by samihalawa
# SMTP Email MCP Server
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides email sending capabilities for Claude and other MCP-compatible AI assistants.
## Features
- **Multiple SMTP Configurations**: Configure and manage multiple SMTP servers
- **Email Templates**: Create, update, and use reusable email templates
- **Bulk Email Sending**: Send emails to multiple recipients with batching and rate limiting
- **HTML Support**: Full HTML support for rich email content
- **Logging**: Comprehensive logging of all email activities
- **Template Variables**: Dynamic content using template variables
## Installation
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd mcp-server-smtp
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build the server
npm run build
## Usage
### Starting the Server
npm start
### Configuration
Add the server to your MCP configuration:
"servers": {
"smtp-email-server": {
"command": "/path/to/node",
"args": ["/path/to/mcp-server-smtp/build/index.js"],
"enabled": true,
"port": 3007,
"environment": {
"NODE_PATH": "/path/to/node_modules",
"PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
### Available Tools
#### send-email
Send an email to one or more recipients.
- `to`: Array of recipients with email and optional name
- `subject`: Email subject
- `body`: Email body (HTML supported)
- `from`: (Optional) Sender email and name
- `cc`: (Optional) CC recipients
- `bcc`: (Optional) BCC recipients
- `templateId`: (Optional) ID of a template to use
- `templateData`: (Optional) Data to populate template variables
- `smtpConfigId`: (Optional) ID of the SMTP configuration to use
#### send-bulk-emails
Send emails to multiple recipients in batches.
- `recipients`: Array of recipients with email and optional name
- `subject`: Email subject
- `body`: Email body (HTML supported)
- `from`: (Optional) Sender email and name
- `cc`: (Optional) CC recipients
- `bcc`: (Optional) BCC recipients
- `templateId`: (Optional) ID of a template to use
- `templateData`: (Optional) Data to populate template variables
- `batchSize`: (Optional) Number of emails to send in each batch
- `delayBetweenBatches`: (Optional) Delay in milliseconds between batches
- `smtpConfigId`: (Optional) ID of the SMTP configuration to use
#### get-smtp-configs
Get all configured SMTP servers.
Parameters: None
#### add-smtp-config
Add a new SMTP server configuration.
- `name`: Name for the configuration
- `host`: SMTP server hostname
- `port`: SMTP server port
- `secure`: Whether to use SSL/TLS
- `auth`: Authentication credentials (user and pass)
- `isDefault`: (Optional) Whether this is the default configuration
#### update-smtp-config
Update an existing SMTP server configuration.
- `id`: ID of the configuration to update
- `name`: Name for the configuration
- `host`: SMTP server hostname
- `port`: SMTP server port
- `secure`: Whether to use SSL/TLS
- `auth`: Authentication credentials (user and pass)
- `isDefault`: (Optional) Whether this is the default configuration
#### delete-smtp-config
Delete an SMTP server configuration.
- `id`: ID of the configuration to delete
#### get-email-templates
Get all email templates.
Parameters: None
#### add-email-template
Add a new email template.
- `name`: Template name
- `subject`: Email subject template
- `body`: Email body template (HTML supported)
- `isDefault`: (Optional) Whether this is the default template
#### update-email-template
Update an existing email template.
- `id`: ID of the template to update
- `name`: Template name
- `subject`: Email subject template
- `body`: Email body template (HTML supported)
- `isDefault`: (Optional) Whether this is the default template
#### delete-email-template
Delete an email template.
- `id`: ID of the template to delete
#### get-email-logs
Get logs of sent emails.
Parameters: None
## Example Usage
1. Configure an SMTP server:
name: "Gmail",
host: "",
port: 587,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: "",
pass: "your-app-password"
isDefault: true
2. Create an email template:
name: "Welcome Email",
subject: "Welcome to {{company}}!",
body: "<h1>Hello {{name}},</h1><p>Welcome to {{company}}!</p>",
isDefault: false
3. Send an email using a template:
to: [{ email: "", name: "John Doe" }],
templateId: "welcome-email",
templateData: {
name: "John",
company: "ACME Corp"
4. Send bulk emails:
recipients: [
{ email: "", name: "User 1" },
{ email: "", name: "User 2" }
subject: "Important Announcement",
body: "<p>This is an important announcement.</p>",
batchSize: 10,
delayBetweenBatches: 1000
## Requirements
- Node.js 14+
- Nodemailer for email sending
- Access to an SMTP server
## License