml
ignoreQueryParameters?: boolean; // Ignore URL parameters
limit?: number; // Maximum pages to crawl
allowBackwardLinks?: boolean;// Allow parent directory links
allowExternalLinks?: boolean;// Allow external domain links
webhook?: string; // Progress notification URL
scrapeOptions?: object; // Options for scraping pages
#### Example
name: "crawl",
arguments: {
url: "",
maxDepth: 3,
excludePaths: ["/admin", "/private"],
limit: 1000,
scrapeOptions: {
formats: ["markdown"]
### `map`
Maps website structure and generates site hierarchies.
#### Input Schema
url: string; // Base URL to map
search?: string; // Search query for filtering
ignoreSitemap?: boolean; // Ignore sitemap.xml
sitemapOnly?: boolean; // Only use sitemap.xml
includeSubdomains?: boolean;// Include subdomains
limit?: number; // Maximum links (default: 5000)
timeout?: number; // Request timeout
#### Example
name: "map",
arguments: {
url: "",
includeSubdomains: true,
limit: 1000
### `extract`
Extracts structured data from multiple URLs with schema validation.
#### Input Schema
urls: string[]; // URLs to extract from
prompt?: string; // Extraction guidance
schema?: object; // Data structure schema
enableWebSearch?: boolean; // Use web search for context
ignoreSitemap?: boolean; // Ignore sitemap.xml
includeSubdomains?: boolean;// Include subdomains
#### Example
name: "extract",
arguments: {
urls: ["", ""],
prompt: "Extract product information",
schema: {
name: "string",
price: "number",
description: "string"
## Response Format
All tools return responses in a standard format:
content: [
type: "text",
text: string // JSON string containing the results
## Error Handling
The server implements robust error handling with retry capability:
- Rate limiting with exponential backoff
- Configurable retry attempts and delays
- Detailed error messages
- Debug logging options
Error responses follow the standard MCP format:
error: {
code: ErrorCode;
message: string;
data?: unknown;
Common error codes:
- `InvalidParams`: Invalid or missing parameters
- `InvalidRequest`: Invalid request (e.g., rate limit)
- `InternalError`: Server or API errors
- `MethodNotFound`: Unknown tool name
## Configuration
Server behavior can be customized through environment variables:
# Required
export FIRECRAWL_API_KEY=your-api-key
# Optional
export DEBUG=true
For detailed configuration options, see the [configuration guide](